Do NOT MISS this fascinating talk Dr. Richard Urso and Dr. Leonel Mondragon gave for practitioners on proper diet and effective treatments for cancer.
Absolutely breathtaking wealth of knowledge here. You will come away very enriched. Share with everyone who can benefit!
On December 26, Dr. Richard Urso and Dr. Leonel Mondragon spoke with a group of other professionals about their expertise and experiences treating many different kinds of cancers successfully with proper diet and real, effective treatment, including repurposed drugs and natural products. They share what is actually WORKING for cancer - but also, how anyone should be eating to stay healthy! The talk was a real treat for people who love medicine, love to learn, and love helping others. It is important for everyone to see, but especially for anyone you know that needs help with cancer.
You will definitely want to take notes, and this is a talk you will enjoy.
Listen in segments if time is short, but please try to listen until the end, because there are very important clarifications and additions as the conversation goes on.
P.S. Here is July’s excellent talk (published here last summer), which features others speakers too, including Dr. Paul Marik - plus Dr. Urso and Dr. Mondragon.
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