Extremely exciting program this Wednesday with Dr. William Makis! G-d willing, share and save a life!
Dr. Makis is leading the way with outstanding results in cancer patients using repurposed drug protocols. Find out how you can actually help people you know!
👨🏻⚕️A MUST if you know anyone battling cancer! G-d willing, this Wednesday January 8 at 7 PM Eastern Time:
Lev Aharon Bikur Cholim Zoom Conference on EFFECTIVE CANCER TREATMENTS with world renowned Oncologist Dr William Makis MD.
Doctors, patients, and family members are welcome. Q&A session to follow presentation. Click to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9521753151?pwd=QnhXdmJ3Q2FFV202K1RvSGpkK0ZvQT09&omn=81661937587
Or use this shortcut link: tinyurl.com/TruthSavesLives
Zoom Meeting ID 952 175 3151
Passcode 1818
Or call: 929-205-6099 and enter above meeting ID and passcode
Event recording will be posted afterwards on truth613.substack.com and on JAVI hotline (929) 277-2700.
Please share!
Thanks Brucha for arranging this so important webinar with Dr Makis. I have been following his success stories for such a long time and Im so happy that you introduced him to our community now.
Where can we watch the replay of this?
Vitamin E Succinate, discovered by Dr Kedar Prasad, patented for cancer destruction, patent held privately by govt for “security reasons”