It’s not just the CCP behind the global murder. It’s much worse than that. Part 1: What IS happening in China now, and NY State illegal forced quarantine regulation silently enacted by Gov. Hochul
We need to understand where the planners are going with this.
The first rule of war is “know your enemy.” But those who’ve plotted against us and against everything decent and holy have hidden themselves very well.
I know that, whatever I have learned, I’ve only begun to understand this vast topic. There are great experts who can teach you much more then I can, but at least I can make a start.
Of course, is about SO much more than China. But first, it’s critical to study China, because we can then understand what (G-d forbid) our future could look like as our countries turn totalitarian.
What’s happening in China is horrible, actually.
In Part 1 of this article I will show the dangers of a totalitarian, G-dless government. In subsequent parts, I will show the global vision they are planning, and, to the best of my understanding, who is behind the global evil.
This was NEVER about controlling a virus to keep the public safe and save lives. This is about controlling and reducing the human population.
Chinese now have to take a daily Covid test to prove they aren't positive, in order to keep their QR code green, and their life going. Everyone has a smartphone digital ID tracking them, and if the code isn’t green, they can’t work or get on public transportation, and they may get arrested. Robots are replacing Chinese Covid test staff, giving mandatory nasal swab tests to citizens.

Sonpinganq posted on July 13 “More and more robot Covid test booths appearing on Chinese street corners. After you scan your QR code Covid pass on the machine (for registration of your test time and location), you can take your today's test to get your today's movement license.”
In March, she posted a video of a small child suffering through a deep, painful nose swabbing and wrote: “Every day I have to go through this process like this kid suffered to keep my QR code vaccine passport green.”

“I am angry and feel helpless now.
“The QR code Covid pass is watching your every move every minute, you need to scan it everywhere you go.
“No matter what weather is like outside of your home, you need to take your daily mandatory Covid test to prove you aren't Covid positive.

“If you skip today's Covid test, tomorrow your QR code Covid pass will automatically turn to yellow, indicates you can't get into public places and take public may lost your job and get arrested.”
“So they are running for test.”
Honestly, as a Jewish woman who had cousins who died in Auschwitz, what is happening in China today is starting to remind me way too much of the Holocaust era.
Mark Crispin Miller wrote:
This East/West merger has a lot of folks ferociously recycling US propaganda c. 1952, calling this new global nightmare “communism,” and blaming it entirely on the CCP.
If only that were so; because the prospect facing us is really worse than that—a novel blend of fascism (at the top) and communism (at the bottom); nor is the entity that’s pulled this off the CCP alone, but the exalted caste of globalist predators intent on either killing or enslaving us, and who therefore see China as their model.
So it behooves us to look closely at China, and never think “Oh, that’s China, it can’t happen here.”
Remember the Shanghai lockdowns a little while ago, where people were locked inside their homes, screaming into the night, starving to death, jumping from hi-rise windows?
The American Institute for Economic Research published this article by David Waugh on April 12:
Zero COVID Horror Show in Shanghai
Here’s a quote:
Shanghai, the financial capital of China with a population of 25 million people, currently faces its third week of steep increases in cases of COVID-19.
In response, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) implemented harsh COVID-19 restrictions in Shanghai, sending an armyof healthcare workers to enforce them. Citizens cannot leave their homes. They can only receive medical care upon presenting a negative COVID test. Healthcare workers are forcing COVID-positive individuals into quarantine camps and stripping children from their parents. Government officials are even executing pets in the street when the pet owners test positive for COVID. People are running out of food, screaming from their windows, and jumping out of buildings in protest.

There were actually many people jumping to their deaths in Shanghai, out of starvation and desperation.
This April 9 article in New York Post by Steven W. Mosher was explicit:
China leading citizens to jump from balconies in quest to achieve ‘COVID Zero’:
For over two weeks the financial capital of China, Shanghai, has been locked down tight. Some 26 million people languish in their apartments, staring at their now-empty refrigerators, unable to set foot outside to forage for food for fear of arrest and incarceration.
Unable to protest their lock-up any other way, people have taken to venting their anger by yelling out of their apartment windows. Most of their complaints have to do with food. “We have no food to eat,” they scream. “We haven’t eaten in a very long time. We are starving to death.”
One starving lockdowner found a quieter way to protest his growling stomach. He rolled his refrigerator onto his balcony and opened its doors. The inside is completely empty.
Other protests have taken more tragic forms. As they did in Wuhan two years ago, people are once again jumping off the balconies of high-rise apartment buildings. One video circulating in China shows a couple falling to their deaths. The husband was said to be distraught because the lockdown had cost him his business.
Those desperate enough to venture outside in their search for food are hunted down by “Big Whites” — members of the security forces who owe their nickname to the white hazmat suits they wear. Patrolling the streets day and night, the “Big Whites” arrest and jail anyone caught breaking quarantine, who often get beaten in the process.
Those sent to mass quarantine camps for testing positive for COVID have it scarcely better. These makeshift facilities often lack basic necessities. One video from Shanghai’s Nanhui camp shows people fighting over limited supplies of blankets, water and food.
No one, not even small children, is exempted from the quarantine rule. Hundreds of infants and toddlers have been separated from their parents after testing positive. As one grieving mother complained on social media: “I’m so upset … This is inhumane.”
If anyone thought that it could never happen here, unfortunately I need to inform you that in NY, Governor Hochul silently, unilaterally, enacted a regulation to indefinitely detain people she deemed a public health threat, without testing or other due process.
Thank G-d, a brave and brilliant lawyer named Bobbie Anne Cox recognized the grave threat of the totally unconstitutional and illegal regulation, and she fought it in court and won - but Hochul announced that she plans to APPEAL!
We need to get the word out about how evil and dangerous Hochul is, and about her total disregard for the law.
See Attorney Cox’s July 19 article in American Thinker:
Here’s part of the article:
We have had a tremendous victory here in New York: a Supreme Court Judge has struck down Governor Kathy Hochul’s forced quarantine regulation! On July 8, 2022, Judge Ronald Ploetz ruled that the “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation is unconstitutional and “violative of New York State law as promulgated and enacted, and therefore null, void and unenforceable as a matter of law.”
Shockingly, New York’s Governor, Kathy Hochul, and Attorney General, Letitia James, plan to appeal the decision. Yes, that’s right…the Governor and AG, both unabashedly support quarantine camps! One would think that this fact, in and of itself, would be disturbing enough but add to it the fact that they’re both running for election this November, and you can see just how unconstitutionally brazen and wholly out-of-touch with New Yorkers each of these “leaders” is.
For anyone who missed my prior article on this horrific forced quarantine regime, the regulation truly shocks the conscience. Without exaggeration, it’s something out of a dystopian horror movie. It gives the unelected bureaucrats in the Department of Health the power to pick and choose who they want to “detain,” if they believe it’s even possible you might have a communicable disease. They don’t have to prove you’re actually sick.
And when I say “detain,” I mean lock you in your home or force you from your home into a facility. The government chooses which “detention center” and the length of your stay there is purely at the government’s discretion. That’s right: No time limit so it could be for days, months, or years.... Furthermore, there is no age restriction so that the government could force you, your child, your grandchild, or your elderly parent into detention.
This illegal quarantine regulation allowed for endless possibilities of abuse because there were no due process protections built in to safeguard against government abuse. Once targeted by the DOH, you would have no recourse whatsoever: No chance to prove that you aren’t actually infected with a disease. No chance to confront your jailers, see their supposed evidence against you or challenge their quarantine order in a court of law before getting locked up. Judge Ploetz stated in his decision that the regulation “merely gives ‘lip service’ to Constitutional due process.”
It gets worse. In the true fashion of a dictatorship, the government could tell you what you could and couldn’t do while in quarantine. For example, bureaucrats and politicians could decide to deprive you of your cell phone or internet access, thereby totally cutting off your communications with the outside world. They might also decide to restrict your food intake or force you to take certain medicines or “treatments” that the government deems appropriate. They could even choose to discriminate against those with certain views or beliefs, creating political prisoners, all in the name of supposed “health and safety”.
Judge Ploetz noted in his decision that, “[i]nvoluntary detention is a severe deprivation of individual liberty, far more egregious than other health safety measures, such as requiring mask wearing at certain venues. Involuntary quarantine may have far-reaching consequences such as loss of income (or employment) and isolation from family.”
I fully concur and so, when I first read this regulation last year, I knew I had to strike it down. It was clear to me that this “regulation” violated the separation of powers that is so clearly laid out in our Constitution. It violated existing New York State laws that have been on the books for decades. It violated due process protections.
I knew that, if I didn’t strike it down, then “quarantine facilities” could become a new norm in New York State. And if that happened, I knew it would spread like a cancer to other states across the nation. At that point, there’d be no place left to run and hide. This was not a fight only for New Yorkers; it was a fight for all Americans.
Here is the website where you can learn more about the lawsuit.
Please share this article by email, post in social media, and tell friends. We need to campaign to shame Hochul for her illegal attempts to imprison us, and we certainly need to explain to everyone why voting for her would be a very dangerous mistake.
I think we also need to reflect on why the Chinese government has been able to do such terrible things to its people. Could it be because they removed them from G-d consciousness?
We need to pray to the One G-d, Creator and Controller of everything, to save the Chinese people and to save all humanity. We need to inspire all of humanity to return to knowledge and deep awareness of the Creator and to follow His simple recipe for a sane world. That is, the 7 basic laws of morality (7 Noahide Laws) for the general population, and 613 commandments for Jewish people.
Please stay tuned for Part 2, G-d willing.