Big Pharma Payoffs, Chronic Disease, Autism, and Measles Murder
When you are seeking the perpetrator of a crime, look for someone who has a motive. In this case, consider who profits from America’s widespread chronic sickness?
How telling:
Why has America become obsessed with eradicating infection, when almost all death actually results from chronic disease? Chronic disease has become epidemic - yet nothing truly meaningful is done to eradicate it.
Of course not - because finding the causes of chronic disease would necessitate Big Pharma looking in the mirror.
From the excellent CHD article covering RFK’s confirmation hearing:
“The focus is on infectious disease, and we almost altogether ignore chronic disease, which causes 92% of the deaths in this country,” Kennedy said. Noting that the U.S. had a disproportionate percentage of COVID-19-related deaths during the pandemic, Kennedy said it is because “we are the sickest people on earth.”
Much of the discussion about vaccines centered on rising autism rates, with Kennedy noting that they have increased from 1 in 10,000 to as high as 1 in 34, calling this an “explosion” that public health agencies have long overlooked.
Kennedy referred to a recent peer-reviewed study of 47,000 9-year-olds to respond to claims by members of the committee that the link between autism and vaccines has been definitively debunked. The study found that autism rates were higher among vaccinated children and increased as the number of vaccinations grew.
“Why don’t we know what’s causing this epidemic?” Kennedy asked. “Why hasn’t CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] been looking at other hypotheses to determine the etiology of why we’ve had this dramatic 1,000% increase in this disease that is destroying our kids?”
Several members of the committee openly agreed with Kennedy’s stance on autism.
In this must-watch video, Dr. Toby Rogers, a self-professed liberal who ended up becoming a foremost world expert on vaccines and autism, describes how he stumbled into researching autism and his shock when he followed the science to where it led. After four years of complete immersion and writing a doctoral thesis on the topic, Dr. Rogers confidently states that the vast majority of the exponential increase in autism is a direct result of vaccines.
Dr. Rogers’ research is so compelling, I guarantee that your views will change if you watch the above video with an open mind.
At this point, you might be saying, “But what about measles? Isn’t it dangerous?”
The public has been conditioned to have a deep-seated fear of measles. But do we truly have what to be afraid of? Or was a “deadly measles outbreak” in 2019 orchestrated for evil purposes? You decide:
Dr. Ah Kahn Syed’s article titled, The Killing Fields of Samoa, gives plenty of clues about suspected mass murder in Samoa:
April 2019 - MMR relaunched in Samoa after a pause on the vaccination program in 2018 after two vaccine-related deaths of children. The vaccine program was poorly received by the Samoan population and uptake was low.
1st Oct 2019 - UNICEF delivered 135,000 doses of measles vaccines to Fiji, 110,500 doses of measles vaccines to Samoa (as well as supplies of vitamin A) and 12,000 doses of measles vaccines to Tonga
18th Oct 2019 - Samoa declares a measles outbreak.
24th Oct 2019 - Tonga declares a measles outbreak.
7th Nov 2019 - Fiji declares a measles outbreak (archive here)
15th Nov 2019 - State of emergency declared in Samoa after 1000 cases and 15 deaths (of which 14 were children under five)
So there are two aspects to the devastating and fatal Samoa outbreak:
Why did a measles outbreak occur in 3 neighbouring islands at the same time, just weeks after a delivery of UNICEF vaccines to those very islands?
Why did the death rate in the Samoan outbreak reach such high levels far in excess of what would be expected in a country with access to healthcare?
Well for (1) it is clear that the vaccine wasn’t effective at preventing the outbreaks, which means that either the measles vaccines don’t work (not just the current one they provided but those from the years prior that were supposed to give herd immunity) - or there was a new strain of measles introduced that was not covered by the vaccines.
For (2) it is reasonably clear from reports on the ground that there were major issues getting hold of medical treatments for those affected. It’s really worth watching this episode of The Highwire from Dec 2019 which gives a very different view of the situation than the government and WHO reported.
The takeaway from reports in Samoa at the time was that basic medical care, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C and other supportive measures, was denied to the children of Samoa. It is almost as if it was necessary that a lot of children died to promote a narrative that then required government intervention “to sort out the problem”. To be clear, those children didn’t need to die. They died because the government needed to convince the population that they were in charge and dissent was not allowed. Governments do this.
In any case the desired intervention came swiftly in early December.
Isn’t this just the same scenario we have seen over the last 3 years?
A viral outbreak suspiciously appears
Repurposed and safe drugs (including vitamins) are denied as adjunctive treatment to people who would likely benefit from them at zero risk
The vaccine people come along to pretend to save the day (and likely make the situation worse because vaccinating the population during an outbreak is usually a really bad idea)
Social media nudge units move into action to denigrate anybody suggesting anything other than what BigPharma and BigGovt suggest as the solution, then many more people die than should have.
I will take this opportunity to point out that these nudge units are insidious. They are the dark side of science and medicine and whilst they are allowed to do what they do, often sponsored by governments (as a means to coercive control of the population), people will continue to be forced into medical interventions in a way that is no different to that of Nazi Germany. The result has been an excessive level of death around the world and I want to reinforce that without these parasite foot soldiers of the nudge units, many hundreds of thousands of deaths could have been prevented. I have been writing about them for over a year.
It got worse in Samoa because, once the unusual and unusually deadly measles outbreak happened, things escalated quickly. What did the Samoan government do? They mandated measles vaccination and brought in the Chinese army to help (note that any reference to the Chinese army’s presence in Samoa has been scrubbed from the internet). The population was told to put a red flag outside their house to identify them as unvaccinated. Are you getting the picture now?
Much more in Dr. Ah Khan Syed’s full article - see here:
If you have any interest in this topic of Vaccines, this 3 part series is a great way to start since this "agent" had done lots of the research. Here is a link to part one. Warning: Information is extremely disturbing, but shouldn't be surprising to anyone with some knowledge about autism and dis ease in our society and the evil that perpetrates it.