BRAND NEW MALE fertility INFORMATION just released from Israel: it appears that 1 in 5 men are sterilized by the covid shots
The double blow of the FDA baby approval plus this awful information of what the shot does long term is difficult to bear. I REALLY pray it will wake up parents, doctors, and leaders.
I am going to copy paste two posts yesterday by El Gato Malo from Boriquagato on this newly released Israeli study, because I know that many readers don’t click links and some people cannot. This information is too important for EVERYONE not to see it.
Begin quotes:
one of the great early misapprehensions about mRNA vaccines is that they would not have widespread, systematic effects, instead remaining relatively localized. this was rapidly debunked and early studies showed widespread penetration of organs with a particular and perhaps unfortunate preference for concentration in ovaries and testes. (this was discovered early in japan, then denied vehemently by armies of “fact checkers” only wind up proven in pfizer’s own documents gained through FOIA and lawsuit.)
these mRNA drugs are broadly systemic and concentrate in (amongst others) reproductive organs and effects on menstrual cycles are widely documented.
in light of this quite worrying fact (especially with a compound carrying high CG enrichment relative to actual virus and the attendant risks thereof) it has been surprising to me that there have no been more studies on this topic.
but a few are starting to emerge. this israeli study was published 2 days ago:
and the results are, well, nuts. (sorry)
there was strong a priori reason to suspect effects, especially in light of the higher and more persistent prevalence of vaccine induced S proteins vs natural infection and the CG enrichment issued mentioned above.
Over the first pandemic months, there was insufficient data regarding the possible impact of Covid-19 on human reproduction. Yet, it was clear it employs the Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor for cellular entry 3, 4.Various testicular cells including Leydig, Sertoli, spermatogonia and spermatozoa express ACE2 and related proteases resulting with viral fusion 5, 6. Cytokine storm-induced dysfunction, autophagy regulation and damaged blood-testis barrier were also suggested as possible pathogenic mechanism for testicular damage 7. Clinical reports of orchitis, supported by histological findings, further emphasized testicular involvement 8, 9. Therefore, detrimental impact on both spermatogenesis and testosterone production 10 seem an obvious outcome they evaluated donors from 3 sperm banks over a longitudinal period commencing before pfizer vaccine and following up after.
the study was performed and followed up according to the following timeline around vaccination.
T0 = pre vaxx baseline
T1 = 15-45 days post
T2 = 75-120 days post
T3 = 150+ days post
and from this, substantial effects on sperm concentration and overall motile count were discovered.
the authors draw a set of conclusions from this:
and from this state:
Conclusions: Systemic immune response after BNT162b2 vaccine is a reasonable cause for transient semen concentration and TMC decline. Long-term prognosis remains good
but i am left wondering about these claims and fear they may provide an example of the sort of “nerf or refute your own findings in the abstract so that we can publish this without massive controversy” behavior that has become all too common in medical and scientific journals who withhold peer review from those whose findings look too worrying if stated plainly. (but that will often let such data out if buried deep in supplements and appendixes)
this is why you should always read these data repositories. because they often tell quite a different tale than the abstract.
here’s table two from this same study. notice anything?
i’m struggling to see how one could call this “recovery.”
post day 150, sperm concentration was -15.9% vs baseline, lower even than in the 75-120 day period. average time post vaxx for T3 collection was 174 +/- 26.8 days so we’re talking about 6 months post vaxx with NO recovery in sperm concentration.
total motile count was slightly recovered from T2, but was still down 19.4% vs baseline, seeming to make up somewhat in volume what is lost in concentration.
both results were statistically significant at a 95% confidence interval and nearly so even at T3.
there is a greater than 97% chance that the TMC figure is real and not random.
those are not odds you want to buck.
this raises some serious concerns for a number of reasons:
obviously, this is a significant and unforeseen impact not only missed in the rush-job drug trials, but that the drug makers assured us was basically impossible and spent the better part of a year vehemently denying.
this effect looks durable to at least 6 months and from this data, we really do not know when or even if (or to what extent) it will attenuate.
the role of boosters here is not known, but there is every reason to expect they will have similar effects and either extend or possibly worsen this effect. that seems like a study that should be being performed immediately.
even if this condition does moderate and TMC return to prior levels over time, that timescale looks quite long. it’s certainly more than 6 months. this would seem to imply low motile counts could be near constant in a regimen of annual or bi-annual boosters.
when you rush vaccines to market, especially vaccines using an entirely new and poorly understood modality that has never before been approved or even used in humans, you’re going to get all manner of nasty surprises and this looks to be yet another.
and clearly, it was missed. this was not even mentioned as a possibility in any FDA proceedings of which i am aware.
and THAT is why vaccine development generally takes place over 5-10 years, not 5-7 months.
best i can tell, we cannot even yet rule out that these effects are permanent.
and, of course, we have zero idea what they might do to pre-adolescents and possible impacts on their healthy sexual development and ultimate fertility.
and yet the US is bucking the trend in most of europe and approving this drugs for not just the young and healthy but for kids from 6mo-5 yr. this feels reckless.
we have little idea what this may be doing to ovaries and eggs either as these are much more difficult and invasive to study (and will likely need to be assessed by autopsy). this is another analysis that desperately needs to take place because unlike sperm, eggs to not replenish, so if you damage them, that’s that.
add to this effects on normal development and it could take decades to see what happened.
people have historically trusted vaccines because they underwent serious, long term testing before being pushed wide. assessment was measured in decades, not months and even a tiny number of adverse events would pull them off the market.
to trade upon that trust while abandoning all the safeguards that enabled it is bad science and worse public health policy.
how many more examples of unforeseen outcomes must we endure before this simple truth is accepted?
FOUR HOURS AFTER PUBLISHING THE ABOVE ARTICLE, El Gato Malo had a stunning update in a follow up article:
in the swarm-sourced research world, you never get to do all the smart things. you miss stuff and then, once you see it, say “aha!” once someone shows it to you and it spurs you on to new thought.
and this is why it pays to have perceptive pals such as longtime gatopal™ and israeli data-maven ran israeli.

the implications of this finding are quite striking because median and average can be VERY different things.
median reverted to normal while average did not. mathematically, this implies/necessitates that the system has a few outliers driving the average.
we’re seeing a subset that got a bad outcome.
ran thoughtfully provided a useful graphic to explain how these measures differ.
i’d like to amplify it and apply it to the matter at hand:
let’s say we have 10 people each with a TMC of 10.
the average is 10. so is the median.
the two are interchangeable in a homogeneous population.
but now consider a population with an outlier:
9 have a TMC of 10, one drops to zero.
average now drops to 9 (10% drop).
but median is still 10.
drop a second person to zero, and average is now 8 (20% drop).
median is still 10.
(this would be about the same magnitude and outcome as the study shows)
so which do you want to trust for a medical outcomes study?
median makes it look like nothing happened.
but 1 in 5 people had their total motility count drop to zero. they were sterilized.
that’s a helluva risk factor to ignore.
no measures, avg or median can tell you everything, but medians notoriously fail to capture subsets of outliers. that’s actually kind of why one uses them. but it also makes them inapt for studies of side effects in drugs as anything affecting fewer than half the cohort gets missed.
and that’s an awful lot to leave unexamined.
what we really need to see are the individual outcomes data. based on this avg/media divergence, i will wager it’s going to show us a severe drop in a few people that did not affect most.
we’ll see 20-40% of the group get deeply and durably suppressed while the rest experienced some lesser impact transitorily.
if somewhere on the order of 1 in 5 and 2 in 5 males are seeing severe, durable drops in TMC (50-100% drop), that’s a massive side effect profile. (4 in 10 dropping 50% has the same effect on the avg as 2 in 10 dropping 100%)
it also raises a number of questions about whether and to what extent this could be impairing other testicular function (like testosterone production) and this warrants study.
these are very important questions, especially if this is an autoimmune issue rather than just toxicity as that could well be irreversible and or cumulative with further dosing.
this is information we badly need in the public domain to make sound public health decisions.
in line with ran, i’d like to ask these researchers to release the full data so that we can make an assessment on that.
End of quotes. Here are the links to the original articles.
Wow, I feel like I'm taking a course in "how to interpret clinical studies". That's a really good thing, since we the people can no longer trust our health authorities to tell us the truth.
Case in point: Just today, I got yet another SMS plea from my Israeli health clinic (it must be no. 5 or 6 by now) to please come to my senses and get the Pfizer jabs.
To quote their authoritative message: "The vaccine has undergone and is undergoing rigorous safety checks, and it significantly lowers the chance of developing severe illness and suffering side effects." Signed: "Leumit - We care."
Thank you Brucha for arming us with information.