“Died Suddenly”: An abridged version, some ideas about how the clots are forming, related stories, and FETAL “Died Suddenly” causes 😭
Makes you just go numb.
“Died Suddenly” has over 12 and a half million views already. I know that some people have been greatly emotionally affected by it, while others focus on inaccuracies they found, which bother them greatly. And others are quite upset at the critics, believing it’s an excellent video.
There is a 15 minute section that “A Midwestern Doctor” cut from the video to stand on its own. It’s the clot portion, which he feels is the most powerful.
Here are some scenes from the shortened video, link below.
John O’Looney, British funeral home director, with a vial of the strange, never-seen-before rubbery clots which are being pulled from deceased people, preserved (John also spoke on my program last winter):
Some of the strange white rubbery clots, above and below.
Richard Hirschman, Trade Embalmer, who has spoken on my program too:
Microclots: (you can see the blood has specks in it.)
Click here to watch the short video: https://odysee.com/@AMD:0/DiedSuddenlyBloodClots:e
“A Midwestern Doctor” has a balanced critique of “Died Suddenly.” He appreciates it for what it is even while noting that there are some flaws.
A Midwestern Doctor has a solid theory about the mechanism of formation of the white rubbery clots, which caught my eye because it’s one of the ideas that two researcher friends of mine have been mentioning to me for quite a while. I’ll include some excerpts of his article. The link to the original is below.
A Midwestern Doctor:
What Creates the Fibrous Clots?
Two months ago I put forward the model I believe best explains what is occurring.
The long and short of it was that this largely unknown August 2021 paper explains exactly why these fibrous clots are forming.
In the study, a blood clotting simulation outside the body was created. Normal blood, blood from COVID-19 patients on the first day of symptoms before any treatment, and normal blood exposed to a low concentration of COVID-19 spike proteins were then exposed to a key clotting factor, thrombin. When those clots were observed the study found:
•Normal blood behaved as expected.
•Normal blood with dilute spike protein formed a denser fibrin clot.
•Small amounts of amyloid (abnormal protein aggregations) were present in the fibrin clots formed.
•Much more (a statistically significant increase) in amyloid was present in the fibrin clots formed by normal blood mixed with dilute spike protein.
When these blood samples were then studied in a simulation of blood flow, it was observed that while normal blood created regular clots on the side of blood vessel walls, once the spike protein was involved (either through an acute COVID-19 infection or dilute spike protein being added), the fibrin clots became irregular, in the case of COVID-19 resisted removal from blood vessel walls, and due to their size and irregularity, obstructed critical flow within the vessel.
Note: I have also observed massive highly unusual blood clots in critically ill hospitalized patients with COVID-19 that required surgical removal…Large COVID-19 clots are much rarer than what is being observed with the vaccine and as of now I have not been able to verify if they had the same fibrous characteristics.
Similarly, when the blood was looked at under electron microscopy, significant structural abnormalities could be seen:
The most important finding of the study can be found at the end:
“Mass spectrometry showed that when spike protein is added to healthy PPP, it results in structural changes to β and γ fibrin(ogen), complement 3, and prothrombin. These proteins were substantially resistant to trypsinization, in the presence of spike protein.”
In short, the authors found that when spike protein was added to blood samples, it caused irregular (misfolded) fibrous clots to form that were resistant to the enzymes researchers and the body (e.g. the digestive system) uses to break down protein structures. This most likely means the enzyme the body typically uses to break down fibrin clots cannot do so for these misfolded fibrous clots.
It should also be noted that COVID-19 blood clots and vaccine blood clots do not respond to many of the anticoagulants that traditionally are effective, further suggesting misfolded blood clots are a key aspect of the disease process (my team also suspects the spike protein directly interacts with clotting factors, e.g. it appears to bind and inactivate heparin, a commonly used anticoagulant which also stabilizes the zeta potential of the body).
The authors further discussed these misfolded clots and cited their potential role in long-haul COVID-19 as a rationale for the current experiment described here which sought to determine the effects of adding spike protein to normal blood:
“Interestingly, plasma from T2DM and form healthy individuals, immediately digested fully after a first trypsinization step, however, persistent microclots remained in the plasma samples from Long COVID/PASC and from acute COVID-19 samples, still contained large anomalous (amyloid) deposits (microclots). After a second trypsinization, the persistent pellet deposits were solubilized. We detected various inflammatory molecules that are substantially increased in both the supernatant and trapped in the solubilized pellet deposits of acute COVID-19 and Long COVID/PASC, versus the equivalent volume of fully digested fluid of the control samples and T2DM. Of particular interest was a substantial increase in α(2)-antiplasmin (α2AP), various fibrinogen chains in both acute COVID-19 and Long COVID/PASC digested microclots.”
In summary, this study demonstrated that there are always slightly irregular or misfolded fibrous blood clots being formed within the body, but at the same time the body has a mechanism for removing them. However, once small amounts of spike protein are added into the mix (at concentrations I believe will be reached through vaccination) those irregular fibrous clots spiral out of control and come to dominate the clotting process. At this point, the body’s mechanisms for removing them are no longer able to outpace this growth function and they instead grow until they are constrained in size by the blood vessels they are within like the large fibrous clots shown in Died Suddenly.
This is particularly problematic because the spike protein attacks the endothelium (creating large numbers of initiating events for blood clots) and because the mRNA vaccines were engineered to persist in the body so they could produce enough spike proteins to elicit an antibody response sufficient to meet regulatory approval, which unfortunately led to them continuing to produce toxic spike proteins for a prolonged and possibly indefinite period.
In my own opinion, this study was a pivotal point of data that should have brought an immediate halt to the spike protein vaccine roll-out but instead has languished as a relatively unknown study. Nonetheless, the authors continued their research and later published a more detailed paper on what they had discovered about these fibrin amyloid clots which they proposed as the underlying cause of long-haul COVID (but for political reasons obviously could not link to the vaccine).
Postscript: Following publication of this article, a reader alerted me to this study from a different research time (summarized here) which using another methodology also observed that the spike protein was causing irregular and inflammatory fibrin clots to form which resisted degradation.
Why Does the Spike Protein Cause Misfolding?
Numerous observations suggest that something about the spike protein causes protein misfolding to occur. In addition to the abnormal fibrous clots described above, the spike protein vaccination has also been associated with other misfolding diseases. Rapid cognitive decline in the elderly is frequently observed following COVID-19 vaccination. This observation inspired a recent series in here focused on the actual causes of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia (which are often associated with amyloid plaques in the brain), many of which are rapidly accelerated by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, along with the therapeutic strategies for addressing them.
One of the most well-known protein misfolding diseases that leads to dementia, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, is an extremely rare and fatal brain disease that occurs in approximately one in a million people. Shortly before he passed, Luc Montagnier published a case report of 26 cases of CJD following vaccination, and since that time others have also observed this link.
(End of quotes from Midwestern Doctor’s article. See the rest of the fascinating information he brings at the link below.)
Here is another very interesting article which talks about a DIFFERENT theory of how those white rubbery clots might be forming. This is the second mechanism that both of the researcher friends I’ve spoken to feel is a strong possible cause for the clots. The article is long. I’m just copying some pieces here for you. (Link to original article below.)
The Film 'Died Suddenly'…
Media and experts discredit claims COVID-19 vaccines cause mysterious blood clots due to lack of scientific explanation. A Moderna patent and Pfizer vaccine ingredients may address this scientific gap.
By Karen Kingston
The film features Richard Hirschman, an embalmer who claims that about 16-18 months ago he noticed some of the deceased bodies he was embalming had long fibrous ‘blood clots’ in their veins and arteries. Hirschmann now claims that the incidence of this strange phenomena has continued to increase and now more than 70% of the corpses have ‘mysterious fibrous clots’ throughout their bodies. Based on conversations with family members of the deceased, he believes the blood clots are caused by the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
Per the film, hundreds of other embalmers around the globe have confirmed finding strange fibrous clots as well, claiming that the long fibrous clots first started appearing in dead people 16 - 18 months ago; after the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine rollout.
….Bruce Lee, makes the statement that Died Suddenly, “never really provides much concrete scientific evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines actually cause the ‘blood clots’ or the increase in all these sudden deaths.”
In response to Bruce Lee; I say, ‘Shame on you!’
If Bruce Lee was a real investigative reporter …. he would have found the scientific evidence correlating the mysterious blood clots to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in Moderna’s patent, found on their website.
Important Note: The mRNA vaccine patents are easy to find. They’re literally on Moderna’s website.
Moderna’s website lists all of their patents for the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine technologies, including the patent for PEGylated lipids and other lipid nanoparticle technologies used to deliver mRNA into cells.
Within Moderna’s lipid nanoparticle (LNP) patent for mRNA vaccines, sections 219 and 220 state that;
mRNA (polynucleotides) may be encapsulated in any hydrogel
the hydrogel may form a biosynthetic material inside the body that is similar to natural tissue, biocompatible, biodegradable, and/or porous.
Section 220 further states that the hydrogel may be shaped as an inverted opal (inverse opal hydrogel), per the world patent WO2012148684.
Patent WO2012148684 is for the encapsulation of cells and nanoparticles by inverse opal HYDROGELS. Why is this important?
Because, one of the purposes of inverse opal hydrogels is for the bioengineering of biosynthetic structures inside living animals by creating genetically hybrid cells inside of the animal’s body. (See highlight below. The patent calls this process cell-based engineering. This is process is also known as biosynthesis.)
Inverse opal hydrogels are a type of smart (Ai) hydrogel. Smart (Ai) hydrogels are Ai biotechnologies that are merged with quantum dot or Qdot (photonic crystals).
Per the patent WO2012148684, inverse opal hydrogel is used for hybridization of cells in order to bioengineer biosynthetic tissues inside the body of an animal.
The claim that smart (Ai) hydrogels, including opal hydrogels, are used for biosynthetic hybridization is well-established across hundreds of peer-reviewed publications.
Per an article published on December 8, 2021 in Nano Select, smart (Ai) hydrogel is used for tissue bioengineering. Specifically, smart (Ai) hydrogels use the human body and its own elements to bioengineer new structures inside the human body. This process is called biosynthesis.
Bioengineered structures that mimic tissues and organs are called soft actuators. This Nano Select article discuses the use of PEGylated lipids for targeted delivery of Ai hydrogels into the cells of specific organs and tissues for purposes of biosynthesis.
Notice that the image of Ai hydrogel encapsulated PEGylated lipid looks like a ‘spike protein’.
Per the scientific publication Nature, soft Ai actuators are highly adaptable and have a variety of applications. They can be configured to look like and mimic the functions of human tissues and organs. However, unlike human tissues and organs, soft Ai actuators are much more agile, versatile, and can more easily be restructured to take on the shape of other structures or organs.
Smart (Ai) hydrogel adsorbs to a living cell in order to create a hybrid cell. As part of the bioengineered hybrid cell, the smart Ai hydrogel then uses the elements within an animal’s body to further develop itself and other biosynthetic structures.
Essentially, soft Ai actuators and Ai hydrogels are a new bio-hybrid species, because they are part biology and part Ai.
The above image to the right is from Died Suddenly.It’s an image of biosynthetic fibrous structures found within the circulatory system of a dead vaccinated person. (The structures found in the vaccinated deceased are not ‘blood clots’. They are biosynthetic structures bioengineered from Ai hydrogel.)
(End of my excerpts from Karen’s article.)
Here are two short articles from Dr. Peter McCullough’s substack which address the topic of the sudden deaths (not the video itself.)
Found Dead at Home after COVID-19 Vaccination
Autopsy Series Finds an Array of Fatal Vaccine Syndromes
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
December 4
The public is becoming increasingly disturbed with reports of death among the vaccinated. It is natural to ask “was the death caused by vaccination?” The most definitive way of answering that question is with autopsy. Schwab et al reported on deaths after vaccination with detailed autopsies in Heidelberg, Germany.[i] Of 35 fatalities within 20 days of injection, 10 were ruled out as clearly not due to the vaccine (eg drug overdose). The remaining 25 (71%) had final diagnoses consistent with a vaccine injury syndrome including myocardial infarction, worsening heart failure, vascular aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, fatal stroke, and vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia. Interestingly, 5 cases had acute myocarditis as the cause of death with the histopathology in the heart muscle showing patchy inflammation very similar to what was seen in the deltoid muscle were the mRNA vaccine was injected.
So the report has told us: 1) 71% of deaths that occur within 20 days of taking vaccine appear to be due to conditions well known to occur with COVID-19 vaccination, 2) inflammation in the heart was coincident with the same pattern of inflammation in the arm. Thus we can conclude death within a few days of vaccination is most likely due to the genetic product and that inflammation in the arm may be a surrogate for a similar process in the heart. The very high yield of post-vaccination autopsy should spur families and physicians to push for post-mortem exams so we can learn more on how this medical procedure is leading to such a large loss of human life.
For above source article, click this link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00392-022-02129-5
Link to Dr. McCullough’s original article:
Note: Autopsies are forbidden to members of the Jewish faith, which requires that the deceased be buried speedily, with the body intact.
And this from Dr. McCullough’s co-author:
My Friends are Dying of Heart Attacks
A 50th birthday celebration and reunion is marred by multiple deaths
By John Leake
November 2
I’m headed out to Maui to celebrate my brother’s 50th birthday. One of our oldest friends—a 53-year-old named Dan who was my roommate in graduate school—was scheduled to be on my flight, but he isn’t because he died of a heart attack two weeks ago. Both of his parents attended the funeral; both were in exceptionally good physical condition in spite of their advanced age. Dan received the initial two doses of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine last year, but apparently decided to forgo the boosters.
Another one of our closest friends—a 55-year-old surfing legend named Loch Eggers —was also looking forward to celebrating with us. I spoke to him on the phone last week. He expressed great excitement about our forthcoming reunion and all of the fun we were going to have surfing, barbecuing, and partying.
Loch also won’t make it because he had a fatal heart attack last Saturday. His life and death are chronicled in this beautifully illustrated obituary.
Loch’s case was especially poignant. He was found on the side of a hiking trail that led to a peaceful place where he’d recently erected a shrine to his brother, Hunter, who died of a heart attack a few months ago. Both Loch and Hunter were in exceptionally good physical condition from daily water sports. Loch was one of the greatest amateur surfers on earth.
The Maui County Medical Examiner mentioned to Loch’s devastated girlfriend that he’d autopsied Hunter a few months ago and noted that his heart was conspicuously inflamed. I am waiting to hear the autopsy report in Loch’s case. Both brothers received the mRNA vaccinations plus boosters.
Both of their parents reached life expectancy. Their father died of a heart attack at 82. Their mother was in exceptionally good condition for her advanced age when she died of choking on food.
That both brothers died of heart attacks in their mid fifties raises the suspicion of a genetic basis of sudden death after receiving COVID-19 vaccines. Such a condition was documented in a recent study by Chupong Ittiwut et al. The authors propose that the period of acute danger is within 7 days of vaccination. However, the case of the Eggers brothers warrants an investigation to determine if this particular genetic condition—or some other inherited arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy condition—may be accentuated by the COVID-19 vaccines, with extended periods of danger following vaccination.
Our entire medical establishment, and especially medical examiners, need to get very serious about investigating such sudden deaths.
Do the vaccines initiate a cardiovascular disease process that may not manifest with life threatening symptoms until months or even a year later?
Alternatively, is it possible the vaccines amplify existing cardiovascular disease processes that would eventually result in death, but not (without the vaccine) until much later in life?
Author John Leake’s Note: A reader’s comment prompted me to add the following amendment to my original post.
Today’s medical examiners have the training and equipment to investigate the precise cause of these sudden deaths. Did the decedent have coronary artery disease leading to acute myocardial infarction? Or did the decedent have myocarditis or scarring from previous inflammation that caused a fatal arrhythmia?
Medical Examiners may also refer to Baumeier et al., Intramyocardial Inflammation after COVID-19 Vaccination: An Endomyocardial Biopsy-Proven Case Series, 4.3 Histology, Immunohistochemistry, and Digital Imaging Analysis for detecting SARS-Co-V-2 spike protein in cardiac tissue.
Link to original article:
And here is something short from pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole on sudden fetal death. 😰 (Thank you to the subscriber who shared this.)
For those who cannot click the link below, the post says:
“Dr. Ryan Cole has begun examining placentas in cases of fetal demise post inject. They are the wrong size for the gestational age, calcified, contain spike protein, antibodies, and have induced excess inflammation in them. The ‘safe and effective’ lie continues to unravel!!”


Here is a commentary on “Died Suddenly” from someone I know, which I appreciated:
And here is a little example of the huge amount of sudden deaths worldwide:
My researcher friends are working on figuring out what people can take to protect themselves from the white clots, if they’ve already been vaccinated.
Meanwhile, we continue to pray to G-d that everyone wakes up, stops injecting themselves and their children, and realizes the fraud and lies that have been perpetrated in so many areas. And that G-d heals everyone who’s been injured, speedily.
Thank you so much for sharing my article!
Great aggregation of details in this post. I had to take a family member to a cardiologist for a routine visit. On the wall in the doctors office was a sign that pushed the vaccine and specifically stated "Neither vaccine contains eggs, gelatin, latex or preservatives." My question is aren't the LNP preservatives?
Here is the full text of the sign:
"Covid-19 Vaccine Information
Current recommendations by the CDC suggest everyone get the vaccine. Adults of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at an increased risk for sever illness from the virus that causes COVID-19. Vaccines should be administered to all people with underlying medical conditions provided they have not had sever allergic reactions in the past (anaphylaxis) or are allergic to any of the vaccine ingredients. Both Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 vaccines contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG iis a primary ingredient in osmotic laxatives and bowel preps used for colonoscopy procedures. Neither vaccines contains eggs, gelatin, latex or preservatives. Children under the age of 18, patients receiving immune or chemotherapies or pregnant women should discuss receiving the vaccine with their Primary Care Provider prior to receiving the vaccine. "