Friends Don’t Let Friends Inject! Please warn your loved ones about the bivalent boosters before it’s too late!
The data from the grand total of 8 mice that the new shots were tested on is very bad. Aside from this, the more covid shots = greater the risk of death. #FriendsDontLetFriendsInject
Igor Chudov has done it again. The information he has published - about the new double-strain booster which was NEVER tested on humans and resulted in ALL the vaccinated mice getting infected with covid when exposed - AND is about to be rolled out on the general population - is so critical that the whole world NEEDS to know it.
So, please, be brave, and reach out to friends on the other side of the aisle to try to save their lives. The ones who would likely go get this shot. Ask them to do some research to disprove these claims.
And please make this go viral! #FriendsDontLetFriendsInject
Igor wrote 4 smaller articles which I’ll put into 1 here:
Part 1:
FDA Charlatans Engage in Medical Quackery
FDA defines “medication health fraud” (also known as quackery) as offering UNPROVEN and UNTESTED products to the public, like here:
Today, the FDA approved “Bivalent Ba.5 Booster” because of an unspecified “emergency”. What is the emergency? Joe Biden says there is not one!

The booster was tested on, drumroll, 8 mice.That’s it. It will be given to millions of people next week.
(Note from BW: Igor wrote this last week. So, it’ll be given this week. No time to lose. 😰)
How is approving a completely untested product, not medical quackery?
The FDA also refused to convene even its own “expert committee” known as the VRBPAC. The committee, comprised of FDA stooges, approved the craziest things before — but some members of it, like Paul Offit, sounded their opposition to the Ba5 plan.
So, to make sure that the public is certain that these boosters are “safe and effective”, the FDA decided against convening VRBPAC — to prevent Offit from expressing his opinion.
Mind you, I do not like any members of the VRBPAC, including Offit, because they have not held their duty to keep us safe, above their careers. Offit is not a hero. He is simply smarter than the rest of the FDA careerists and he probably is looking into where he will fit in the post-Covid-vax world. He realizes that there is criminal liability lurking in the shadows.
Did you expect anything better from the FDA?
Part 2:
Bivalent Booster's "8-Mice Trial" Actually FAILED
Inconsistency of Ba5 Booster makes it uniquely dangerous!
So, the FDA just approved the new Ba.5 bivalent booster, based on a trial of exactly 8 mice.
Steve Kirsch, in a reply to my previous post about the Ba.5 booster being medical quackery, asked a question, what happened to the 8 mice in the trial? Did they die?
Given how amazing Steve is, I decided to take a look. Good thing I did!
The scientists extracted their blood for analysis.
Literally, the only data about these 8 mice come from the last two pages of Pfizer’s presentation. Pfizer analyzed their blood for antibodies:
Since this picture might seem indecipherable, let me first explain what it means. This picture shows the outcomes of three different concoctions:
BNT162b2 — the original 2020 Covid Vaxx — the first set of blue bars on the left
OMI BA 4/5 — Vaccine based only on Ba4/5 variant spikes only — the second set of red bars in the middle
BNT162b2 + OMI BA 4/5 — the so-called “Bivalent booster”, or a mix of Wuhan and Ba5 spike mRNAs that the Federal government plans on giving everyone in September. This is the circled set of purple bars on the right side of the picture. This last set is what we are interested in.
What do the bars show?
Each bar shows the ability of the given vaccine to produce “neutralizing antibodies”. For every vaccine, there are five bars showing titers of antibodies, affecting the neutralization of each variant: neutralization of the original Wuhan virus, Ba1, Ba2, Ba2.12.1, and Ba4/5 by that specific vaccine.
The higher the values in the bar, the better, according to the FDA, although in real life these antibodies are more like electrolytes in Idiocracy: they are only good for counting and do not stop infections.
So, look at that red-circled set of bivalent booster bars. You will see something strange: the Ba.5 bivalent booster was incredibly consistent producing antibodies against the Wuhan variant. (look at the CONSISTENT tag and the arrows). The consistency is perfectly exemplary. Each mouse got an almost identical amount of Wuhan-related antibodies. Good!
However, the bivalent booster was extremely INCONSISTENT when producing antibody responses against Ba.5 variant. Look at the rightmost bar. I created a custom picture placing that bar right next to the logarithmic scale so you can see the problem:
You can see that the antibody titers for the Ba.5 booster, against Ba.5 variant, are all over the place! One mouse had a titer of 300, two more had titers of 700, two more had a titer of 1,500, one had a titer of 3,000, one had a titer of 7,000, and the last one had a titer of 22,000!
So, the 8 Pfizer standardized Balb/c mice, quite identical and reacting identically at producing Wuhan antibodies, reacted WILDLY DIFFERENTLY when producing Ba5 antibodies!!! One of them had an immune reaction producing 300 antibody titers, while another similar mouse produced 73 times more antibodies, or 22,000 titers!
Did the mouse who got a 73 times greater immune reaction, feel sicker? Did the mouse who got a 73 times lower reaction, get no protection from Ba.5 variant? Pfizer is not sharing that.
Ba.5 Booster is Dangerous for People
Think for a second about what would happen if these were not mice, but people. Adam would get the Ba.5 booster and develop X amount of antibodies. Whereas, his counterpart Zack would get the same shot, but produce 73X, or 73 times more antibodies!
So, Zack would have 73 times more intense, severe, or however you want to call it, reaction compared to Adam!
Would Zack, with his 73 times greater reaction to the same concoction, be much more likely to die of myocarditis? Would Adam remain completely unprotected due to his 73 times lower reaction?
We have no idea!
Nobody has any idea about it: me, you, Pfizer, or the FDA.
But we are giving 171,000,000 doses of this inconsistent concoction to the American people based on this single-page 8-mouse data that nobody even bothered to look at closely.
Of the 171,000,000 future doses distributed, roughly 1/8 of them, or the highest-reacting 21,375,000 people, would have 73 times more severe and intense immune reaction than the bottom, lowest-reacting 21,375,000 people. Does that bother you?
Since people, of different ages, races, immunological histories, varieties of covid infections, are not as identical as Balb/c lab mice, the variation will, in fact, be even greater than 73 times!
All of the above is so obvious that I am wondering why nobody talks about it and why the FDA refused to even think about that slide for even a minute.
Vaccine advocates and fact checkers might object and say that mice are not people. I would agree! Mice are NOT people!
So why did you not test the bivalent booster on people?
Anyway, I should shut up, I know that it is safe and effective and I want the bivalent booster so bad. (just kidding).
Part 3:
Note: Pfizer trial: 8 mice, not challenged. Moderna trial: 10 mice, challenged and all got sick.
All "Bivalent Boosted" Mice Got Covid When Challenged
Remember how Joe Biden and Rachel Maddow said that Covid stops with every vaccinated person?
Turns out that it was not true for people, and it is not even true for mice.
All ten mice, vaccinated with Moderna Ba.5 booster, became infected with Covid when challenged with Ba.5 variant virus after receiving their Ba.5-based bivalent boosters!
Here’s a helpful infographic, presented today at the CDC ACIP committee meeting. (click hereand go to Slide 22 for the original)
Dead mice were photoshopped by me to increase the urge to share this article on social media.
What does the infographic show? The red-circled dot plots show viral counts in the LUNGS and in the NOSES of mice, who were twice-vaccinated with Moderna original series, then boosted with the Ba.5-based “bivalent booster”, then were exposed to a Ba.5 infection.
These are the super-protected mice, fully shielded by the magical power of mRNA science, right? Vaxed, and boosted with a Moderna Ba. 5-based booster. Can’t dream of better protection against Ba.5, wouldn’t you agree?
And what happened to these mice when challenged with Ba.5?
All ten mice got Covid! Oops.
Moderna scientists counted viral particles in the lungs (left circle) and in the noses (right circle) of mice after they were exposed to infection.
Turns out that all 10 of the bivalent-boosted mice got sick and had significant viral counts, not only in the noses but also in the lungs.
The only claim to fame here is that the Ba.5 boosted mice got fewer viral particles IN THE LUNGS.
However, all mice, boosted or not boosted, had plenty of viral particles IN THE NOSES. So all these boosted mice were great potential spreaders of the covid infection.
In addition, looking at the log plots of lung viral counts, the worst performing mouse had 10,000 TIMES more virions in the lungs than the best performing mouse!
Anyway, they are claiming that because these 10 mice have lower ba5 counts in the lungs, then somehow the bivalent vaccine should be helpful to people.
But mice are NOT people. How many people sick with Ba.5, had lung problems? Almost nobody.
So how is that “mouse lung viral count” relevant? I am not sure. I guess they had to find something good about these bivalent shots.
Part 4:
This part isn’t specifically about the bivalent (2-strain) boosters. It’s about how the more covid shots, the worse the consequences.
PROVEN RELATIONSHIP: COVID Boosters and Excess Mortality in 2022
29 Countries Show Strong Association between "Booster Uptake" and "Excess Mortality"
This article will show that there is a very strong statistically significant association between excess mortality in 2022, and uptake of COVID boosters.
The booster rate as of Jul 1 explains excess deaths in 2022, by country, using linear regression with R^2 = 40% and P-value an incredible 0.0002, giving this relationship ironclad statistical significance!
What is this about?
There is much discussion about excess mortality and elevated cancer rates in 2022. I also wrote about it recently (I am not Gammadion):

Ever since that article, I wanted to see if antivaxxers’ hunches about the cause of excess mortality are true. So, I set out to find data about mortality in many countries and see if I can match it with vaccination or booster uptake data.
Fortunately, I found data for both parameters. Mortality for the last several years, by week, is listed in the Short Term Mortality Database. That database has a CSV file that you can download. Booster and vaccine uptake are in Our World in Data, which I downloaded into a SQL database earlier.
Incidentally, I already used the OWID database to prove that boosters are strongly associated with COVID mortality in Europe. (deaths from Covid)
But what about excess total mortality, not just Covid mortality? This is where we will look today.
Short Term Mortality Database
After downloading the short term mortality data as a CSV file, I wrote a perl script to read the data and analyze it.
The script loads data for two periods: main_year, or 2022, and three base_years 2017 to 2019. The weeks selected for analysis are weeks 10 to 35. It adds, for each country, the subtotal of deaths for every week found, and counts the number of weeks found also (not all countries report exactly the same number of weeks). I had to exclude Australia, Luxembourg, Czechia, and South Korea due to not having enough data. (South Korea has a crazy 50% excess mortality, look it up)
Given what we have, we can compare “deaths per week” (deaths divided by count of weeks) for the 2022 period (main), as well as for 2017-2019 period (base), for the same weeks of the corresponding years. I call the ratio of “deaths per week” for these periods, MINUS ONE, the excess mortality.
NB: Note that this calculation is only a somewhat close approximation of excess mortality that official statisticians calculate because they also take into account small changes in population, etc. While these differences are important in order to do completely proper demographic calculations, they are minor enough to disregard for the purposes of my analysis, in my opinion. I do compare same weeks of all years, to take seasonality into account.
This gives us the “excess mortality” data for each given country.
Our World in Data — Booster Rate and Vaccination Rate
(Yes, Chile does have more boosters given out than people.)
I then ran a “linear regression” to see if there is a relationship between booster uptake as of Jul 1 2022, and excess deaths in 2022. (things do not change much if I move the date, as long as there is good data as of that date).
The result was shocking!
It shows that booster uptake was extremely strongly (and positively) related to excess mortality, with P value being 0.0002. Mind you, anything with P below 0.05 is considered statistically significant — so P=0.0002 is ironclad.
Since most of my readers are not statisticians, let me explain. The graph above means that the more boosters are taken, the greater was excess mortality for the countries in the graph. The P=0.0002 means that this association is extremely unlikely to be a random coincidence.
More boosters — more deaths!
What is also greatly interesting is that the Y-intercept is so close to zero.
Additionally, just one number per country — booster uptake as of a particular day Jul 1 2022 — explains 40% of the variation in excess mortality. This means that vaccination and boosters, likely, were an extremely important factor for every country’s excess mortality.
I ran the same regression for the vaccination rate by March 1. The result is principally the same, but slightly less impressive than for boosters on Jul 1. Still extremely strong statistical significance, but slightly less explanatory power called R-squared.
Disclaimers, Correlation, and Causation
None of the above would validate a simple-minded statement such as “I just proved that boosters make people croak and die”. That would NOT be a correct interpretation. (hello fact checkers).
What is the proper interpretation is that there is an EXTREMELY PROMINENT RELATIONSHIP between boosters and deaths in 2022. This is an alarm signal and food for thought that needs to be analyzed further. We need to search further to understand causalitybetter.
Demographics is a complicated science and there are demographics institutes in each country. I do not personally own a demographics institute and only do what I can, with the skills I have. However, nobody owns me either.
Despite my stating clearly that I uncovered a correlation, not a causation, I personally believe that boosters ARE a cause of increased mortality. There are many reasons to believe this to be highly likely, but they are a topic for another article.
UK’s Regional Data
Our insightful reader Nova pointed out that inside the UK, the same pattern of mortality dependent on the region is evident also and it is also highly statistically significant with P < 0.0001. I have not personally verified this.
My Own Hypothesis
What is the underlying mechanism between excess mortality in 2022 and booster uptake?
Could it be deaths immediately following vaccinations and booster shots?
Could it be that boosters no longer provide “death protection”, but instead increase the chances of dying from Covid?
Could it be greater rates of reinfectionsof boosted people?
Could it be long-term damage from repeat Covid vaccinations making people more likely to die in general?
Is it possible that people keep producing “spike protein” well beyond the promised “2-3 days”?
My answer is: all of the above.
What do you think? Any other ideas?
End of quoted articles by Igor Chudov.
Please try to save your loved ones’ lives.
Please make the article go viral with this new hashtag! #FriendsDontLetFriendsInject
Links to Igor’s original articles:
May G-d have mercy on His Creations, as we remember to turn to Him, the Creator, and remember that He alone made us and put us here for a purpose and we must not neglect His commandments.
I’ve changed tactics.
I’m making shirts that have a Ukrainian flag colored syringes that say, “FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY!!! PLEASE GET BOOSTED!!!”
Best to let the people subjective to brainwashing just get the vaccine and die off.
(Sarcasm, BTW… but I am getting burned out.)