“Anti-vaccine beliefs are a mental illness/domestic terrorist threat.” Want to be drugged into compliance?
May G-d save us.
There are several pieces that come together here to paint a picture that we definitely don’t want to become a reality.
Realizing the plans that seem to be in store (G-d forbid), and fighting them with everything we’ve got is crucial, for the sake of our very lives.
Please see this video.
DANGER: "Anti-Vaccine" Thoughts are a Mental Illness Requiring "Treatment"
Basically, what apparently might be coming, may G-d protect us, is something like this: “Do what I say and take your shots, because if you have “anxiety” or concerns about the shots, (or don’t agree with the government/Pharma) well, that’s a mental illness that needs to be treated. And we have our ways of making sure you take the treatment.”
They did this already, by the way, in the former Soviet Union. Many people were diagnosed with a bogus illness called “sluggish schizophrenia” because of their political dissent, and locked away in mental homes.
Here is some of the documented evidence presented in the video above:
In this other video below, in New Zealand, citizens are urged to report a new type of terrorist threat.

“New Zealand has gone full police state. Anyone with a different POV is an enemy. New Zealand govt booklets being released telling the public that if they suspect their friends or family are opposing govt policies, incl COVID measures, they should be reported as terrorists.”
Igor Chudov wrote about something similar.
Here is part of Igor’s article:
Be aware that “bioethics” has moved on to proposals that might seem crazy to you but are considered seriously and published in Bill Gates-funded publications and scientific journals. Important studies on this subject are conducted under the auspices of the World Economic Forum.
Forcibly giving people collectivism-promoting “Morality Pills” (archive link) is a popular suggestion among bioethicists. It was published in Bill Gates-funded The Conversation and is discussed widely in scientific literature. (The Conversation received 7 million dollars from Bill Gates but pretends to be an independent journalism publication.)
What are these morality pills? You might think that morality, to them, means being a good husband or wife, honesty in business, working hard, fulfilling promises, and so on. Why not enhance that? What’s the problem?
The problem is that this is NOT how they define morality! To them, morality is a collectivist mindset, lack of critical thinking, and compliance. The article explains that some people lack “moral qualities” and refuse to wear masks or take Covid vaccines, or even deny climate change:
My research in bioethics focuses on questions like how to induce those who are noncooperative to get on board with doing what’s best for the public good. To me, it seems the problem of coronavirus defectors could be solved by moral enhancement: like receiving a vaccine to beef up your immune system, people could take a substance to boost their cooperative, pro-social behavior. Could a psychoactive pill be the solution to the pandemic?
They propose giving people pills to enhance collectivist “morality” and explain the climate change angle relevance:
But a strategy like this one could be a way out of this pandemic, a future outbreak or the suffering associated with climate change. That’s why we should be thinking of it now.
The proposed solution to give people morality pills is more than idle thinking. Several candidate psychoactive substances are identified and considered seriously: psilocybin and oxytocin, for example.
If people don’t want to take the pills?
The ethicists have a solution: administer collectivist morality pills by force or surreptitiously.
As some have argued, a solution would be to make moral enhancement compulsory or administer it secretly, perhaps via the water supply. These actions require weighing other values. Does the good of covertly dosing the public with a drug that would change people’s behavior outweigh individuals’ autonomy to choose whether to participate? Does the good associated with wearing a mask outweigh an individual’s autonomy to not wear one?
Serious articles discuss how to do it:
Some of you, my dear readers, might think this is so … crazy that it is simply useless musings of fringe philosophers, not worth discussing.
Quite to the contrary, the famous and influential organization called the World Economic Forum sponsors such bioenhancement research.
Human “enhancement” to force mass vaccination? Sounds familiar?
Here is the link to Igor’s article:
We need to pray to the One G-d, Creator of the world, to save us from the evil.
If we are going to wait for HaShem then save us, we are in big trouble. There are more of us than there are of them. I highly recommend that we take matters into our own hands & figure something out. There is an old saying ‘G-d helps those that help themselves.’
Shavu'a tov, Mrs. Weisberger. I wanted to share a bit about "Amazing Polly" who made that video. A few weeks ago, she posted "Free the Jews" to Bitchute (notoriously pro-n@zi) and to Rumble (smaller pro-n@zi presence). This video began with a description of how Jews control the media, and are manipulated by our leaders into thinking the Holocaust was a big deal.
The best part of all (sarc) is the comment sections on these videos, where the n@zis let loose. One advertised for an openly pro-hitler (y"sh) video, which some readers may have heard of. "Amazing Polly" replied that she had watched that video and cried tears of relief, to realize that the traditional anti-n@zi narrative is not true.
I replied to one of the n@zis on the Bitchute video that Biden, Clinton, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Macron, Merkel, Obama, Pelosi, Schwab, and Trudeau were not Jews. He replied that every one of them is a "jew" [sic]. Can you believe this level of psychopathy?
The information offered in this Substack article is extremely important, please do not misunderstand. I am very glad we have been warned about this! However, we need to understand that Polly is our enemy and supports those who want to kill us.
The other link comes from Infowars. I am glad Alex Jones had an apparently friendly relationship with the great Dr. Zelenko, z"l. But Jones has now hosted an interview with Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes. Jones does disagree with Fuentes about hitler, in a mild, civilized fashion, but seems to disapprove of the Jewish reaction against Fuentes.
It would be great if the medical freedom movement could find more advocates who are not lunatic anti-Semites. And it would be even better if Jews would heed the advice in tractate Avoth and stop getting involved with the government; more generally stop getting involved in power and money and politics; and get more involved with Torah and mitz'voth.