15 minute cities and Digital ID: The UN, WEF, and evil friends are trying to enslave us, but we know that G-d will prevail
Purim, a prime day for prayers and miracles, is approaching.
Purim, the anniversary of the day on which a miraculous salvation was granted to those who repented and cried to G-d with all their hearts, is this Monday night and Tuesday.
It’s a very, very powerful day to return sincerely to our Creator, and to pray hard for Him to save us from the evil plans of those who want to fight against Him and control humanity.
A couple weeks ago, Dr. Michael Yeadon commented on one of the articles here with a warning message about 15 minute cities. I knew very little about the topic at the time, but one of our readers posted two excellent articles from The Expose which I’ve actually used here.
These articles explain the terrible infringement on our freedom of movement posed by the “15 Minute Cities” regulations, which have already begun, and why you need to oppose them and pray with all you’ve got. Of course, as with all their evil plans, the officials cloak these draconian new control tactics in a beautiful-sounding, fake veneer.
15-minute cities: Councils are attempting to remove our freedoms, take control of our lives and herd us into spaces they completely control
By Rhoda Wilson, February 12
At the same time local governments in the UK are attempting to implement 15-minute cities, a top banker claims the rollout of a digital ID “super app” is inevitable. Both are dystopian control tools and neither is inevitable.
It’s not only in the UK that cities are signing up for the 15-minute prison concept. Edmonton in Canada, for example, is also planning to implement the draconian control structure needed to restrict residents’ rights and freedom of movement.
The UK government will eventually roll out a “super app” that houses each citizen’s combined economic footprint, from credit ratings to know-your-customer details, a top banker has predicted. This economic digital ID would aim to follow in the footsteps of the swift and widespread adoption of the UK government’s NHS health app.
Referring to this “super-app” that could carry all of the financial data of each UK citizen, Chair of UK Finance Bob Wigley said: “This will be the year that we finally persuade the banking system that we need an economic digital identity system, just like the NHS app.”
Speaking at the New Digital Assets and Money Symposium conference in the City of London on Tuesday, he added: “This financial app will be personal and attached to each citizen as we need a wider fully digital economic identity programme.”
Wigley is not telling the truth. It is not inevitable and we don’t need it.
In the video below, UK Financial Preparedness gave a round-up of bizarre and concerning news from around the world relating to the dystopian and anti-human agenda. He begins with the above report followed by a report about 15-minute cities in the UK. It’s not difficult to imagine how an economic digital ID and the restriction of movement using the 15-minute cities concept will seamlessly merge into one.
Last year we published an article on the proposed plans by Oxfordshire County Council which included 15-minute neighbourhoods and low-traffic neighbourhoods in Oxford. Oxford is one of the 1,143 cities and local governments around the world that have joined C40’s ‘Cities Race to Zero’ – cities whose leaders are “working urgently toward a decarbonised economy.” C40 is a global network of mayors “taking urgent action to confront the climate crisis.” There is of course no climate crisis and a “decarbonised economy” is psychobabble, which when translated into plain English, means they want to tax us more and raise the cost of living while at the same time removing our rights and freedoms.
The 15-minute cities concept isn’t based on democratic principles of people deciding together or agreeing on an idea. The reality is…. we are talking about city councils starting to take control and starting to herd people into carefully controlled spaces.
“After closely watching residents in Oxford, UK (who are testing this concept now) we are learning that their municipal governments are rapidly moving the goal-posts on the freedom to leave your 15 min city,” Verrier said.
“What was first advertised as the freedom to leave your area with your car up to 100 times per year has now changed to lesser amount set-points and without notice to residents. They are often subsequently fined when leaving their zone because they work in another zone.”
The project would stop drivers from using smaller roads that connect the five neighbourhoods, with the council closing the routes.
Residents would instead be encouraged to use public transport, walk or cycle their journey — or use the permitted routes to drive.
Furthermore, there are cement jersey barricades set up at entry and exit points in many Oxford neighbourhoods.
“This leaves those residents wondering if barricade points will be manned with guards in the future who will “check your papers” before being allowed to enter or exit your 15 min city zone,” Verrier said.
BW: Based on the article: This is a map of Southeast England with the word “Edmonton” on it to show what that city in Canada is in for, as their government prepares to follow the UK. Notice it says that vehicles in each zone will not be permitted to travel into another zone. Instead, they will be directed into the highway to get to other zones. (How does it help anything to make the trip longer?)
“…the City of Edmonton is silent on what consequences are to be expected when you must leave your zone — perhaps daily, to access work, health specialists, schools or to visit and care for your loved ones.”
Cleveland, OH also has plans to become a 15 minute city.
The protest in Oxfordshire:
Protestors gather in Oxford to demonstrate their disapproval of draconian 15-minute neighbourhoods
By Rhoda Wilson, February 20
Oxford was one of the first to announce a scheme where car owners will be fined for driving outside of their local area. On Saturday, people gathered in Oxford to protest the 15-minute prisons the World Economic Forum and its collaborators are attempting to implement.
Proving that even children have more common sense and forethought than Net Zero Zealots, 12-year-old Jasmine sent Klaus Schwab a strong message: “How dare you steal my childhood and my future, and the future of all children, by enslaving us in your crazy digital surveillance prison.”
You can watch all the speeches from the event, including Jasmine’s above, HERE.
David Kurten of the Heritage Party was there. “No councillors, MPs or unelected globalists have the right to restrict the freedom of the people,” he said.
Also in attendance was a pathetic looking, and perhaps “paid-to-be-there,” motley crew of masked counter-protestors yelling “fascists” at those making a stand for our rights and freedoms. They obviously haven’t a clue what fascism is. And, it almost appears as if they are being paraded down the street with a police escort. Perhaps that’s why they’re shuffling along looking awkward and embarrassed. At least they had the sense to completely cover themselves up so they can’t be identified – they would never live down the shame and their family and friends would probably disown them.
The Oxford Mail, being part of the establishment, focused on the number of people arrested, managing to avoid the reason for the protest entirely. In the days leading up to the protest, using blatant propaganda tactics, Oxford Mail marred the protests as infiltrated or influenced by the “far right” and “neo-Nazis.” Their lack of reporting on the draconian proposed measures based on a false narrative firmly identifies them as part of the propaganda machine.
Oxford Mail reported that 2,000 people attended the event which surprisingly – considering how numbers attending previous freedom protests have been grossly underreported by corporate media – isn’t that far off. By placing a camera in the middle of a road that protestors walked down, a citizen journalist filmed the protestors passing by and estimated the number of protestors at 2,600.
What are the Council’s Plans?
Last October, The Sunday Times described what Oxfordshire County Council’s proposed policy is:
“Oxford’s 150,000 residents will be allowed to use their cars as much as they like within their district and will be given free permits allowing them to drive to other districts on 100 days a year. If they exceed this limit, they will be fined, possibly £70 a journey or a day. A maximum of three permits a household will be allowed … The restrictions will take effect between 7 am and 7 pm, seven days a week, in four of the six districts, but not on Sundays in the other two.”
The Oxford Mail reported that Duncan Enright, Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for travel and development strategy, “insisted the controversial plan would go ahead whether people liked it or not.”
And as it turns out Oxford residents don’t much care for Marxist-style authoritarianism and social media users let staff and councillors of Oxfordshire City Council know how they felt about the “15-minute neighbourhood” plans which prompted the dictators in the council to claim they were the victims of online abuse.
Oxford City Council, Oxford County Council and Oxford Mail seem to be incapable of comprehending that people do not want, nor do they agree, to be forced into a dystopian future that globalist technocrats have devised to control residents and remove their rights and freedoms.
Councillors are supposed to be public servants, not totalitarian dictators.
Further reading:
The Man Behind Oxford’s 15-Minute Neighbourhoods
Duncan Enright is the Oxfordshire county councillor leading the policy of dividing Oxford city into six “15-minute neighbourhoods.” Enright is a career politician who seems to have had private roles which would be greatly enhanced by the public roles he held at the time, and vice versa.
“We need to lead by example and support climate action in all that we do. We are committed to delivering significant reductions in our carbon production and I am delighted we have been recognised with these awards. They demonstrate how collaborating with our partners early on, across our schemes, brings us closer to achieving our goal of carbon neutrality by 2030.” – Councillor Duncan Enright, Cabinet Member for Travel and Development Strategy
Oxfordshire County Council picks up three environmental awards, Oxfordshire County Council, 8 December 2022
(Here I skipped over Enright’s long list of positions. They’re actually quite enlightening and you can find them on the original article link below.)
The Expose article continues:
Move 2023 – The World’s No.1 Tech Mobility and Start Up Show
Perhaps one of the most obvious indicators that Enright is entrenched in the Net Zero Cult is that he is listed as a speaker at the 2023 MOVE conference that will be held in June in London. Another speaker is Sophie Adams, Head of Customer Experience at the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV). Did you know the UK Government had an Office for Zero Emission Vehicles?
The MOVE 2023 conference gives attendees access to over 1,000 speakers “across the mobility spectrum.” There seems to be whole industries as well as government departments that are springing up around and, like circling vultures, hoping to profiteer from net zero ideology.
To understand what nonsense the 1,000 speakers will be spewing and what delights the attendees can expect to hear, below is what the conference is about:
Once upon a time there was a planet called Earth that came to being destroyed by its people.
Every day carbon-based industry and transport chipped away at Earth’s fragile eco-system and made its people sick.
One day, eminent scientists and the wise warned of the coming carbon apocalypse.
Because of that, Earth’s citizens pledged to end their fatal carbon addiction and ICE-based transport.
Because of that, we created MOVE to promote and develop sustainable urban transport.
Until finally Earth will have a sustainable, exciting and creative transport system that is full of possibilities.
These people are not of sound mind. They are escapees from a puzzle factory. But Duncan Enright, Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for travel and development strategy and the man leading the 15-minute neighbourhood prison policy in Oxford, read that introduction and thought to himself – “Now that’s a conference I should be speaking at, it’s right up my street.”
More of the article here:
Time for real patriots - those who understand unalienable rights, liberty and freedom - to stand joining hands across the world - shoulder to shoulder & side-by-side. It is time.
Of course the man behind Oxford's 15 minute city has a Ukraine flag and pronouns prominently displayed.
Like alternate sources of protein, like looking out for each other while a new contagious (un-natural) disease is going around, sustainable urban planning and having more useful things in a short distance would be a great idea in a sane world.
But in this world, where everything is twisted to be a means for authoritarian control, that ends up doing the opposite of what it claims to - NO WAY.