Today, I had the privilege of hearing some very strengthening words from my Rabbi.
He pointed out that when the Evil Ones get caught in their lies, they simply keep going without missing a beat. We have to take a page from their book. No getting discouraged! No matter what they try to do to silence our message of truth, we just need to keep repeating it and never stop.
My Rabbi reminded me that the entire world was changed by ONE PERSON, Abraham, who taught monotheism. History is not made, he said, by the masses, but by the lone individuals fighting for the side of G-d.
So, if I can inspire even one of you to carry the torch higher, to speak the truth louder, to tell the world that there is a Creator, and to reject all the lies we are being fed, we will make the difference together.
Tonight is the holiday of Shavuos, when we received the Torah on Mt. Sinai, 3,335 years ago. These laws contain the proper guidance on every issue that mankind faces, and are the blueprint for a beautiful, thriving world.
The world only continues to exist in the merit of the study and fulfillment of Torah, the words of G-d.
Here is a passage from “Duties of the Heart” (Chovos Halevavos) about the benefits of trust in G-d, which speaks straight to us:
And, as Rabbi Avigdor Miller explains the passage:
Thinking about our society today, and how most people feel forced to go along with whatever the prevailing winds are, oh, how this resonates.
The solution, we are being taught, is increased connection to G-d and trust in Him.
No wonder the Evil Ones are trying so hard to erase the public’s awareness of our Creator.
When people don’t know Him, the Evil Ones are free to control them.
With G-d’s help, let’s keep fighting. We have a lot of work ahead.
Have a wonderful and meaningful Shavuos.
Thank-you, Brucha. I needed to hear these words today.
Chag Shavuot sameach!