Bombshell Information: Recording of August 13 Critical Health Event NOT JUST FOR WOMEN
This conference covered topics ranging from the true MARRIAGE-DESTROYING effects of the Pill, to prevention of mental illness through proper nutrition. Here, I also present new information.
Sunday’s event turned out to be extremely enlightening, thank G-d. I learned a lot, for example, about how optimal diet and nutrition etc can actually prevent and treat fertility problems, endocrine disorders, and even mental health issues. If a person is properly informed, they can likely avoid facing the challenges of PCOS, thyroid problems, postpartum anxiety and depression, physical depletion, and so much more.
Certified Nutritionist Eliezer Gruber gave out his phone number and welcomes helping people: (917) 685-8468.
Here is the recording link:
Speakers: •Yudi Sherman • Dr. James Thorp MD • Rabbi Jonathan Rietti • Rabbi Shimon Chyrek • Certified Nutritionist Eliezer Gruber
(Note, Rabbi Jonathan Rietti will G-d willing be doing a Part 2.)
Backtracking to the beginning of the conference, the first speaker was Yudi Sherman, Senior Correspondent for Frontline News - and I feel a tremendous calling to get the information he speaks about out to the world.
Someone asked me why the title of the conference included the phrase “keeping families intact.” The answer is this: it is mind-blowing how much misery, how many ruined lives, broken homes, and devastated children - and everything in society that spirals out of all these - is being at least partially caused by the adverse effects of the Pill. As Yudi Sherman explains, the effects of hormonal birth control include loss of attraction between spouses (it goes both ways), loss of libido, depression, and so much more. Be sure to hear his short talk, and here is the link to his article:
He’s not kidding. You can google and it all comes right up - the loss of desire and loss of attraction, the depression and irritability and even jealousy and anger, that can be side effects of these artificial chemicals. It’s so strange that all the harms are hidden in plain sight, and almost no one is aware.
Take a look, for example, at what I found in just a little while of googling the effects of the Pill and another popular hormonal birth control - the Nuva Ring. (The hormonal IUD and the patch also pose similar risks, while the copper IUD has its own set of serious negative health effects.)
Except that, the Nuva Ring has not been discontinued.
My google search led me to a site where one woman after another described severe depression, even suicidal thoughts, and loss of libido, resulting from the Nuva Ring.
For example:
Extreme reactions such as those above are only the tip of the iceberg, because harms from drugs happen on something like a bell curve. For every woman who is affected so badly that the cause is clear to her, how many women and couples are destroyed by subclinical effects whose origin they do not recognize?
The reason that these systemic hormonal methods decrease libido is that they interfere with women’s testosterone production.
How tragic to know that the use of these rings is common enough in my community that women’s ritual baths - Mikvahs - have signs reminding patrons to remove their Nuva Rings.
Imagine how a loss of desire - which can be permanent, by the way - affects a couple’s relationship.
But it’s even more insidious than lack of libido. Yudi Sherman explained that the synthetic hormones affect our pheromones, which can cause the husband to become less attracted to his wife who taking the chemicals - and she, to stop feeling attracted to him.
One quick find on google - there’s more, and from the reports I got from a professional (see below), this is nothing compared to the tragic reality on the ground.
Why do we need to look further than these hormones to begin to understand the spiraling divorce rate?
A professional - one of the exceedingly few who IS aware of the grave harms of hormonal birth control - told me some of the heartbreaking stories that come her way. We’re talking about beautiful new marriages in shambles and previously loving couples divorcing - and she’s able to trace each of these downward spirals back to the hormonal birth control the woman started.
This professional says she gets messages concerning 5-6 such cases per week.
(The tragic irony is that the hormones might have been started for no other reason than to regulate the bride in order to set a wedding date. But if resulting marital disharmony sets right in, the bride is advised by well-meaning people to stay on the Pill because it’s obviously “not a good idea to get pregnant if things are rocky!” And so the marriage goes downhill from there.)
Perhaps the worst part is that all too frequently, she can’t even get the couples to believe her and to try staying off the Pill long-term! Their therapists tell them that the Pill is safe and can’t be the problem - THEY must just not be compatible.
An observant Jewish MD I’m in contact with, Asya Mishory, (@notjustMD) from often cites the huge (but largely ignored by healthcare) 2016 study in JAMA psychiatry, on 1 million women, showed that across the board, all hormonal birth control methods increased the risk of mood disturbances (anxiety and depression) by about 30%. The endpoint that was used was if a woman went and got diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist. Asya explains that, "As women, we all know that the actual percentages are much higher than reported, as there is a huge spectrum of mood disturbances, anxiety, depression, and diminished desire, way before a woman seeks help and is put on an antidepressant. When they tried to make hormonal birth control for men, the initial findings were very promising, until the study was shut down due to a high prevalence of mood disturbances. I always wonder if the prevalence really was higher in men? Or are men just not willing to put up with what women have been told is 'for our own good' for the past 60 years?"
In conversation with women experiencing mood disturbances on the Pill or IUD, Asya inquires, "Were you asked about personal or family history of anxiety or depression before being prescribed any form of hormonal birth control? "
Asya wrote to me regarding marital difficulties that couples are having, “There are so many factors, but it's important to realize that it's not possible to have a clear head and be able to think through challenges, because our entire personality literally changes while using drugs to shut off our entire feminine system.”
It is absolutely appalling that now, a version of the Pill will available over the counter.
With all this in mind, you might realize why I feel passionately that getting the information out about the harms of hormonal BC, as far and wide as possible, has to be one of the most important things we could do to improve the health of humanity.
Another extremely critical point is that in terms of bringing the next generation into the world, the Pill messes up women’s natural hormones and feelings so much that once on it, many stay on way longer than they originally wanted to, feeling like they absolutely cannot handle a pregnancy in their life.
In a fascinating conversation with Asya (, who supports women to find non-systemic alternatives to these artificial, harmful hormones, (while working to optimize their own health and nutrition), she told me how she routinely sees women's vitality return when off the Pill & IUD, with their natural maternal instincts returning as designed by the Creator.
She said she sees it all the time. Asya mentioned an example of a woman who was emphatic that she could not handle any more children for at least 5 years - but once she got off the pill and had a viable non-systemic alternative that wasn't shutting off her entire reproductive system, so many things in her life felt much more manageable and she decided to get pregnant with "just one more" ..... and thank G-d she gave birth recently. Fascinatingly, after this birth, she doesn’t even feel a desire or need to use any special spacing methods at all.
As an MD teaching women how to track, understand, and optimize their fertility with FAM - Fertility Awareness Method, Asya witnesses this happen time and again - even in women who had claimed they were “done” having children.
I truly can’t help but feel that the Pill (and other hormonal BC products, such as rings, patches, and IUDs) must be some of the most destructive products ever unleashed on humanity.
My readers know how often I write about certain products that kill human lives… but now I came across the ones that kill human families. I am in shock, and heartbroken.
This is diabolical.
We cannot stop here. Community leaders, and everyone, need to find out the truth.
Please share this recording and information far and wide.
No more needs to be said about this whole subject than the fact that it is all one huge reckless experiment with human subjects and without anything near real informed consent. I am old enough to remember when this began in the '60s, so the very first human guinea pigs are still alive and the long-term effects are by definition unknown. Add to that the tremendous temptation connected with this issue, and you have one of the most irresponsible and unethical medical programs ever, at least until the COVID 'vaccines'.
Thank you for the very informative and important article.
No surprise, I’ve been telling people exactly the same thing for 35 years from personal experiences.