Childhood Vaccine Injury - 2 year old Faith suffered a vaccine injury after routine MMR vaccine injection
Post by Dr. William Makis MD
Post by Dr. William Makis MD, quoting Faith’s mom:
“First off, it’s vaccine injury awareness month and a memory popped up today about me taking Faith to get another round of vaccines, which just so happens to be the day of her first vaccine injury.
Her little eyes started crossing right after.
She’s underwent surgery to try and fix the problem, which it didn’t do. Because surgery will rarely fix a vaccine injury like this. Her eyes still cross to this day. This picture from the other day shows it, even though it looks much more dramatic at other times. But look how beautiful she still is.
Her second injury was when she stopped speaking after her MMR, but thankfully after detoxing her, words started flowing again, but we are still working with her speech, for sure.
For those of you that don’t know, after extensive doctors appointments and extensive DNA testing our girls are exempt from vaccines for life.
They carry THREE different MTHFRs, one of them being the one that makes it very hard for their bodies to rid of toxins (vaccines are LOADED with toxins.) I know I still get judged for not vaccinating by some on my friends list. But why?
It’s extremely dangerous for our girls to get vaccinated, which was confirmed by a doctor.
Vaccines are not one size fits all, but yet they are treated like one.
They are dangerous for everyone, some more than others.
Where I stand today, it’s my biggest regret I have in life. Literally the biggest regret I have was vaccinating my babies.
I’m just extremely thankful her life was not taken from us by vaccines. From this point on, its about healing and doing what’s right. It took my baby being injured twice from vaccines before I got woke. I don’t want that being the reason you get woke too.”
My Take…
The abbreviation MTHFR refers to a relatively common genetic mutation. It stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, and having this mutation may lead to high levels of homocysteine in the blood and low levels of folate and other vitamins.
Its main function is to provide your body with instructions for creating the MTHFR protein, which helps your body produce folate. This B vitamin is necessary to create DNA.
There’s been concern that certain health issues are associated with MTHFR mutations, so testing has become more mainstream over the years.
You can have either one or two mutations — or neither — on the MTHFR gene. These mutations are often called variants.
Health conditions linked to MTHFR depend on your type of mutation and how many copies you contain.
If you have only one copy of the C677T or A1298C mutation or two copies of the A1298C mutation, there are typically no health conditions or risks linked.
Conditions that may be associated with MTHFR include:
hearing loss in older age
high blood pressure
blood clots
recurrent miscarriages
psychiatric disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder
certain cancers
A person with two gene variants or who is homozygous for the MTHFR mutation may have an increased chance of health conditions.
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I too, regret vaxxing my children. Though they seemingly came through it, I wonder how different they would be. How much light did I allow to be taken from them? Only God knows.
Have you heard of the GAPS diet protocol? Dr. McBride has had results with this diet for the vaccine injured and autistic. My wife and I have been on it for about a month, and our energy levels are way up.