Here’s how you can make a difference: Call senators and urge them to Vote Yes on the Born Alive Act! Save babies’ lives.
HERE ARE THE PHONE NUMBERS! This is urgent, as Rule 14 was invoked this week, so the bill can be brought to an immediate vote in the Senate at any time.
As you may know from my article on Tuesday, murder of live-born babies is happening right here in the U.S.
There is a bill which passed Congress by a shockingly small margin (almost every Democrat representative voted against it) which would protect these babies’ lives. Under the Born Alive Act, a baby who survived an attempted abortion would have to be treated the same way as any other baby, by Federal law - given lifesaving care, and not killed. (HOW CAN ANYONE THINK OTHERWISE???)
It’s hard to believe, but 210 representatives voted against this bill in Congress. It passed because one Dem voted for it and one voted “present.” So the tally was 220-210.
“They” have such a horrible, murderous agenda that it’s simply unfathomable. If you didn’t yet, please read my above article. And if you didn’t read the source links yet, here is one very important one that you must read:
Only 18 states have laws protecting the lives of children who manage to survive abortion. In other states, it is perfectly legal to actively kill a child, or let it die, so long as the child was originally intended to be aborted. But Kamala Harris believes that allowing abortion survivors to live is “extreme.”
The U.S. Senate is currently considering HR 26 — a measure that would require the same standard of care for a baby who survived abortion that is provided to any other newborn. It is so important for you to contact the Senate today.
YES, there are 32 states in the U.S. in which infanticide is legal. That means it is legal for babies to be murdered even if they are born alive.
See these unbelievable horrors from the email I got today from Liberty Counsel, an organization fighting on the legal front:
Jill Stanek, a registered nurse who had been working in a hospital in Oak Park, Illinois, and was fired for exposing the atrocities, testified before Congress:
Not long after joining the maternity unit, one of Jill’s co-workers told her something unbelievable — a living, breathing, newly born baby was being sent down to the soiled laundry storage room where the child would be left alone to die.
An abortion had been performed, but the baby was born alive. Rather than treating the newborn like any other newborn, this child had been wrapped in an old towel and sent to a dirty laundry collection room to die among the soiled sheets.
“I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room,” Jill told the congressional panel. “So, I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived.”
Had this child been born after any procedure other than an abortion, he would have been put in a warming bin, given oxygen and a chance to survive. But saving the life of children who manage to survive abortion was not hospital policy.
Sickeningly, this was not an isolated incident. Jill recounted another example of a different child. Much like the baby mentioned above, this child, too, was sent to the dirty laundry room. He had been wrapped in a paper towel and left on a cold counter before his tiny body wound up in the laundry room trash can.
In her testimony, Jill recounted another child who was aborted because doctors told the mother the baby would have spina bifida. It turned out the doctors were wrong. The child was born healthy and alive and with a perfectly intact spine. But because the baby had survived an abortion, the baby was left to die.
Another botched abortion produced a beautiful living, breathing 2-pound baby, a weight that indicated a strong ability to survive and thrive. The nurse overseeing that abortion says she is haunted “because she doesn’t know if she made a mistake by not getting that baby medical help.” But the hospital policy was simply to let children who managed to survive an abortion die.
In yet another botched abortion, a baby was born with what medical experts deemed a nearly 40% chance of surviving. In any other circumstance, Jill told Congress, “There would have been a neonatologist, pediatric resident, neonatal nurse, and respiratory therapist present for the delivery, and the baby would have been taken to our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for specialized care.”
Instead, Jill testified that “after delivery, the baby, who showed early signs of thriving, was merely wrapped in a blanket and kept in the Labor & Delivery Department until she died 2½ hours later.”
This practice of letting children die who were born alive following an attempted abortion became so prevalent that the nurses created a “Comfort Room” to hold the babies until their last breath.
Jill desperately tried to stop this barbaric practice, but then-state Senator Barack Obama blocked the bill every time.
In any other situation, neglecting a baby to the point of death is heinous and punishable by prison time. But because these atrocities are being committed by abortionists, in many states they are not considered a crime.
Worse yet, as our client Sandra Merritt’s undercover videos revealed, many abortionists outright murder living, breathing children, wiping the life out of their tiny newly born bodies.
In abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s case in Philadelphia, he used sharpened utility scissors to cut babies’ tiny spinal cords once they had been fully born.
In another case, an abortion survivor was born alive in an easy chair at A Gyn Diagnostic Center of Hialeah, Florida. Undeterred by the breathing baby’s movements and cries, the clinic owner, Belkis Gonzalez, simply cut the umbilical cord and zipped the little girl into a Ziplock-like biohazard bag to suffocate her.Sources:
“2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Born-Alive Protections.” Family Research Council. Accessed January 25, 2023.
“Questions and Answers on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors.” Charlotte Lozier Institute, April 12, 2021.
Richard, Lawrence. “Born-Alive Act: Pelosi, Schumer Melt down after New Bill Requires Care for Babies Born during Failed Abortion.” Fox News, January 12, 2023.
Roeser, Thomas. “Amended Abortion Policy Is Cold Comfort Nurse's Objection to Leaving Babies to Die Gets Her Fired.” Chicago Sun-Times, September 2001.
“Testimony from Nurse Jill L. Stanek during the Born Alive Infant Protection Act Congressional Hearings.” California Pro Life Council. Accessed January 25, 2023.
The Born Alive Act (HR 26) will punish those who murder, neglect or dissect newborn babies while they are alive.
The “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.” passed Congress on January 11. Now, the Senate will consider whether to make it illegal to kill a child that has been born alive.
I hope that you will join in calling as many senators as possible to urge them to support the Born Alive Act. This is truly a tiny step compared to what they actually need to do from a moral standpoint, but at least let them do this.
It’s urgent because this week, Rule 14 was invoked, meaning the bill can be brought up at any time for a full vote in the Senate and thus bypass committee hearings.
Here is the bill, H.R. 26, the link to it, and phone numbers of the senators.
There is no excusable reason on earth for any human being to vote “no” on this bill. Anyone who does is just like a Nazi, I’m sorry to say.
Here are the phone numbers of the senators, and afterwards, the fax numbers of some of them.
Please try to call as many of them as you can today!!
Dial area code 202 and then 22 before each number listed here. I’m sorry I couldn’t make them clickable.
Here are the fax numbers of those who have fax machines:
Someone sent me this resource for faxing senators. I haven’t tried it yet.
The link shows a fax number and the state and party for each:
If you would like more information about the Born Alive Act, please see the following.
From Tuesday’s article - the details of H.R.26:
On January 11, the 118th U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill which mandates life-saving measures for babies that are born alive after an abortion, and another bill condemning the recent attacks on pro-life facilities.
The House passed 220-210 HR 26, known as the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” sponsored by Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO). All Republican members voted in favor of the bill. Two Democrats, Reps. Henry Cuellar and Vicente Gonzalez, both of South Texas, also voted in favor of the bill and “present,” respectively.
The bill would require abortion facilities and medical providers to treat babies born alive after a failed abortion with the same level of care as they would any other newborn. If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the child is considered a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States and is entitled to all the protections of such laws.
The bill states, “Any health care practitioner present at the time the child is born alive shall (A) exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age; and (B) following the exercise of skill, care, and diligence required under subparagraph (A), ensure that the child born alive is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital.”
HR 26 also adds penalties for medical providers that do not comply, and they could be subject to civil liability and criminal charges. For example, the bill specifies that “to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.”
More than 30,000 medical professionals support the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” by stating, “There is no scientific or legal reason to distinguish between human beings born after an attempted abortion and human beings born after attempted live birth. In cases where the mother’s life actually is in danger in the latter half of pregnancy, there is not time for an abortion... We can, and do, save the life of the mother through delivery of an intact infant in a hospital where both the mother and her newborn can receive the care that they need. There is no medical reason to intentionally kill that fetal human being.”
Abortion survivors are not “hypothetical.” The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that at least 143 babies were born alive after an attempted abortion between 2003 and 2014—a number derived from only the eight states that report this information.
Please join me in protesting the great evil in our midst.
Let us merit G-d’s mercy by showing mercy to the lives of the defenseless.
Shared on Twitter, Getter & Truth Social. Will call Senators but my California Senators are hopeless.
Oh wow. I was born ( wanted) premature at 2 lbs 5 ounces, in 1966. This is sickening.