Please share these amazing ads showing parents the potential grave harms of the covid shots for their children.
If anyone wants them in PDF form to print as flyers to give out, please email me at
Thank G-d for the ideas & inspiration given to different “team members,” and thank you so much to my designer for her creativity, passion, and caring.
These ads are partially in response to a huge propaganda campaign by the New Jersey Department of Health and the CDC, currently going on near me.
I know the ad above might seem to be saying that other shots are safe, but it’s not my intention to say that (I do NOT believe they are.)
The reason we did the ad that way is because we flipped a recent NJ Health Department ad - see this nauseating piece of falsehood:
Anyway, if you’re worried about seeming to imply that other shots are safe, you might like to share this one instead:
This last one is cultural, so I’ll explain it. It’s saying, in other words, that it’s hard enough to find “the right one,” without having to worry about drastically narrowing the pool of eligible people to date, due infertility concerns because of the covid shots.
That one is also a flip of a horrible and patently lying government ad. 😂
This is the one from NJ Department of Health that we got our inspiration from. (Yes, they’re targeting the Jewish community with “culturally appropriate” ads!) 😡
How can they claim that getting a covid booster will take covid “off the table” when a very common adverse effect of the shot is GETTING COVID? You probably already know about the large Cleveland Clinic study that inadvertently found that the more jabs, the higher the rate of covid infection.
G-d willing, we are getting Ad #1 printed this week in five publications, for a total reach of many, many tens of thousands of households.
If anyone can contribute (the cost will be over $4,000), please donate for the ads at
Thank you so much, and please share our ads! G-d willing, hopefully they will save lives.
This is the video Dr. Cole made especially for the kids of South Africa in November 2021:
G-d will bless you for these ads.