Bombshell Kids Vaccine Trial Data, and more
This might wake up some parents before they harm their babies, G-d forbid. Please be brave and share widely among your friends.
Etana Hecht put together this amazing collection of data. I assume that many of my subscribers don’t automatically receive her articles, so I’m copying her article so we can spread the truth further and try to save more lives.
Like parents tell their kids about street drugs: Just SAY NO!
Beginning quoted article:
It’s undeniable. My feeds, inboxes, and group chats are absolutely exploding with stories, data, reports, and new information, all of which point directly towards the horrible mistake of mass vaccination that global governments forced onto their populations.
And yet… they’re doubling down. The FDA and the CDC, headed by Dr. Rachelle Wolensky unanimously voted to begin vaccinating the babies, and it’s taken some time to process the decision and the wide range of reactions to it.
The FDA shockingly, but unsurprisingly, ignored dozens of safety signals and the exposure of their horribly designed and at times fraudulent clinical trials. They ignored official statements from doctors, lawyers, scientists, military personnel, aviation safety specialists, data analysts, and members of Congress. They ignored the pleas of desperate parents and community activists who took their 3 minutes of public commentary to discuss the destruction the Covid vaccines have already wrought on their families and communities.
It seems as though we’ve turned a corner into a more intense phase of this battle. Those of us on Team Reality are watching in horror as communities in the USA, the ONLY country in the world with the audacity to begin injecting babies with mRNA, launch their baby vaccine campaigns. At the same time, if you step into an alternate reality that Team Control lives in, and read the comments section of the NYT Facebook page, it’s filled with delusional, hypochondriac parents whose 2-year-olds haven’t seen the inside of a grocery store, and will literally be first on line to vaccinate their little ones. It’s a mind twist, and I’m going to try to make some sense of it by going through some of the news that’s come out since this decision took place.
Instant Rebuttal
Shortly after the votes were cast, a British diagnostic pathologist named Dr. Clare Craig posted a 4-minute video that breaks down the shockingly misleading nature of the Pfizer clinical trial conclusions that they achieved by manipulating their data:
~4,500 children were recruited for the trial. Out of those, ~3000 didn’t make it to the end of the trial. Without an explanation that alone should have rendered this trial null and void.
They defined severe Covid as a slightly raised heart rate. There were 6 children with severe Covid in the vaccine group and only 1 in the placebo group. They ignored this data.
They vaccinated the children and waited 3 weeks until the second dose. In those 3 weeks, 34 children got Covid from the vaccine group and only 13 children got Covid in the unvaccinated group. That’s a 30% increased chance of catching Covid in that 3 week period if they were vaccinated. They ignored this data.
They waited 8 weeks until the next dose, during which a lot of vaccinated kids got Covid, and they ignored that.
They waited 7 weeks until the next check-in, during which 3 children who were vaccinated got Covid, and 7 children who were unvaccinated got Covid. They used only this dataset to declare it effective, and ignored 97% of the Covid cases that had occurred from the beginning of the trial.
They then followed the children for 2 months to check who got Covid twice. There were 12 children who got Covid twice, and 11 of them were vaccinated.
After an additional 6 weeks, they “unblinded” the control group, which means they vaccinated the children who had gotten the placebo, destroying the possibility of comparing the groups for long term safety and efficacy.
They’re claiming this vaccine works based on 10 children, with a difference of 4 cases. They’re claiming they need an EMERGENCY use authorization, which is a complete distortion of what an EUA was actually meant for.
Dr. Craig ends off by stating that “parents should be DEMANDING that the decision makers explain themselves.” I agree.
Steve Kirsch put together a video that highlights the hypocrisy and falsehood of the CDC’s decision.
Request from Senator Ron Johnson
The Daily Clout reports that Dr. Peter McCullough, the most widely published expert in his field of cardiology has been sent a letter by the American Board of Internal Medicine informing him that they will be convening to decide “whether to recommend any disciplinary sanctions” against Dr. McCullough due to his publicly stated opinions. In response, Senator Ron Johnson wrote a letter to the American Board of Internal Medicine saying that he was aware of the warning to Dr. McCullough, and he formally invited them to partake in a public discussion regarding Covid vaccines and Covid protocols. As the Senator wrote, “It is well last(sic) time for the public to hear from many sides regarding COVID-19 in a public forum.”
Hiding Data
Reminder: The CDC, the FDA, and the NIH are public government agencies. They are funded by we, the people, and their sole purpose is to ensure that private pharma/medical companies are following proper safety protocols and producing products that are safe for public consumption. Pharmaceutical companies are required to submit their internal data to the FDA when requesting approval or authorization for a given product. That data then belongs to the public. We shouldn’t have to be using the hand of the law to extract that data from the public health agencies, yet here we are.
The amazing Josh Guetzko has methodically proven that the CDC lied about the manner in which they were going to monitor adverse events.
Natalie Winters of The National Pulse reports that a non-profit from Texas called Defending the Republic is suing the FDA after it denied their request for the data that Moderna submitted to the FDA regarding their Covid-19 vaccine and clinical trials.
Male Fertility
An Israeli study was published over the weekend with data about sperm counts in vaccinated men. The study included 37 sperm donors from 3 sperm banks in Israel. There was a total of 220 samples, with each donor providing a sample before vaccination, and then at up to 3 points post-vaccination until day 150. There were significant decreases in sperm count, sperm motility, and total motility after vaccination, with some of the donors experiencing a recovery in a long enough time frame after the vaccine.
It gets complicated here, and Ran Israeli does a great job breaking it down. The study (which made sure to mention that “misinformation” is a serious problem) concluded as follows:
Ran studied the study and noticed that they based their conclusion on the median results of the donors, instead of the average. By avoiding the average, they managed to ignore the outliers in the study whose sperm counts dropped dramatically and did not recover. Ran is requesting that the authors of the study share their full dataset.

El gato malo further explains Ran’s findings:
GAA: Aviation Update
The Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition are calling for the airlines to begin to acknowledge the harms caused by the Covid vaccines. They state that according to aviation safety’s own rules, the vaccines should have never been allowed to be introduced into aviation until long term safety data has been collected.
They put together a video with testimonies of a variety of aviation specialists.
What Comes Next
Edward Dowd is in the business of making predictions, and he’s successful when he’s correct. His track record is proof of his astute view on the world, and he managed to take 2 billion dollars when he worked at Blackrock and turn it into 14 billion dollars during an economic downturn.
Edward, together with a Wall Street partner of his, has done research into excess mortality rates, insurance claim numbers including death and long term disability, and funeral home numbers. All of those are up significantly, and for a variety of reasons, Edward Dowd declares that in his view, the vaccines are a fraudulent product that are causing unprecedented harms.
Excess mortality is running at an elevation of 20% based on CDC’s numbers
According to a household survey done by the US Dept of Labor statistics, there are 3 million more reports of long term disability in 2021 than previous years
This is a great interview with Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog where Edward discusses the vaccine fallout as well as the current economic situation, and where he thinks it’s leading to. He predicts that those who perpetrated the fraud will not get away with it, as the fallout is accumulating and the destruction is too great.
The good news is that it appears that a small percentage of parents will actually be going to vaccinate their babies. The bad news is that even a small percentage is too much, and with this move the public health agencies have hammered that last nail into their coffin of public trust. They officially have no use, and cause more harm than good. I hope Mr. Dowd is correct when he says that new agencies will eventually be built from the ground up to replace them.
End of quotes. Here is the link to Etana’s original article. THANK YOU to Etana, your articles are always SUPERB, B”H!