Heartbreaking: 8 year old vaccine martyr dies after cardiac arrest 😰
This innocent child was used as a government pawn to propagandize the covid narrative to other children.
From Frontline News:
Tragedy: 8-year-old featured in COVID propaganda video dies after cardiac arrest
Child and puppet convinced children there's 'no choice' about jabs, quarantines, masks, distancing, tests
Posted by Eliyahu Tulshinski October 06, 2023
An Israeli child has died three years after appearing with his father, who is a pediatrician, in a government film informing children that they have no choice about whether to take the COVID vaccine when it becomes available.
Government education
Yonatan Erlichman was five years old at the time of the video, which was produced by Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, a regional government body. It aired as an episode in the government-run program, “Shushki in the Land of Binyamin,” "to entertain and educate” children.
Shushki is a friendly puppet “child” who asks questions to prompt actual people to respond with “educational answers.”
Normalizing the abnormal
The particular episode in which Yonatan appeared was entitled, “In Quarantine with Shushki,” and opens with the puppet frightened that his “brother” has been forced into quarantine and sits alone in his room behind a closed door. Shushki is shocked that entire kindergarten classes have been forced into quarantine and even whole schools were closed down, with every child quarantined. His anxious voice then expresses his diminishing mental state as he says he keeps hearing of another person, and another, being quarantined, including his mother.
Shushki is particularly stressed at the possibility of being tested himself, at not being able to touch, see or speak to his mother and brother, who must have their food left by their doors, only pulling it in after the person placing it there moves away from the door.
Exasperated, Shushki says he doesn't understand what's happening, prompting young Yonatan to refer him to his father for an explanation.
Yonatan: Maybe ask my father.
Shushki: Ask your father? What, he knows about such things?
Yonatan: He's a doctor!
Shushki: Seriously?
Yonatan: Yes.
Shushki: I'm going to speak with him! I'm going to speak with a doctor!
The conversation in the original Hebrew was posted in a tweet, after Yonatan's death, with a preface, also in Hebrew, in which the poster asks why there are no headlines and no investigations into COVID vaccine deaths in children.
Yonatan Erlichman of blessed memory, 8 years old, died of cardiac arrest.
Does that not shock you? Where are the headlines? The investigations? How many more children will die on the golden altar?
Especially as there are already two controlled studies that show that the mRNA vaccines cause cardiac problems. [Translation].
(BW: Click the link below the picture to watch this sweet child’s conversation with the puppet 3 years ago. 😰💔)
Father knows best
Yonatan's father, Dr. Ira Erlichman, is in fact a pediatrician practicing at Jerusalem's top hospital system, Hadassah. Dr. Erlichman takes over the “conversation” with Shushki, convincing the puppet of the “necessity” of quarantining people for a full 14 days after some suspected contact with a potentially COVID-positive person, even though they will probably test negative for COVID in the end.
The doctor expands the conversation to let Shushki know that children also need to obey other COVID rules like social distancing, masking and testing. He even tells the puppet that he cannot enter the bathroom used by his “mother” long after she has left the bathroom.
Yonatan's father Dr. Ira Erlichman, explains to the little puppet boy about isolating children and how they get infected.
Unfortunately, you can see the entire propaganda sheet full of deceptions and lies presented to that "child" by the doctor who was supposed to be a professional and reliable agent for him. [Translation].
(Click this link to watch the short video above: https://x.com/the_redot/status/1708194387589464458?s=43&t=DbeqsTqXxbrGPO__QLQCIw)
(BW: I want to note that I am very, very sad for Yonatan’s parents and I recognize that his father was obviously unaware of the truth, and was tricked by the government into believing and participating in the whole charade.)
On the eve of the Jewish nation's holiest day, Yom Kippur, 8-year-old Yonatan went into cardiac arrest while in a bath tub causing him to lose consciousness and slip down below the water line. By the time a family member found him he had no pulse. Though able to bring back some vital signs with CPR, doctors were ultimately unable to save him and were forced to declare his death a few days later in the hospital.
Dr. Erlichman did not address his son's vaccination status in a family statement translated by Arutz Sheva.
Our Yonatan Moshe passed away a short time ago. On the eve of Yom Kippur, Yonatan went into cardiac arrest in our home, and since then we have struggled by his side after he collapsed. With love, we thank all those dear to us, who were by our side during the last days of his life. Details of the funeral date will be provided later, Yael, Ira, and the girls.
Clearly in favor
The video itself was filmed in July 2020, five months before the COVID mRNA injections were rolled out in Israel. The end of the video, however, provides a clue as to Dr. Erlichman's approach to the coming jab for his son and other children:
Shushki: Tell me doctor, when will Corona finish?
Dr. Erlichman: We are now trying to create a vaccine for it. You know what a vaccine is?
Shushki: A vaccine is something that makes it that you won't catch Corona.
Dr. Erlichman: It makes the body recognize the Corona before you get it and makes sure that you will battle it.
The doctor then compares the COVID vaccine being developed to existing vaccines, which, he assures the children viewing the show, protects every child who gets them.
Dr. Erlichman: Haven't you gotten vaccines in your life?
Shushki: Right, my mother told me that I got the vaccine against hepatitis.
Dr. Erlichman: What else?
Shushki: Whooping cough.
Dr. Erlichman: All these vaccines are for diseases that we once didn't know how to fight them and today we know — we give an injection, that sometimes isn't pleasant, and afterwards no child gets sick from this illness.
BW: 💔 Based on the father’s publicly expressed stance on the covid vaccine, in addition to Yonatan’s cardiac arrest, which follows the pattern of so many other young deceased vaccine recipients, I believe that we can be 99.999% certain that Yonatan had received the covid jab and his death was a direct result of it.
🚨 ➡️ This underscores the CRITICAL IMPORTANCE OF ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN VACCINATED taking PREVENTATIVE PRODUCTS to detox as much as possible and to try to help maintain normal heart rhythm.
💔 REMEMBER, Yonatan’s cardiac arrest was likely NOT soon after a covid jab. He may have gotten jabbed almost 2 years ago. Yes, people are having sudden fatal medical events TWO YEARS after covid vaccination.
Back to the Frontline article:
Anyway, you don't decide
Erlichman adds that, in any case, it's not for the children to decide about injections.
Shushki: I don't like injections.
Dr. Erlichman: No one likes injections, but sometimes there's no choice, right?
And don't be selfish
Finally, the doctor prods the puppet to take the coming jab whether or not he himself needs it, since he must protect others.
Dr. Erlichman: I want to tell you something very important. . . . You must always remember that everything we're doing is to protect who?
Shushki: Grandpa and grandma.
Dr. Erlichman: . . . and sick people. . . . [W]e're doing this for those whom Corona endangers, and this creates a good feeling in the heart, that you're able to help, right?
Shushki: Right. I'm glad I listened to Yonatan and came to you.
Dr. Erlichman: Great. Let's have a Corona handshake.
Dr. Erlichman concludes by bumping elbows with the puppet.
Grandpa too
The child's grandfather, Mati Erlichman, is also a medical doctor and served as Director of Pediatrics at another well regarded Jerusalem hospital, Shaare Zedek Medical Center. A Hebrew language interview with the grandfather just after the mRNA injections were released was captioned as follows:
The head of the Binyamin Council Israel Gantz hosted the renowned Dr. Mati Erlichman. They discussed the safety of the corona vaccine and called on the residents of Binyamin to come and get vaccinated.
True to the caption, Dr. Mati Erlichman repeatedly reassured listeners not to hesitate to get the jab, claiming to know from studies that it was both safe and effective.
I'm sure it's not dangerous, according to all the research that was done, all the approvals it received . . . there were no side effects other than a drop of local pain in the injection site. . . .
Of course . . . it's not possible to know with a new vaccine what will be in another 10 years. . . . [W]e always start when we start . . . the disease is a very, very difficult one. . . .
Whoever comes to the Corona ward and see what is happening there will not fear taking the vaccine. It is 95% effective.
Demand to know
Not content with having to guess the child's vaccination status, some are demanding more information. One Hebrew Facebook post called it a “moral duty” to get to the bottom of the heart attack issue.
The video stars Yonatan Erlichman, the 8-year-old boy who had a cardiac arrest and subsequently drowned in the bathtub. His grandfather the doctor called for injecting the corona shot because it is “safe and saves lives.” And the cute Yonatan himself served as a presenter during the Corona scam, as you can see in the video.
Has the child been injected? Did he go into cardiac arrest because of the injection?
It is the moral duty of every person to ask themselves whether the corona shots cause cardiac arrest and death.
Why is there an increase in the number of dead since the injections were given, and strange deaths that we hear about every evening? [Emphases added].
If it turns out that the child did receive one or more mRNA injections, especially if one was not long before his death, it will, of course, vindicate the beliefs of opponents of mandatory vaccinations. Ironically, it would also vindicate the morality of doctors, like the child's father and grandfather. Allowing their own family members to receive the jabs would prove that they did not immorally give the shot to other children, but not their own.
(End of Frontline News article.)
Link to original Frontline News article:
Another article about the heartbreaking story:
Doctors were the worst in supporting the evil agenda, just like in Nazi Germany.
Lies lies and more lies fell from their lips. Sincerity does not equate to truth nor does it excuse participating in propaganda. All citizens in Israel should be demanding retractions of propaganda and apologies from all who enacted this vile agenda. Same is true in all nations.