In Part 1, I mentioned how I spent Saturday night and Sunday in fear of (G-d forbid) quickly approaching death for myself, family, and everyone around us. It was such a horrible feeling, perhaps a greater terror than I ever experienced.
But now that I feel better, I thank G-d for having experienced that terror, because (as I remember once learning), fear of death - “pachad maves,” in Hebrew - wipes away sins and can be an atonement instead of actual death.
While we’re talking about the spiritual angle of the Ohio chemical bomb, here is something I think is very interesting. In Hebrew, there is a concept called gematria, in which each letter has a numerical value. Adding the letters together, we get the numerical value of the word, which gives us insight into its deeper significance.
So, look at the gematria of dioxin.
ד=4 י=10 א=1 ק=100 ס=60 ן=50 =225
225 is also the gematria, numerical value, of the word הכר, haker, which means “recognize!”
I think it is likely that G-d is reminding us: Recognize the evil of the murderous government agencies, WEF, etc. And most of all, recognize that it is G-d Who causes everything to happen, and that He wants humanity to return to knowing Him.
It’s often only out of fear that people draw close to their Creator. “There are no atheists in a foxhole,” the expression goes.
What we really need is a nationwide day of repentance and prayer, like how the city of Nineveh saved themselves.
We need to put our trust only in G-d to protect us, save us, and to get us out of this mess. In fact, it’s a good thing that those alphabet agencies are acting SO incompetent, criminal, and worse-than-useless, because by us losing our trust in them, we create a space for G-d in our hearts. We realize (surprise!) that we need His protection.
There are terrible people who are surely planning more of these things, G-d forbid.
Look what just “happened” today. What a coincidence.
And this is one that they seem to be planning, G-d forbid, in Northern California: Look at the long string of rail cars (there are actually hundreds of them, going on for miles!) that are lined up now in the heart of prime farmland in Northern California, where tons of nuts are grown, and cattle are raised. The rail cars are holding some unidentified liquid - they’re labeled “odorless liquid petroleum gas,” and they appeared suddenly, out in the middle of nowhere. None of the ranchers ordered them or know what they’re doing there. Being that it’s right near the water pipeline that feeds into San Francisco and near two main rivers that irrigate the crops, this seems very ominous.
Click the article below to get the video.
Only the Creator can save us. We need His protection every second.
We are only safe if He wills it.
Here appears to be more evidence that the poison may have spread to Canada. We all need to pray.

Here is the situation on the ground 😰 in East Palestine, Ohio. The creek is dead, and people’s skin is burning after showers:
I still don’t know for sure how safe / in how much danger any of us are. But the hysterical “everyone east of Mississippi evacuate NOW! or die” might just be originating with people who don’t like us (even though concerned and well-meaning people are forwarding it.) That’s what this author seems to think:
I sent the above article to one of my favorite doctors and he agreed with the line of thinking.
I can’t take any responsibility and I’m honestly also scared, myself. But if we run to the other side of the US, what if the next day they derail another HAZMAT train over there? That seems to be the pattern now.
I texted the above-mentioned doctor today to see what his latest thinking is about the danger level in the non-immediate area, and he answered:
I’m just not that over concerned. Honestly.
I was in Connecticut that past 3 days. I drank bottled water.
I’m concerned with the immediate few miles.
Sunshine, UV light breaks down vinyl chloride. The dilution at distance is significant. We are exposed to so many other chemicals.
I would optimize vitamin D, nightly magnesium and vitamin K2. Those will help raise our natural glutathione. We can assist our Glutathione production by taking NAC 600 mg daily for adults. 200-300mg for children.
I’m concerned, but I would not panic. There are so many chemicals in our urban areas, this is probably not the worst. Clean, organic living is a blessing.
I asked him dosages so he wrote back:
Vitamin D 5000 iu per day adults / 2000 iu per day kids.
Magnesium (glycinate or threonate) 400mg at bedtime adult / 200mg kids
Vitamin K2 MK7 form 100 micro grams per day adult / 50 micrograms kids
I’m not familiar with the following site, which a reader sent me, but this information on growing broccoli sprouts seems like a very good idea based on what my toxicologist friend told me about cruciferous vegetables yesterday:
DIOXINS GALORE: How to BLOCK toxic chemical exposure fallout in the food, water, and air
It turns out that Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), which is naturally synthesized by cruciferous vegetables, is a powerful dioxin detoxification molecule backed by substantial science. We will be publishing a more detailed list of “dioxin detox” foods, superfoods, and nutrients this week. In the meantime, people can start to grow their own I3C supplements at home by sprouting broccoli seeds.
A video about growing microgreens:
This is a picture of the article my friend sent me about the benefits of cruciferous vegetables (I posted the link yesterday.)
This idea of baking soda detox looks very interesting but I have no expertise about it.
What is one of the most important things, I think, is to have a water purifier.
I thought that my activated carbon filter we’ve had for many years was excellent, but now I was informed that carbon block is more effective, because toxins can pass through between the particles of activated carbon.
But I’m sure the activated carbon is still much better then nothing. This is what mine looks like. It’s under the sink. The activated carbon cartridge is inside the casing. I don’t know what company makes it. We got it at a hardware store many years ago. Sometimes we get replacement cartridges at a plumbing supply store.
The contact who told me about carbon block filters gave me this link to the company for the filter he has. I have not had time to do further research, but he says his filter is great. Unfortunately it’s expensive.
Really, what we should have is a whole-house filter, which would take care of the showers, too. Unfortunately I think they’re super expensive. 😰
Norfolk Southern should pay for them.
About the actual crime: It’s looking more and more like a deliberate act of terrorism.
My subscriber, who is a former systems test engineer, sent me this article which discusses the sheer illogicality and unnecessariness of blowing up the rail cars.
While much has been written about the aftermath of the East Palestine train wreck burn, there is little regarding why the rail tank containing hazardous chemicals needed to be blown up.
I am a retired engineer having significant experience with pressure vessels and some background with DoT tank regulations.
From what I could learn, the contents of the tank(s) were becoming unstable, and pressure was increasing. It was feared that the tank would explode and send shrapnel everywhere. So the decision was made to relieve the pressure with a "controlled burn." This story raises many questions that must be answered.
The first question is, what was causing the pressure to build? Physically, there is no difference between a tank sitting on its wheels on a track and a tank lying on its side on the ground. There is nothing about a tank lying on the ground that would cause pressure to build. Was there a fire around the rail cars? I've seen nothing indicating that this was the case, nor is it likely there was a wild land fire in the middle of winter in Ohio. How did they know pressure was building? Were they monitoring a pressure gauge on the tank? If so, they were close enough to put out any fire that might be threatening the tank. Furthermore, transport tanks are equipped with a pressure relief valve that would not allow pressure to build enough to burst them. Note: If the contents of a transport tank are so hazardous that they are unsafe to vent via a relief valve, additional requirements are imposed on tank strength and integrity during accidents.
Because rollovers and derailments are expected, hazardous transport tanks are designed to survive them. They are also designed with rollover protection so that fill connections are protected to remain accessible and functional in the case of these accidents. This would have allowed responders to connect to and empty the tanks into alternates such as over-the-road tanks and then hauled away. Why was this approach rejected?
My (former engineer) subscriber who has a lot of HAZMAT experience agrees with the above article and wrote:
By all professional standards (rail, tanker, hazmat, transportation, chemical engineering) there were protocols, resources, safeguards such that 'lighting an atmospheric bomb' would never ever make sense enough to be a decision anyone would take. And if one person said something so foolish, everyone knowledgeable listening would have slapped them or fired them. Their silence, abuse, secrecy, and general odd behaviors and statements look like an organized crime gang.
We're from the generation that tried to build a clean, safe America where people would thrive after the chemical irresponsibilities from WWI and WWII. It's sad what's become of America. I’m a former systems test engineer. I worked 7 years for a multi-modal freight company that moved everything including HazMat. Every year they placed among the top 5 of America's best safety record transporters for the year. Many good companies work very hard to be safe even in such emergencies!
We did 2 hours of safety training every week, everyone in the company did, all employees, if there was one thing we all knew, it was safety. Lotta great people in transportation doing the real work. Oddly enough, no one ever blew anything up.
CDC Alters Webpage Days after East Palestine Train Derailment to Make Vinyl Chloride Look Less Toxic
Reports are circulating on Twitter with claims the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed its guidelines on vinyl chloride days before the toxic release of chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio. But the reality is that the CDC was not the only agency involved, and the timing of the changes is in question.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and CDC worked together in a coordinated effort to alter vinyl chloride’s toxicity guidelines shortly before and after the train derailment in Ohio that released 1.1 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the air, soil and water to make the chemical look less harmful.
In addition, just three months ago, East Palestine adopted a pilot program to respond to emergency events where digital IDs were given to residents to track long-term health problems like “difficulty breathing.”
Timeline: (1) HHS and the CDC, in coordination with the EPA, publish an update to the vinyl chloride toxicity profile in January 2023 for the first time in 17 years. (2) Digital IDs on Jan. 26 are rolled out to East Palestine and a nearby township. (3) Train derails on Feb. 3 in East Palestine, Ohio, and a million pounds of highly toxic and potentially lethal vinyl chloride are released into the environment. (4) CDC alters its webpage on or around Feb. 6, 2023, on vinyl chloride, omitting key sections on toxicity. This webpage had not been reviewed for nine years. (5) Health and environmental officials deem the area safe. (6) Lawsuits are filed.
HHS, in January 2023, published a 293-page document called “Toxicological Profile of Vinyl Chloride,” which was prepared in accordance with guidelines developed by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the EPA.
The original guidelines on vinyl chloride were published in the Federal Register in August 1989 and were (prior to Jan. 2023) most recently updated in 2006. So for 17 years, the toxicological profile of vinyl chloride had not been altered.
According to HHS, the ATSDR peer-reviewed toxicological profile of vinyl chloride “succinctly characterizes” its toxicologic and adverse health effects—and identifies available toxicological information, epidemiologic evaluations and the level of exposure that presents a significant risk to human health.
ATSDR toxicological guidelines are published by the CDC under the auspices of HHS and drafted in coordination with the EPA.
The CDC's FAQ webpage for vinyl chloride was recently modified as well. An archived version captured three days after the East Palestine train derailment shows a longer, more detailed FAQ section on vinyl chloride that included a section on the dangers of the chemical in children, recommendations made by the federal government to protect human health and a lower level of lethal exposure.
A current version of the same webpage omits this information, expands the level of human exposure (meaning you can suddenly be exposed to more of a highly toxic substance before you experience detrimental effects and includes a laughable new section on how to protect yourself and your family from vinyl chloride.
Here is a screenshot of the Feb. 6, 2023, archived version of the CDC’s FAQ webpage on vinyl chloride captured three days after the East Palestine train derailment. Notice on the right-hand side of the page it includes the sections “How can vinyl chloride affect children?” and “Has the federal government made recommendations to protect human health?”
When you select “How can vinyl chloride affect children?” you get the following now-deleted information:
Here is the CDC’s current webpage at the same URL, showing the sections on the hazardous effects of vinyl chloride in children and federal government recommendations have been deleted:
Here’s the archived webpage version of the now-deleted section, “Has the federal government made recommendations to protect human health?” Note this section states that the “Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set a limit of 1 part vinyl chloride per 1 million parts of air (1 ppm) in the workplace.”
Here is the current version of the same webpage where the section is entirely removed. Inserted instead are the CDC’s ridiculous recommendations for protecting yourself from toxic vinyl chloride, namely, avoiding tobacco smoke.
At the bottom of the archived Feb. 6, 2023, CDC webpage, it says the agency last reviewed this page on August 28, 2014. This is classic CDC behavior. For nine years, nobody touched this page. As soon as people started pointing out how toxic vinyl chloride is, began reporting health effects and the real media picked it up, the CDC snuck in to review the page to remove incriminating information. Sound familiar?
More on this link - the original article:
May G-d help us all!
Fantastic survey article. Supplements: every day before going to work, I take Dr. Zelenko's Z-Flu (contains 4000 IU vitamin D, I think), and have not gotten sick since loading up, B"H. Water: we are using the Zero filter pitcher, but we should install our Big Berkey, whole house filter would be even better. Sprouts: my wife has a mini-sprouts farm, from cruciferous veggies to lentils and beans. If I remember, I will ask her for equipment recommendations and will share.
Tragic times we are in for certain. Strength everyone. For several years we have been challenged to speak in a kind of language composed of semaphores about this apocalypse. Inventing new ways of describing and communicating about the horror that surrounds us. The gematria of Dioxin lends new dimensions.