Major News (the beginning of the end for Pfizer?) You probably should dump Pfizer stock now if you have any
Pfizer admits they had NO DATA at time of rollout on whether shot would stop transmission. Plus, FL Surgeon General tells young men NOT to get the shot because of 84% increased risk of cardiac death.
Updated 11:28 AM Oct 12 with more information towards end of Story #1
Story #1:
In bombshell news, a Pfizer executive admitted on October 10 to a European investigative committee that she and other Pfizer officials actually had NO IDEA whether or not the covid vaccines stopped transmission of the virus when they were released on the market.
The shots had not been tested to see if they worked to prevent contagion before rollout to the entire world.
Pfizer just didn’t have time for checking such unimportant details because they had to move so fast to stop the pandemic!
Never mind that the narrative of “get your vaccination to protect others around you” was the main reason that many chose to be injected, and the pretext under which millions of others, such as healthcare workers and teachers, were forced to do so.

In case you can’t click the tweet, here are highlights:
In a covid hearing in the European Parliament, MEP Robert Roos questioned Janine Small, Pfizer President of International Developed Markets, “Was the Pfizer covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”
Ms. Small answered: “No.”
And she attempts to justify Pfizer’s actions: “We had to really move at the speed of science to understand what is really taking place in the market.”
You can watch the conversation here:
Although the Food and Drug Administration wrote in late 2020 that there was no data available to determine whether the vaccine would prevent transmission and for how long it would protect against transmission, that wasn’t the idea that was blasted around the world. Rather, the refrain always was “get vaccinated TO SAVE OTHERS!”
If you didn’t, you were considered selfish, maybe a murderer, often barred from family gatherings, and in places like NYC - which have vaccine mandates - even from work or school.
If the vaccine companies didn’t actually come out claiming that the vaccine prevented transmission, it didn’t matter - they may as well have said so, because they mostly stayed quiet on the matter as they let government officials do their promotion for them.
Prominent figures such as Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci promised us clearly that the vaccine works to stop transmission - although it turns out, they had nothing on which to base that claim.
Here is an excellent collection of their false assurances:
Here’s what Fauci said: (excerpt, Epoch Times.)
Chief Biden administration medical adviser Anthony Fauci in May 2021 said in a CBS interview that vaccinated people are “dead ends” for COVID-19, suggesting they cannot transmit the virus. “When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said.
Updated with El Gato Malo’s excellent article, (turns out that Pfizer CEO Bourla WAS claiming the shots stopped transmission), please see:
Here is another article for further information:
This is likely great fodder for a lawsuit.
Story #2:
I am grateful to Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack and to A.G. for calling this very important development to my attention.
Florida Surgeon General Guidance: Males 18-39 Should Avoid COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Based on Self-Controlled Case Series Study
Trialsite News, October 8
“Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, MD, Ph.D. yesterday issued a concerning tweet declaring the release of a state-sponsored analysis of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines he believes the public should be aware exists. In this analysis, the state claims that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines increase the risk of cardiac-related death among men aged 18 to 39 by 84%, and in a message defiant to the federal government, declared, “FL will not be silent on the truth.”
This is a FIRST in the United States, I believe. A state surgeon general is urging adults NOT to get the covid shots - based on their own state’s independent safety study - in direct contradiction to Federal government official advice.
Thank G-d for brave people willing to investigate and to speak the truth, at grave personal risk. May G-d protect them and bless them, and may their numbers increase.
See also:
I was listening to a pharmaceutical commercial on TV yesterday and was listening to the end of their monologue of all the side effects. Think about when they have a Covid 19 vaccine commercial, never do they say anything about side effects when it is advertised on TV. “Safe and effective” is their logo. These pharmaceutical companies disgust me. Evil to the core! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
This explains why the Israeli government gave in to Pfizer. It’s not really Pfizer, it’s the USA DOD. Israel is so dependent upon them & before Trump left office they were taken into Central Command, if I remember correctly. Big mistake not to remain Independent, no matter the cost.