Monkeypox (moneypox) #4: Collection of additional treatments, thank G-d
Remember the rule: G-d creates the cure before the disease. There’s a treatment for everything. Don’t ever believe that “there’s nothing to be done so we have to get dangerous injections.”
1) Around a week ago, I wrote about Nitazoxanide as a probable excellent treatment for pox diseases, based on the following science paper that someone sent to my group:
I think it really looks promising.
Nitazoxanide is EXTREMELY expensive in the US, but is dirt cheap when ordered from India. I know someone who helps people get medications from India (no charge for her services, and I don’t get anything for passing this on, just trying to save lives.) If you want to order medications to have on hand to help family and friends, here is what she asked me to pass on:
Discount pricing to June 6
IVERMECTIN 12mg #100 for $18
($36 after June 6)
HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE 200mg #60 for $18
($36 after June 6)
NITAZOXANIDE 500mg #36 for $36
ZPack 250mg or 500mg $5
LDN Low Dose Naltrexone will soon be a available.
Shipping USPS with Tracking
$7 First Class 3 to 4 days
$10 Priority 2 to 3 days
$30 Priority Express Next Day
Text or Whatsapp
310 701 2000
(Of course, neither she nor I are suggesting that anyone take medication without a doctor’s supervision, but this is a way that you can be prepared so that if an informed Telehealth doctor tells you to take something, you have it on hand.)
The way that the evil ones got most of us totally freaked out in the spring of 2020 was by saying “there’s no treatment”. That’s how we can change the paradigm this time around - pray, and publicize in advance that YES, there IS treatment (just don’t take any treatment THEY are offering, lol.)
Since last week, G-d has been directing me to more and more treatment options for smallpox/monkeypox.
2) Today I found this link to a video put out by a Rabbi in Israel I know, about the plant that Native Americans used to treat smallpox. (Sarracenia purpurea, or pitcher plant.) I didn’t get to watch it yet.
3) I’ve been talking a lot with a brilliant scientist, Professor Leonard Sonnenschein. You may have seen the zoom events we’ve had in which his fascinating protocol for covid, long haul, and vaccine injury was described. His products are what he calls “electrocides”- an amazing concept, in which seawater minerals which have been given a strong positive charge, wipe out all harmful pathogens (which have a negative charge.)
Since they wipe out pathogens, the products most likely should work against pox viruses, too.
Again, I’m not getting anything by spreading this information, either (no commission!), just the satisfaction of helping people.
While you can’t buy his whole protocol for covid vax injury on Amazon, (it’s made up of many products and has to be individually tailored), the 2 products that would be important to use against monkeypox ARE available on Amazon.
They are the A1 Mineral Supplement and the Healthy Mineral Plus, both made by Healthy Options.
Here is a zoom recording from May 29 in which the products are explained. Unlike the previous times we had zooms with Professor Sonnenschein, I wasn’t on this event, because it was tailored to be convenient for the Australian time zone. I haven’t had time to watch most of it, but I saw that someone commented that things were explained particularly clearly on this one. (Skip the first 5 minutes where I’m told they were getting organized.)
By the way, the protocol is helping all kinds of illnesses, even some cancers, like sarcoma and glioblastoma. Please contact me if you know someone who needs help.
4) Last but certainly not least, G-d guided me to a fascinating book, (which I was reading to learn more about the history of vaccination.) The book talks about “lost remedies” for diseases that were prevalent in the olden days. I was amazed to find three products which seem to be very potent against smallpox. They are:
Apple cider vinegar
I’ll include photos of the pages of the book that describe these treatments/prophylaxes, and a link to order the book on Amazon (it’s sooo good!)
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
May G-d grant healing and redemption to the entire world.
May we all recognize that He is the only real Power and True Healer.
This is wonderful information and I will certainly pass it along.
You are so kind to help so many in need, especially those who don't know where to turn.
I will be ordering by June 6th to take advantage of the lower prices...especially in these times of outrageous costs on everything.
Bless you!!!
Smallpox - Treatments/Prophylaxes - Dissolving Illusions-Lost Remedies
PDF format of pics posted