Here’s direct evidence of the UN actively working to impose their anti-G-d/anti-humanity agenda on us and to control the world.
The UN is actually “running the show” through teams embedded in social media companies. I can hardly believe it myself.
Do you remember the information we brought about the United Nations having been established by eugenicists, such as Julian Huxley, and founded on a 10-point charter written by occultist Alice Bailey? That charter calls for bringing about all the horrors we see in front of our eyes today, such as destruction of the family unit and religion, and encouraging homosexuality, promiscuity and abortion.
Sometimes it seems so fantastical and crazy that it’s really hard to imagine it’s real, even though the proofs surround us.
So now, look at this, which Celia Farber posted on her substack today, in the wake of the upheaval at Twitter.

Afterwards, I found this other tweet in the first thread, proof of the allegation:

For those who can’t view Twitter, I copy-pasted:
Inside every social media company is a team that’s directed by the UN. That would have been “fact checked” as a false conspiracy theory made without evidence before the Twitter layoffs revealed that yes there the case.
It has come out that twitter was coordinating with the UN to censor us. Since when has authority of this country been turned over to the UN? Who ceded it to then?
The source provided in the first thread:
Yesterday was my last day at Twitter: the entire Human Rights team has been cut from the company. I am enormously proud of the work we did to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, to protect those at-risk in global conflicts & crises including Ethiopia, Afghanistan, and Ukraine, and to defend the needs of those particularly at risk of human rights abuse by virtue of their social media presence, such as journalists & human rights defenders.
I’m posting screenshots of the tweets as well, in case something disappears.
I’m stunned at the direct evidence of the UN personally, secretly, running the world.
I don’t know what else to say.
While we’re here, I’m going to republish some previous material about the UN’s anti-family, anti-G-d agenda, in case you haven’t read it yet or could use a refresher.
First, this unbelievable article from 13 years ago!
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
MEXICO CITY, February 3, 2009 ( – A leader in the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has declared that the breakdown of traditional families, far from being a “crisis,” is actually a triumph for human rights.
Speaking at a colloquium held last month at Colegio Mexico in Mexico City, UNFPA representative Arie Hoekman denounced the idea that high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births represent a social crisis, claiming that they represent instead the triumph of “human rights” against “patriarchy.”
“In the eyes of conservative forces, these changes mean that the family is in crisis,” he said. “In crisis? More than a crisis, we are in the presence of a weakening of the patriarchal structure, as a result of the disappearance of the economic base that sustains it and because of the rise of new values centered in the recognition of fundamental human rights.”
“Day after day, Mexico experiences a process of this diversity and there are those who understand it as a crisis, because they only recognize one type of family,” one of the speakers on the panel also told the audience.
The comments followed close on the heels of the World Meeting of Families, which was held in Mexico City in January, and which strongly reaffirmed the importance of the traditional family and its indispensible role in transmitting values to the next generation. It was opened by Mexican President Felipe Calderon, who observed that high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births were contributing to the rise of violence and crime in Mexico.
Leonardo Casco, a member of the Pontifical Council for the Family and a citizen of Honduras, told LifeSiteNews that he wasn’t surprised that the UNFPA was denying the crisis in the family.
“They definitely have to deny that there is a crisis in the family, because they have created the crisis,” he said.
Calling the UNFPA “bureaucrats at the service of death,” Casco observed that “after 45 years of birth control, the pill, disrespect for marriage for the family, for children, etc, this is the result. Because of that we have violence, war, lack of respect of women, children.”
Through their promotion and distribution of contraceptives the UNFPA has become “a birth control agency at the service of the most powerful countries” said Casco. “They have destroyed the family, values, this is undeniable, it’s what everyone says … but they always have to deny it.”
Regarding Hoekman’s comments about “human rights,” Casco responded that UNFPA bureaucrats “have invented a series of new ‘human rights’,” that did not exist when the concept was defined in 1948, “with which they wish to justify all of their actions.”
The UNFPA recently celebrated the restoration of US support after seven years, during which they were denied funding by the Bush administration. UNFPA has cooperated with and even helped to subsidize China’s One Child Policy, which persecutes and performs forced abortions on women who have more than one child.
In addition to its support for forced abortions, the UNFPA has helped to administer forced sterilizations in South America and is involved in the distribution and promotion of contraceptives and sterilization worldwide, with a focus on poorer countries.
Related Links:
UN Complicit in Forced Sterilizations A Runaway Agency LifeSiteNews Coverage:
United Nations Agency Involved in Forced Abortions in China Celebrates New Funding from Obama Administration Loses $235 Million Due to Pro-Life Group’s Efforts Population Awards Honor Abortion Advocates Pitches Abortion as a Means to Reduce Child Poverty
(End of article.)
Here I’ll post a picture of the UN/WEF goals so you can see clearly. I’m sure that someone else put it together, not them, (haha) but you have to agree it’s a pretty good summary.
Having read the article about their work in Mexico, above, you can understand better the practical applications of the United Nations 10-point charter by Alice Bailey, that the UN was founded upon.
(The first paragraphs below are my intro about the World Economic Forum, which works hand in hand with the UN.)
A while ago, I discovered videos of Yuval Noah Harari, top advisor to Klaus Schwab, director of the extremely powerful World Economic Forum (WEF), which works hand in hand with the UN and the WHO. Mr. Harari conveniently made their agenda even clearer to see. He states explicitly that superior beings, designed by human intelligence, will soon completely replace “Homo sapiens”, and he is openly and staunchly promoting transhumanism. This means that the policies of the WHO and UN are crafted to further the transhumanistic agenda. What is transhumanism? Yuval Harari explains it very well here. here:
No more free choice, no more private thoughts. An “improved” human, designed by “human intelligence”, connected to the internet from within, and constantly monitored by sensors under the skin. Mr. Harari says that the era of COVID will go down in history as marking the time “when everything changed”.
He says much more, which is blatant apostasy and too painful to repeat. His videos may as well be titled “Tower of Bavel #2, rebellion against G-d”.
But then I found out even more.
I discovered that there are evil groups promoting paganism (worship of Satan) for hundreds of years at least, and in recent times, the United Nations (UN) was actually founded upon such a charter and for the purpose of ripping people away from the worship of One G-d, as you will see below.
The UN organization UNESCO has been actively working for years to shape curriculums in schools worldwide to achieve to their goals. The UN philosophy was shaped by the works of Alice Bailey (1880-1949), one of the founders of the “New Age Movement”, and her 10-Point Plan of the New World Order, which she wrote in the ‘40’s. The stated purpose of her charter is to “redeem the nations from Judeo/Christian tradition.” The people that Alice Bailey hated the most and most wanted to destroy, though, were the Orthodox Jews, as is seen in references she makes in her writings, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy” and “Esoteric Healing”. (I did not go through those books myself, but I was given verbatim quotes.)
Digging a bit more deeply, it turns out that Alice Bailey was an occultist who believed in worship of the Satan (Lucifer), and that is what her Ten Point Charter for the UN is meant to lead the world into. Her teachings are foundational to the UN, which has been actively shaping world policy, through its many branches and affiliated organizations, towards her stated goals.
Mrs. Bailey established the publishing company called “Lucifer Trust” which is now known as “Lucis Publishing Co” (located at 866 United Nations Plaza #482, New York, NY), and which published her works.
Her mentor was Helena Blavatsky, who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875, and wrote “The Secret Doctrine” which espouses the theory of superior and inferior races, and was used by Hitler. (See Wikipedia for quotes - she actually said: “the inferior races....[are] now happily - owing to the wise adjustment of nature which ever works in that direction - fast dying out.”)
I was reminded that I had indeed heard long ago that Hitler worshipped old-time paganism, but I hadn’t quite known what that meant. I searched online “was Hitler a Satan worshipper?” and indeed found confirmation of this, including the following e-book on Amazon (currently unavailable): “THE SECRET RELIGIOUS BELIEFS OF ADOLF HITLER – THE THULE SOCIETY, THE SATANIC CULT THEOSOPHISM IN GERMANY, ARIOSOPHY AND ORIGINS OF ARYAN SUPREMACY AND NATIONALIST FASCIST MOVEMENTS WORLD-WIDE”.
Here is Alice Bailey’s 10 Point Plan, copy-pasted. (I edited a couple words for propriety. There are explanations after each point which I found provided. You can search online yourself and find the information.)
1. TAKE G-D AND PRAYER OUT OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM She said: “Change curriculum to ensure that children are freed from the bondage of religious culture. Why? Because children go to school to be equipped to face life, they are willing to trust and they are willing to value what is being given to them.”
“If you take G-d out of education, they will unconsciously form a resolve that G-d is not necessary to face life. They will focus on those things the school counts them worthy to be passed on and they will look at G-d as an additional, if one can afford the additional.”
(My note here: The huge efforts to remake education in the schools - teaching adult topics and transgender ideology to kids as young as five - plus many other insidious ways of poisoning their minds - are happening right now and are part of this Satanic agenda. Also, search “Satanic after school club” and you will be surprised. Attempts are being made around the US at this very moment to start these kids’ clubs, all under the guise of something wholesome.)
2. REDUCE PARENTAL AUTHORITY OVER THE CHILDREN She said: “Break the communication between parent and child.” (Why?) So that parents do not pass on their religious traditions to their children, liberate children from the bondage of their parent traditions. (how?) a) Promote excessive child rights; (1997-1998 South Africa introduced Child rights legislation – UNICEF Charter; Today a child is able to say to parent ‘I do not want to hear that, I don’t want to do what you are telling me. Teachers cannot talk to children, children step up and say “I have my rights, you cannot talk to me like that.”)
3. DESTROY THE TRADITIONAL RELIGIOUS FAMILY STRUCTURE (Why?) She said: “It is oppressive and the family is the core of the nation. If you break the family, you break the nation. Liberate the people from the confines of this structure.” (How?)
a) Promote promiscuity – (here I edited)
b) Use advertising industry, media – T.V., magazines, film industry to promote …
She said: “Build clinics for abortion – Health clinics in schools. …. they need to be free of unnecessary fears, in other words they should not be hampered with unwanted pregnancies.”
‘Abortion as told by religion is oppressive and denies our rights, we have a right to choose whether we want to have a child or not. If a woman does not want the pregnancy, she should have the freedom to get rid of that pregnancy as painlessly and as easily as possible’.
5. Make divorce easy and legal, and free people from the concept of marriage
6. Make homosexuality an alternative lifestyle. Alice Bailey preached that —— enjoyment is the highest pleasure in humanity, no one must be denied and no one must be restricted how to enjoy themselves.
7. Debase art, music and drama and make it run mad and corrupt.
8. Use media to promote and change the mindset of men.
(How well have they accomplished this? They invest astronomical sums to capture the minds of the young to their corrupt and immoral way of thinking - through professional psychologists and market experts.)
9. CREATE AN INTERFAITH MOVEMENT (Edited, can see full version online.) Alice Bailey wrote: “Promote the importance of man in determining his own future and destiny” – HUMANISM. “Tell man he has the right to choose what he wants to be and he can make it happen, he has the right to determine his cause.”
(End quote.)
I want to make a critical point. If a neo-nazi would be running for office, nobody would vote for him, no matter how sweetly he would talk, because we would all recognize without a question how evil dangerous he is. The EXACT SAME THING HOLDS TRUE FOR THE LIBERAL, PRO-LGBTQ AND PRO ABORTION CANDIDATES! The Skulener Rebbe and Rabbi Avigdor Miller, of blessed memory, constantly warned people not to vote for them. Let us have the courage to stand for G-d!
Please help wake people up to pray with all our might and to resist.
May G-d have mercy on us.
Found Shannon's tweet on the web archive so now you can prove not only with a screenshot, but the archived web address in the event it gets removed:
God bless Brucha!!!
Excellent question. There isn’t anything wrong. It’s just that traditional Torah Jews usually write His name with a hyphen in non-sacred texts. This is to give G-d respect by ensuring that His name will not be desecrated if those texts are thrown away or otherwise treated disrespectfully.
In the Torah and in prayer books, His name is spelled out fully.