New York City Residents are Under Attack: They're Spraying People With Pesticide Poisons!
No wonder we’re having headaches and sore throats. Unfortunately the potential effects of these highly toxic chemicals are, G-d forbid, much worse than that. All this poison, against a FAKE THREAT.
I’m reposting a very important alert that Curtis Cost wrote today on his substack, with some minor edits.
Unfortunately, New York City is once again spraying its citizens with highly toxic pesticides, with the excuse of “combatting” a made-up threat. On Monday night, August 26, they sprayed Manhattan with these poisonous chemicals, and unfortunately on Wednesday night, August 28, they plan to spray parts of Brooklyn.
BW: Sadly, the spraying this year actually started back in June, without our awareness: Click “Completed Events in 2024” to see when and where they’ve been poisoning us, all summer long. Click “Pesticides Used in 2024” for a list of the poisons.
It looks to me as if the city is kind of quiet about the illegal spraying they’re doing, until the very end of the season, when they let us find out. It was only a couple weeks ago, in August, that I heard anything about it. I remember last year, first learning of the spraying going on, in September … and having headaches for months afterwards.
Curtis: I am very acquainted with this subject because I am one of the founders of the No Spray Coalition which was formed in 1999. This was a grassroots coalition that was formed to combat the city which was spraying pesticides on New Yorkers with the bogus claim that they were trying to kill mosquitos that could infect people with the West Nile Virus. The fact is, that the risk of someone dying from the supposed West Nile Virus was effectively zero. The media, of course, wanted to spread panic as always, which is what they did. This was not a conspiracy theory, but rather it came from the health department’s own literature. The vast majority of people who might get “it” don’t even know that they have it because they don’t have any symptoms. Only a very few show mild symptoms.
On the other hand, the pesticides that they were using, were extremely dangerous and the pesticides that they are using now are even more dangerous. The primary pesticides that they are using are: Sumithrin, Resmethrin and Permethrin. These pesticides are classified as Pyrethroids.
“Pyrethroids are especially toxic to the thyroid and immune system. No safe exposure level has been scientifically established for avoiding hormonal and other adverse effects, nor has the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set an exposure limit.”
No Spray Coalition
Various studies have pointed to a long list of adverse reactions that these pesticides can cause which include:
Breast Cancer
Hormone Disruption
Lower Sperm Count
Spontaneous Abortions
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Difficulty breathing
Optic and peripheral neuropathy
Skin rashes
Liver damage
Kidney Damage
These pesticides are especially dangerous to those with asthma.
They are also toxic to bees and fish.
It can take months or years for these pesticide toxins to dissipate from the environment.
This list does not represent the full extent of the health hazards that these pesticides represent to people and the environment.
No Spray Coalition
We at the No Spray Coalition were shocked by the lies that were being told to the public by the media, health officials, and by politicians. They grossly exaggerated the potential danger of someone getting West Nile Virus, while at the same time downplaying or ignoring the massive amount of scientific data indicating that these pesticides were extremely dangerous.
Curtis says: We fought back by organizing rallies, handing out flyers, doing interviews and organizing public forums. I, and Mitchel Cohen appeared on the popular television show, Tony Brown’s Journal, discussing this situation.
I also organized 2 major forums with The National Action Network. At the first forum, we were actually able to get one of the helicopter pilots, who was spraying New Yorkers, to also speak. After he spoke, a person from the audience asked him: “Given the fact that it is illegal to spray pesticides over or near water, what steps did you take to ensure that none of those pesticides that you were spraying, did not go over water?” The pilot had a look of extreme frustration on his face, and he eventually responded that he was not there to answer silly questions. In other words, given the fact that New York City is surrounded by water, he knew that it was impossible to prevent the winds from carrying those pesticides over the many waterways that New York City has. He was essentially admitting that he was guilty of breaking an environmental law.
The No Spray Coalition sued New York City for their pesticide spraying and the key focus of the case was on the fact they were breaking environmental protection laws. We eventually won the case! It was interesting that most New Yorkers would never know that a small dedicated group of protectors who represented the forces of good, had saved them and their families from further poisoning. We did not receive any thanks nor any financial rewards, nor were we looking for any. We were content with the fact that we had done the right thing.
Over the years, New York City resumed their treating of New Yorkers like roaches, by once again spraying people with pesticides. To my knowledge, there have not been any public hearings on the necessity or safety of these pesticides. They just do it, regardless of the threat to the public and the environment.
The city could not care less about the fact that they will be spraying pregnant women and babies who are walking on the streets or in their apartments with their windows open or air conditioners on. The city could not care less about spraying the elderly and people with respiratory problems. The city could not care less about spraying people eating outside at restaurants.
It is also worth noting that these pesticides will linger on park benches, children’s playgrounds, as well as the grass that people sit on. People will be touching these contaminated surfaces and later touching their faces and mouths. It is a disaster in the making.
Currently, there is an effort underway to create another pandemic. Pandemics are very profitable to pharmaceutical companies and the medical establishment. This time they are trying to scare people with Bird Flu and Monkeypox. As people start to get sick from these pesticides, who can say for sure that they will not try to blame Bird Flu and Monkeypox as being the cause of these people getting sick? If you look up the symptoms of West Nile and compare them with Bird Flu and Monkey Pox, you will see that they are very similar.
What To Do
Keep track of when the city will be spraying (see link above) and make sure that you and your family are inside. Keep your windows closed and air conditioners turned off. If it gets too hot, use a fan.
Share this Substack and other information with your family, friends and others. Get the word out.
Do not sit on park benches or grass, or allow your kids to play on park playgrounds, at least until after a heavy rain.
Do what we have done, by passing out flyers in your communities and organizing rallies in front of City Hall and the offices of various elected officials. Try to identify receptive politicians and try to join forces with them in opposing this madness.
Urgent legal action is needed to prevent further spraying of these dangerous pesticides. The No Spray Coalition does not have the funds to take legal action. We can work with those who do have lawyers and other resources to take the necessary legal actions to stop this.
Curtis says: Those who wish to interview myself and Mitchel Cohen can email me.
The pesticides that they will be using and their known adverse reactions (one of them is Anvil / Sumithrin):
About the No Spray Coalition:
The Effects of Pesticides on Children:
New York City to spray pesticides to help prevent spread of mosquitoes, diseases they may carry:
Curtis Cost’s original article link:
BW: To help me continue my work, you may make a one-time gift here:
Continuing to exploit every opportunity to poison people
"Adulticide" pretty much sums it up. I bet they're doing this everywhere. "For our health."