How far can the truth be twisted till it snaps? German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach makes a fool of himself, as does the New York Times while attempting to address vaxxidents.
A product that was meant to guarantee you NOT to get sick is now said to protect the population by helping you get sick faster so you stay home, according to German Health Minister.

No comment needed, except perhaps to contrast this with an old tweet of another government official telling us that the vaccine will STOP transmission of the virus and you will NOT get sick, which I’m sure my readers can supply.
In other news, traffic deaths - including very strange ones - are happening so frequently that the mainstream could no longer ignore them. We understand that they are caused by vaccinated people suddenly blacking out or dying at the wheel, (when did they start happening? Remember?) but it is fascinating to see how the New York Times spins the story of vaxxidents.
Look at these excerpts from their article on Tuesday this week. You won’t know whether to laugh or cry. How are they not ashamed to show one set of data on a graph (that the explosion in traffic deaths started in 2021) but tell the opposite story in words, claiming that it started “since the pandemic” and ignoring the elephant in the room (the vaccine) while claiming that the causes of the surge are “somewhat mysterious” and “will take years to tease out”, and making it into a story about race? Notice that the graph of racial data they show on vehicle crash deaths is from 2019, before covid and the shots, so it does not include the new surge.
(I have bolded notable phrases, and pulled out key paragraphs. See link underneath to read the whole article.)
From The New York Times, August 25
Race, class and traffic deaths
By David Leonhardt
Good morning. A surge in vehicle crashes is disproportionately harming lower-income families and Black Americans.
Not since the 1940s
Vehicle crashes seem as if they might be an equal-opportunity public health problem. Americans in every demographic group drive, after all. If anything, poor families tend to rely more on public transportation and less on car travel.
Yet vehicle deaths turn out to be highly unequal. Lower-income people are much more likely to die in crashes, academic research shows. The racial gaps are also huge — even bigger on a percentage basis than the racial gaps on cancer, according to the C.D.C.
Data understates all death rates because race is not recorded in all crashes. | Source: National Safety Council
The unequal toll from crashes is particularly notable now because the U.S. is experiencing an alarming increase in vehicle deaths. Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary, recently called it “a national crisis of fatalities and serious injuries on our roadways.” And the toll is falling most heavily on lower-income Americans and Black Americans.
Yes, you can’t ignore the increase any longer, right?
The reasons for the increase remain somewhat mysterious, experts say. But the consequences are clear. More than 115 Americans have been dying on the roads on average every day this year.
Very mysterious indeed.
As alarming as these trends were, the biggest increases have taken place more recently — since the pandemic. In the spring of 2020, as Covid was transforming daily life, vehicle crashes surged. By the start of this year, the death rate had jumped about 20 percent from prepandemic levels. It has been the sharpest increase since the 1940s.
How did Covid lead to more crashes?
At first, researchers thought that emptier roads might be the main answer. Open roads can encourage speeding, and speeding can be fatal. But even as traffic returned to near-normal levels last year, traffic deaths remained high. That combination weakens the empty-road theory, as Robert Schneider, an urban-planning expert at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, said.
The most plausible remaining theories tend to involve the mental health problems caused by Covid’s isolation and disruption. Alcohol and drug abuse have increased. Impulsive behavior, like running red lights and failing to wear seatbelts, also seems to have risen (as my colleague Simon Romero has reported). Many Americans have felt frustrated or unhappy, and it seems to have affected their driving.
Hmmm. How is he making this “about Covid” when we can see with our own eyes on his helpful graph that the explosion in traffic deaths is in 2021 and 2022, after the vaccines were rolled out and the lockdowns were over?
Blaming “covid”is even more dishonest being that 2022 is seeing even more deaths than 2021. This is is not apparent on the graph above, but is stated clearly on the NHTSA website which the article links:
But still, they don’t get it:
Ken Kolosh, who oversees data analysis at the National Safety Council, a nonprofit group, told me that researchers would need years to tease out all the causes.
Really? I could tell them right now, for free.
And here are their “solutions”:
Even if the full explanation of the surge in crashes is murky, many experts believe that the most promising solutions remain clear.
“Making streets safer doesn’t require designing new solutions in laboratories,” John Rennie Short, of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, has written. Jeffrey Michael, another expert, told The Washington Post, “This is an issue for which answers are known.”
Those answers include: stricter enforcement of speed limits, seatbelt mandates and drunken-driving laws; better designed roads, especially in poorer neighborhoods; more public transit; and further spread of safety features like automated braking.
Continuing to leave behind the disruptions of Covid — and the loneliness and stress they have caused — seems likely to help, too.
How will seat belt and speed limit enforcement help when people are blacking out or dying at the wheel and losing control? 🤔
Here is the NYT article link.
Here is the latest collection of sudden deaths, including vaxxidents, by Mark Crispin Miller:
The world, especially the governments and main stream media, have gone completely crazy. we need moshiach!