Sodom and Gemora, Biblical Egypt, and Nazi Germany rolled into one - that is how my husband described it, when I told him the sickening things below.
Before you read further, be sure you are prepared to face something extremely emotionally disturbing. It left me very shaken up. If you don’t think you can handle learning about details of murder, please stop here.
My thought when I read this was, there is going to be severe Heavenly retribution.
I want to be sure that I am doing whatever I can to protest against murder and to rally people to join together to stop it. That’s why I’m sharing this with you. I don’t want any of us to be guilty of turning a blind eye.
Remember, the very same evil, the denial of the Creator and of the sanctity of human life, which enabled the Covid “pandemic” murders in hospitals and the “vaccine” murders, is the same evil going on here. It’s all one! It’s an anti-G-d, anti-life, population control agenda.
Updated January 29 with this important follow up article containing phone numbers so you can take action:
I’ve combined a few of the emails I got from Mat Staver at Liberty Counsel over the past week and edited them to tell this horror story. While it’s extremely traumatizing, we have to FIGHT it. We cannot just ignore this.
It’s urgent because just today, Rule 14 was invoked, meaning the bill which I’m going tell you about here can be brought up at any time for a full vote in the Senate and thus bypass committee hearings.
Today’s news reads like something from Old Testament times or from ancient cultures where they burned “their children in the fire as offerings to Baal” (Jer. 19:5).
But this is not ancient history.
Right now, just outside our nation’s capital, baby bodies are being used to heat homes. This is an outrageous statement, and more so because it is true.
In Washington, D.C., evidence has surfaced that babies were killed after being born and then their bodies were burned to create electricity in the Baltimore area. This level of evil is unconscionable; however, it is just the tip of the iceberg of what my team uncovered. Similar newborn murders are happening across America!
Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services, also called Curtis Bay Energy, Inc., “operates a unique waste-to-energy technology that utilizes medical waste for energy creation.” This energy company was caught in Washington, D.C., picking up biohazard boxes marked with its logo that were full of babies’ bodies from an abortion clinic.
Last March, a sidewalk counselor in Washington, D.C., saw two cartons of “medical waste” being taken out of an abortion clinic. She told the employee of the medical waste company that the cartons were filled with the bodies of babies and asked if she could give them a proper funeral and burial.
She obtained one of the two boxes she saw being picked up that day, with the Curtis Bay Energy logo and photographed it.
Inside the box, she found the bodies of 115 children. Five of the children were wrapped separately. According to experts, all five of those children appeared to be well past the point of viability. One child appeared to have been killed at 32 weeks' gestation.
Evidence shows, these five were born alive and at a stage at which they could have survived outside the womb, according to experts — had they been given the chance to live. Instead, they were destined for energy-burning incinerators providing power to homes in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.
The suburbs of our nation’s capital are now, literally, fueled by fires stoked with the bodies of murdered children. And the “fuel” is being provided by abortions in the District of Columbia.
Children born at 32 weeks regularly survive and grow up to be healthy, happy adults — if they are not murdered post-birth by the doctors who delivered them. Further examination of these children revealed they were killed violently, indicating they were likely born alive before being unceremoniously murdered.
Live Action reported that, “One of the babies, whom activists have since named ‘Harriet,’ had an incision on the back of her neck that could indicate the use of the federally banned D&X abortion procedure more commonly known as partial-birth abortion. Other intact babies found in the bag could have been killed by infanticide after surviving the abortion procedure.”
I have personally seen the pictures, and they are sickening.
But just as sickening is the fact that 10 months after this gruesome discovery, the only people who have been arrested are those who exposed the grotesque evil taking place in the shadow of Capitol Hill!
That’s because there are 32 states in the U.S. in which infanticide is legal. That means it is legal for babies to be murdered even if they are born alive.
This is why we need to pass the federal Born Alive Act. HR 26, the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.” passed Congress on January 11. Now, the Senate will consider whether to make it illegal to kill a child that has been born alive.
Call or Fax members of the U.S. Senate to pass the Born Alive Act (HR 26) and STOP infanticide now!
Not even the Jezebellian worshippers of Molech and Baal could have dreamed of such evil. Yet, it is happening right now in our nation’s capital.
This level of disregard for life is sickening. Meanwhile, the D.C. police and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) are working together to cover up for those accused of horrific crimes against born-alive children. I shudder to think how a G-d of Justice will judge our nation.
In 2013, more than 1,200 babies lived after an attempted abortion — and that number is certainly much higher because some babies born alive were then killed and not reported.
In addition, my team helped uncover that some abortion clinics had altered abortion procedures to give birth to children alive and so they could then harvest their organs intact to sell for “research.”
As we have seen in our case defending Sandra Merritt, the brave grandmother-turned-undercover-journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s evil “Baby Parts for Sale” scheme, such evil goes on every day, and the perpetrators are not punished.
Sandra’s undercover videos proved that Planned Parenthood abortion providers were altering abortion procedures to ensure that babies were born alive, then dissecting those children ALIVE to get higher prices from organ procurement companies.
This is not the first time this Washington, D.C., abortionist has been caught performing these gruesome procedures. Cesare Santangelo was shown on camera several years ago describing his unique and brutal process. He does not inject feticide drugs to kill the child, but instead cuts their umbilical cord and waits for the child to die by cardiac arrest.
He admitted on camera that if a child survived one of his abortions, he and his staff “would not help it.”
I simply cannot imagine the callous evil that would look at a fully living, breathing and viable baby and simply choose to let it die. This level of brutality is nauseating.
But just as outrageous is the fact that both the Washington, D.C., police and Joe Biden’s FBI REFUSED to investigate or arrest this doctor for his obvious crimes! Instead, they arrested the pro-life activists who reported the crime!
The day after activists reported the crime to the D.C. police, the FBI showed up and arrested nine pro-life advocates on alleged infractions from almost two years ago!
Then, “despite the fact that no investigation or autopsies had been performed,” Live Action reports that the “D.C. police held a press conference, dismissing the possibility that these viable babies were killed illegally.”
Rather than investigate the abortionist or his clinic, they showed up at the home of the person who brought it to their attention and arrested the courageous people who were seeking justice for the babies!
It is hard to believe anyone could consider the murder of a fully born, fully alive baby to be a “choice.” It is even harder to believe that we would ever need to pass a law to make the barbaric practice of killing babies born alive illegal.
But sadly — as we saw in our ongoing defense of Planned Parenthood whistleblower Sandra Merritt, who exposed the gruesome practice of chopping fully born, fully alive babies into pieces to be sold to the highest bidder — it is true.
The Born Alive Act (HR 26) will punish those who murder, neglect or dissect newborn babies while they are alive. HR 26 passed the House on January 11, despite the objections of 210 representatives who voted to keep infanticide legal. Now this measure moves to the Senate.
In legal news … There was a pretrial hearing last week in the criminal case pending against our client, Sandra Merritt — the brave grandmother-turned-undercover-journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s heinous “Baby Parts for Sale” schemes and now faces 10 years in prison for exposing the abortionists’ crimes.
Much like the Washington, D.C., activists, SANDRA is the one being punished.
The State of California is prosecuting Sandra Merritt for daring to expose the truth about Planned Parenthood’s infanticide-for-profit scheme.
She is the only undercover journalist in California to ever be charged with a “crime” for their investigative reporting.
In one video, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, at the time medical director for Planned Parenthood, said, “So then ... you try to intentionally go above and below the thorax, so that, you know, we’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m going to basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
“And with the calvarium [head], in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex, because when it’s vertex presentation, you never have enough dilation at the beginning of the case, unless you have real, huge amount of dilation to deliver an intact calvarium.”
“So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end … And we’ve been pretty successful with that. I’d say.”
Such gruesome actions toward children are continuing every day. But thank G-d, we now have the opportunity to STOP infanticide.
Ruth Arick, owner of a Florida abortion clinic, said “some researchers are looking for whole fetuses ... so you over-dilate, you try to be able to extract an entire fetus through your cannula, but then again, the over-dilation can be a risk to the woman, so you know, it’s a game.”
“If you’re looking for the organs, you’ve got to be able to do that, and separate them, and get ’em in the right kind of stuff, and then off they go,” Arick said.
Another researcher we brought to the stand in Sandra’s legal case was shocked when a baby’s beating heart arrived at the research lab. She testified under oath that the heart had to have been removed beating while the baby was alive.
Why are pro-abortion Democrats so dead set on murdering children, even the ones born alive? Perhaps it’s because even one abortion survivor destroys the lie that babies are simply clumps of flesh to be ripped from the womb and discarded as if the procedure were no more than a wart removal.
Incredibly, 210 members of the U.S. House voted to keep infanticide legal. Thank G-d, 220 other House members voted to make the atrocity of infanticide illegal, which included all the Republicans and two Democrats. HR 26, the bill that would make it a crime to kill a baby post-birth, passed the House and now moves to the Senate.
The fact that nearly half of one of the houses of Congress voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is indicative of just how deep the death culture of abortion runs in Congress. However, the House win proves we CAN win the fight for these precious children. And a heinous crime that Joe Biden’s FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) refuses to investigate demonstrates exactly why we must act now. Read on.
Call or fax the Senate now and DEMAND infanticide be made illegal. DEMAND they VOTE YES on HR 26!
Details of H.R.26:
On January 11, the 118th U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill which mandates life-saving measures for babies that are born alive after an abortion, and another bill condemning the recent attacks on pro-life facilities.
The House passed 220-210 HR 26, known as the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” sponsored by Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO). All Republican members voted in favor of the bill. Two Democrats, Reps. Henry Cuellar and Vicente Gonzalez, both of South Texas, also voted in favor of the bill and “present,” respectively.
The bill would require abortion facilities and medical providers to treat babies born alive after a failed abortion with the same level of care as they would any other newborn. If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the child is considered a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States and is entitled to all the protections of such laws.
The bill states, “Any health care practitioner present at the time the child is born alive shall (A) exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age; and (B) following the exercise of skill, care, and diligence required under subparagraph (A), ensure that the child born alive is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital.”
HR 26 also adds penalties for medical providers that do not comply, and they could be subject to civil liability and criminal charges. For example, the bill specifies that “to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.”
More than 30,000 medical professionals support the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” by stating, “There is no scientific or legal reason to distinguish between human beings born after an attempted abortion and human beings born after attempted live birth. In cases where the mother’s life actually is in danger in the latter half of pregnancy, there is not time for an abortion... We can, and do, save the life of the mother through delivery of an intact infant in a hospital where both the mother and her newborn can receive the care that they need. There is no medical reason to intentionally kill that fetal human being.”
Abortion survivors are not “hypothetical.” The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that at least 143 babies were born alive after an attempted abortion between 2003 and 2014—a number derived from only the eight states that report this information.
I have no words to describe the evil in this story:
“Call 911,” Angele screamed from the abortion clinic bathroom. Her son had been born alive. But despite seeing her still moving and very much alive child, clinic workers let the child die … and even turned away the paramedics her friend had called during a frantic 911 call, the recording of which we have in our possession. I was contacted by Angele and will never forget my visit to the morgue in Orlando, Florida.
In January 11, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 26 — the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. If this measure passes the Senate, it will REQUIRE that all children who survive an abortion receive proper medical care and a shot at life. If HR 26 passes the Senate, post-birth abortion will finally be a federal crime. Read on to learn more about Baby Rowan and how you and I can prevent such travesties from happening.
The EPOC Center of Orlando, Florida, website claims the EPOC treats the women who enter its doors with “respect and compassion.” But when Angele gave birth to a healthy baby boy, the abortion clinic refused medical treatment for the child. The clinic had induced delivery to abort the child.
The contractions began earlier than expected, and Angele returned later in the day. With no help, she delivered the baby while sitting on a commode. When Angele saw her son, she immediately changed her mind and realized she had made a terrible decision.
Her screams for help were ignored. The clinic refused to call an ambulance, and when one arrived anyway thanks to her friend’s 911 call, clinic workers LIED to paramedics, claiming everything was under control. Meeting the paramedics outside the clinic, they convinced them to drive on and not enter the building.
Meanwhile, abortion center assistants left Angele closed in a dirty bathroom where she tried desperately to use her hands and a blue pad to try to keep Baby Rowan warm.
“I continued to try to caress and comfort my son by rubbing his back, tummy and chest. I stroked his precious little head and kept telling him I loved him and we would be OK. I was afraid to move him because I did not want to do anything that might end up hurting him.”
“I pushed my pinky into his little hand and his fingers curled around me. Still no one was coming. I was terrified but trying not to let him know I was scared. I kept telling him what a beautiful son he was and that we were going to be safe soon.”
But Rowan was not going to be safe as his mother hoped.
Because the clinic withheld lifesaving assistance and refused to allow the paramedics entrance, Baby Rowan slowly died in his mother’s arms.
“I felt so bad. I felt so helpless. I had been so wrong to come here. ... I wanted to fix and change everything once I saw Rowan’s precious little face and body. All we needed was someone to get us to safety,” Angele said.
I will never forget my visit to the morgue where Baby Rowan was in a shoe box in a morgue drawer. I came face to face with the evil that had sent him there. Baby Rowan was perfectly formed. He had not been poisoned and was fully intact.
I cannot remain silent because what I experienced that day happens every day in America. This evil must end. We can — and we must — STOP this evil.
Last week, Rep. Hillary Scholten (D-MI) twisted scripture to justify her vote against medical care for abortion survivors.
“When I read scripture,” Scholten announced from the House podium, “I turn to Jeremiah 1:5 which states 'I knew you before I formed you and placed you in your mother's womb.’”
But then Scholten tried to add a fallacious caveat to G-d’s Word, noting that the scripture “doesn't say ‘the government's womb.’" Scholten voted for infanticide that day.
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) also spoke on the House floor in favor of infanticide. Nadler admitted that providing care to a newborn “may be the right thing to do for the health and survival of that infant,” but then said, “That is the problem with this bill.” NO! That’s the problem with Jerry Nadler and his twisted death cult!
Providing lifesaving care to a baby born alive “may be the right thing to do,” he said, but since the baby was intended to be killed by abortion, he finds that to be “the problem.” Unbelievable!
When the roll was taken, Nadler and Scholten both voted to let the children die. Thankfully, however, one House Democrat voted yes and another voted present with the Republicans, and HR 26 passed the House.
Now it is time for us to force this lifesaving measure through the Senate as well.
YOUR FAXES inform the senators about the real-life everyday evil of abortion even as they pressure senators to do the will of the people. Please, take a moment right now and demand our Senators LET THE CHILDREN LIVE.
Or - even better - please call your senator - and as many other senators as possible - and urge them to vote YES on the Born Alive Act, HR26.
Please remember that the Born Alive Act passed in the House and is now in the Senate. Today, Rule 14 was invoked, meaning the bill can be brought up at any time for a full vote in the Senate and thus bypass committee hearings. So this is an emergency.
“Aurora Capital Partners Acquires Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services.” PR Newswire: Aurora Capital Partners, April 1, 2021.
“Curtis Bay Energy, Inc.” Dun & Bradstreet. Accessed: April 13, 2022.
Ertelt, Steven. “1,270 Babies Born Alive after Failed Abortions in the U.S.”, April 5, 2013.
Fiano-Chesser, Cassy. “Curtis Bay Energy Accused of Burning Aborted Babies’ Bodies for Electricity.” Live Action News, April 5, 2022.
“Harvesting Babies with Beating Hearts?” Liberty Counsel, Sep 3, 2019.
Panzica, Brianna. “Waste to Energy.” Energy and Capital, August 4, 2011.
“Waste Management Process | Curtis Bay.” Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services. Accessed April 13, 2022.
Flanders, Nancy. “‘Justice for the Five’: Key Facts about the Discovery of the Aborted Babies in DC.” Live Action News, April 9, 2022.
Hamilton, Katherine. “Democrat Congresswoman Misuses Bible Verse to Justify Abortions.” Breitbart, January 12, 2023.
Kornick, Lindsay. “House Democrats Blasted for Claiming Born-Alive Act ‘May Endanger the Life of an Infant:’ ‘Total Ghouls.’” Fox News, January 11, 2023.
“The Story of Baby Rowan.” ClinicQuotes. August 31, 2012.
Here are my previous articles on this topic:
Murder? Refusing medical care to an infant in distress? Using body parts for profit? And other stuff that I won't mention (wasn't in the article) but things done to live infants--I can't even BELIEVE there's a question whether it should be illegal. Even with the pro-abortion crowd!
I know evil has been around for millennia. But it feels like pure evil has been unleashed in the last 3 years.
I hope our nation repents before Hashem unleashes his judgment on us. I feel like we are on the edge of that.
Omg. She’s indeed a meat eating vegan!