Bursts of sunlight - Let’s take the time to say Psalm 100 to thank G-d for each one
Lately there have been several pieces of news that really encouraged me. I think this is the fifth. It’s about a week old but I just found it.
This article by Etana Hecht is such a refreshing spark of encouraging news. It really made me feel hopeful that the truth is unavoidably bursting forth and we are about to witness the downfall of the evil.
What we need to pray for and work towards now is that when the bubble bursts, the world won’t just return to a semblance of what it was “before”. There’s a huge, evil hierarchy that has to be taken down. WHO, UN, WEF, CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, DOE, and more of course, together with the belief system they promote, of G-dlessness.
The MAIN THING that has to happen is for people worldwide to realize they’ve been “had” not just about the COVID and the shots, or even just about pharma in general, but by the entire belief system that indoctrinated billions that they have no Creator, that they simply “evolved”, and thus they have no accountability to a Higher Power, no intrinsic purpose or mission, and human life is equivalent to that of a tomato.
How can we move forward to bring the globe back a knowledge of its Divinely-written Owner’s Manual, the blueprint by which it was created?