Must-Read New Titles #2: “Cause Unknown - The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022”
A book that tells the awful truth, and nothing but—and does it so compellingly that "our free press" is, with few exceptions, NOT attacking it!
This book can wake up the world! It’s an excellent counterpart to the Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports I recommended earlier. Here you can see the names and faces of the real people who were murdered by Pfizer’s poison (and Moderna’s, and Johnson and Johnson’s, and Astra Zeneca’s…)
Please see Mark C. Miller’s powerful article, order your copy of Cause Unknown, (I did!) and share, share, share!
Good news! For those still capable of waking up, there's now a powerful ANTIDOTE to all the deadly propaganda pushed by "our free press": Ed Dowd's "Cause Unknown"
By Mark Crispin Miller, January 20
Since They unloosed that evil countermeasure on all humankind two years ago, and called it a “vaccine” (and called it good), those pushing back against that deadliest of propaganda drives have used two kinds of evidence to make the case against the Big Lie that that witch’s brew is “safe and effective.”
On the one hand (and for the most part), there’s an overwhelming flood of abstract evidence—ever more and ever stronger evidence—that “vaccination” is not “safe and effective,” but extremely, unimaginably dangerous. Here are countless harrowing statistics, clearly showing dramatic upticks in “adverse events,” excess mortality, miscarriages and stillbirths, fatal heart disease in children and young people, an accelerating riptide of “rare” cancers, and all too many other signs of gathering catastrophe. And, all along, such dark data have complemented the expert prognoses offered by disinterested experts either noting, early on, the high likelihood of death and/or incapacitation caused by such “vaccination,” or, by and by, reporting dismal trends observed in their own practices.
Such abstract evidence, however troubling, has still been way too easy for a lot of people to blow off—as all too many naturally prefer to do, being jabbed themselves, and often having urged the needle straight into the tender arms of their own loved ones. (This does not refer to all those other “vaccinated” people who have not waved away such evidence, because they’ve never heard of it, “our free press” having kept them “safe” from it.) That disinclination to believe the worst—or, more precisely, try to picture it—recalls Stalin’s icy wisdom: “The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic” (a quip that Gates, Schwab, Fauci et al. have no doubt shared in high hilarity behind closed doors).
While such mere numbers bounce right off resistant minds, it’s not so easy to dismiss the other kind of evidence that those “vaccines” are killing, crippling and/or sterilizing millions—i.e., the ever-growing global archive of specific“sudden deaths,” those dead and maimed not swept into impersonal percentages, but named, their faces shown, and the suspicious circumstances of their deaths or injuries detailed, so that the deadly trends begun by “vaccination” now come clear. The mere percentages don’t show how many of the dead were (proudly) “vaccinated,” or—no less significant—how many have died, and are now dying, untimely deaths for no given reason (a mystery unprecedented in obituary practice in the US and elsewhere), or how many have died, and are now dying, of “rare” aggressive cancers diagnosed since early 2021, or how many children and young people—athletes included (or especially)—have died, and are now dying, of heart attacks, strokes, “blood clots,” cardiac arrest. Nor do the mere percentages give any sense of all the fatal car and airplane crashes, lethal falls, and other abnormal “accidents” week after week worldwide, involving single vehicles plowing into houses, bridge abutments, trees, parked cars, crowds of people.
In short, the mere percentages don’t give us the essential context for those countless deaths and injuries, just as they fail to honor all those dead, or as many of them as it’s possible for us to name. (As many as there are, there are, of course, far more whose “sudden deaths” have made no news, and whose obituaries go unread by anyone outside the stricken families.) It is this other, more detailed, specific evidence that can (and, ever more, now often does) break through the natural resistance of the “vaccinated”—which is why “our free press” keeps hysterically attacking it, and why we’re hearing ever more explicit and authoritative warnings that such dangerous “misinformation” may be deemed illegal by the state, or super-state, and sooner than we think.
In any case, both kinds of evidence are necessary to a proper understanding of what’s really going on, as those statistics verify, in different ways,what all those ever-growing galleries of the dead and injured show so clearly that no further psy-ops can effectively deny it, except among those who’ve been driven permanently crazy by the propaganda blitzkrieg of the last three years (on top of several other, prior propaganda drives that should have been debunked, but never were). In other words, we’re finally at the tipping-point, where only a shriveling minority continues to believe the government or media (the two being one), so that our drive to tell the truth is now more urgent than it’s ever been, and likely to be ever more effective, no matter what They do to black it out.
This is why “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022, Ed Dowd’s new book, is so important now; for it’s a winning combination of both types of evidence. On the one hand, it conveys a poignant sense of just how many have “died suddenly” before their time these past two years, focusing especially on those who used to be, and (of course) ought to be, least likely to drop dead: e.g., young athletes, doctors, children, hale celebrities, scores of them whose names and faces are here powerfully remembered. And yet Dowd and his collaborators (including Gavin de Becker, author of the volume’s devastating afterwords) complement those tragic galleries with pertinent scientific data that demolishes the nitwit talking points deployed to (try to) blow the awful truth away. Especially helpful (to all those with minds still open) is the vast documentation gathered “off-site” (as it were) to certify the claims in “Cause Unknown.” Lest the nervous reader jump to Google for “the truth,” the authors offer this sensible advice:
QR codes throughout these pages will take you to original source material so that you can confirm each report is real, each statistic well-sourced, each story all too true. Perhaps by the end of this book, you will come to see that much of the information reaching you day to day is carefully crafted by the media. The word media means ”in the middle of and between.” Indeed, the news media stands in the middle of and between you and people in power. Only when you know this can you decide for yourself what’s promotion, what’s propaganda, what’s marketing, and what is truth.
Amen to that. As to the likelihood that “our free press” might somehow shoot down this key book, however, it’s worth noting—and celebrating—the media’s very telling silence on it. Whereas Died Suddenly, Stew Peters’ rather slapdash documentary, drew fierce denunciations by the score, “Cause Unknown” has drawn very little such brickbats (as far as I have seen), because “our free press,” or its masters, would prefer that no one know it’s even there, in hopes that it will quickly tumble down the memory hole.
So, please, let’s all make sure that doesn’t happen, by reading it, and recommending it to others far and wide, to speed the day when this abomination ends, and those who have survived it bring its authors to the justice they deserve, along with their multitudinous accomplices.
Link to Mark’s original article:
Here is the Amazon link to get the book:
Please share widely!!
I look forward to assist you in tabulating the deaths as they increase everywhere. Morbid job it is, but its gotta be done if justice has any chance in this evil mess.
I had dinner with my 84 year old friends today. He just finished his bladder cancer treatments. He’d been cleared of prostrate cancer for 20 years. He said it was from taking the first covid “ vaccine “. The wife hasn’t taken any after the second shot but has been telling her neighbors she got her boosters, she said it was easier to lie than argue. I gave them printout on fenbenazole & he accepted them. Just my anecdotal experience today- it gave me HOPE. Most “ vaccinated “ people I talk to shut down so fast.