MORE awesome ADS!
Lots of people requested PDF’s, so we made a new batch that are culturally diverse. Plus, some “oldies but goodies.”
Thank G-d, many people emailed me to ask for PDFs of the kids’ ads from my last article, so that they could print flyers. I was so gratified at the response.
Thanks to a subscriber across the globe, I realized that I needed to include a wider range of children in the ads, so my designer made some new ones.
Here are the new ads! It is exhilarating to reach and help save people worldwide. Thank you for working to spread this lifesaving information.
Plus some oldies but goodies I shared a long time ago:
We made this around June 2021. Unfortunately it’s a little outdated as so many more kids have died since then.
We made this one around November 2021 as a flip of a NY Health Department ad urging people to vaccinate, that was full of falsehoods. Our (paid) ad was even up on a bus stop in Brooklyn for a few days, till it got taken down. See this story: 😂 I guarantee you that we did not “pop open the glass” to place the ad, as the article ridiculously hypothesizes. My friend paid for the bus stop space fair and square. You can see from that article the tremendous pro-vax propaganda that the government had hyped up, which made those who sold the ad space afraid to even admit it!
And we made this one in July 2022:
Here are the PDFs which you can download and print as flyers to hand out, but if you can’t download them, feel free to email me at so I can email them to you. I also included the PDFs of the 3 ads from last article, in case you want them but hadn’t emailed me. If you would like PDFs of a different size - such as postcards, or perhaps to advertise on a bus stop 😂 just let me know.
I would like to ask for two favors, if you have the means:
If you can help me pay for ads I ran in 7 publications this week - I took on the financial responsibility for them, which was about $5,000 - and owe $4,200 that’s still unpaid. If you can be G-d’s messenger to help pay for them, in any amount, please donate at
If you can take out a paid subscription, (or even become a founding member) it would really help me. I am doing this (volunteer) work of raising awareness full-time, and thank G-d have a large family. We live on miracles. 😊
I saw the ads in the Yated and Lehovin this Shabbos. Good work!