Part 2: The FDA's War Against America's Health
DMSO and other lifesaving medicines disallowed while deadly products welcomed.
A Midwestern Doctor has written a very important expose about the FDA. I am republishing most of it, in three sections. This is Part 2. For Part 1: (Link to the full original article at the end.)
By A Midwestern Doctor
The DMSO Saga
Over the last three months, I’ve begun exploring a remarkable forgotten side of medicine—DMSO, a simple and freely available natural chemical that is one of the safest substances in existence and incredibly effective at treating a variety of conditions, including many which are otherwise impossible to treat.
In turn, once DMSO discovered in the early 1960s, it spread across the country like wildfire as patients immediately saw it treat a variety of debilitating conditions (e.g., chronic pain or severe arthritis), and researchers realized that it represented a new therapeutic principle that would completely transform medicine. Before long, the entire research community had gotten behind it, as they realized DMSO’s remarkable properties would completely transform the practice of medicine. Likewise, since opening up this topic, I’ve received over a thousand reports from readers who have had almost unbelievable results from DMSO that precisely match what many reported in the 1960s and 1970s.
For reference, those conditions included:
•Strokes, paralysis, a wide range of neurological disorders (e.g., Down Syndrome and dementia) and many circulatory disorders (e.g., Raynaud’s, varicose veins, hemorrhoids), which I discussed here.
•A wide range of tissue injuries such as sprains, concussions, burns, surgical incisions, spinal cord injuries (discussed here).
•Chronic pain (e.g., from a bad disc, bursitis, arthiritis or complex regional pain syndrome), which I discussed here.
•A wide range of autoimmune, protein and contractile disorders such as scleroderma, amyloidosis, and interstitial cystitis (discussed here).
•A variety of head conditions, such as tinnitus, vision loss, dental problems, and sinusitis (discussed here).
•A wide range of internal organ diseases such as pancreatitis, infertility, liver cirrhosis (discussed here).
•A wide range of cancers, infections, and skin conditions.
This all raises a simple question. How is it that no one knows about DMSO or that an agent which could dramatically reduce the need for opioids or prevent millions with stroke and spinal cord injury from having a life of disability never saw the light of day?
Quite simply, the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry were initially extremely interested in DMSO. However, once the FDA recognized the scale of new drug applications they would need to process, to get out of having to do that, they reversed their position and declared (without evidence) that DMSO was an extremely dangerous substance, and threatened both the pharmaceutical companies (who had already made significant investments to bring DMSO to market) and each researcher in the country who was giving it to patients in an unapproved manner.
Before long, the head of the FDA (Goddard) realized demonizing DMSO (a “dangerous” drug that was rapidly spreading across the country and being used by “irresponsible” researchers in an “unapproved” fashion) would give the FDA justification for the police powers he sought for the agency. In turn, due to both Goddard’s crusade and the FDA (like any other government agency) not wanting ever to admit they had been at fault, the agency continued to double down on the claim “DMSO was dangerous” even after an exhaustive safety study demonstrated that taking 10 times the typical DMSO dose for 90 days posed no risk to human participants.
Note: one journalist who interviewed multiple successive FDA commissioners and reviewed all the guidances the FDA put out about DMSO was struck by how little the FDA’s leadership understood about the most controversial drug in America and how misleading and inaccurate (and unreferenced) the FDA’s DMSO guidelines were.
Since many people relied upon DMSO to treat their chronic pain (along with a variety of other debilitating injuries), physicians, patients, politicians, and celebrities resisted this encroachment, and after years eventually forced a Congressional and then a Senate hearing. In these hearings, the FDA was confronted with a mountain of evidence (and numerous compelling patient stories) showing DMSO did indeed work (including for numerous terminal conditions which desperately needed treatment). Nonetheless, the FDA continually stuck to the claim there was “no evidence” DMSO worked, as blinded placebo controlled trials had never been conducted with DMSO—something which had never been done because of DMSO’s unique properties (e.g., the temporary skin irritation, characteristic odor and rapid dramatic improvement it frequently causes) made it impossible ever to conduct a truly blinded trial on it.
At both hearings, the FDA promised the legislators that any future drug applications for DMSO would be given a fair chance. However, this never happened, and the embargo persisted for decades as the FDA continued to escalate its war against natural medicine. This eventually cumulated in a completely unjustified 1992 raid on a famous integrative medicine clinic (which Dr. Wright describes below).
BW: (Please see original article link for embedded video here which did not copy, and other videos.)
As these events occurred prior to Clinton legalizing direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising in 1997 (and hence allowing the pharmaceutical industry to buy out the news), a recording of it made the nightly news and quickly went viral across America. Soon after, in 1994, due to outrage over the FDA’s increasingly draconian war against natural medicine, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) passed, a law that essentially took away the FDA’s ability to regulate naturally occurring supplements.
Since DMSO was a naturally occurring supplement, this law effectively legalized it, and it is now widely available. It is hence my sincere hope (which appears actually to be occurring now) is that it will be possible for the public to at last remember what was done with DMSO in the 1960s (when hundreds of thousands of Americans used DMSO), and in time this can create the pressure to bring it back to the hospitals, the place where it can most benefit patients (e.g., for strokes).
Note: I provided a much longer summary of the FDA’s war against DMSO here as it provided a template for what they’ve done to many other natural therapies.
The FDA’s War Against Natural Medicine
Shortly before the election, RFK Jr. gave what I considered to be one of the most important statements in the entire campaign:
This tweet touched upon the fact that for decades the FDA has done everything it can to remove effective natural therapies from the market, something which I believe (but cannot prove) originated from the AMA’s monopolistic tactics which allowed them to become the most powerful force in American medicine.
The AMA’s original playbook was to pressure pharmaceutical (or cigarette) companies to sponsor the AMA in return for the AMA’s seal of approval on their pharmaceutical.
In time, it evolved into the FDA targeting each viable natural therapy and then pressuring the inventors to sell their rights to the AMA in return for the AMA “proving” the therapy worked, or if they didn’t sell out, the AMA burying it. This for example, is what happened to ultraviolet blood irradiation and numerous remarkable cancer cures (some of which I discussed here and here).
As the years moved forward, the government worked in greater and greater coordination with the AMA. Before long the FDA was the primary enforcer of “quackery” the AMA disapproved of, which eventually evolved into the FDA’s war on natural health.
For example, in a previous article, I provided a wealth of evidence that demonstrates that restorative sleep is one of the most important things for health and the major issue with sleeping pills—that almost all of them are sedatives that disrupt the natural sleep cycle. However, what many do not know is that one naturally occurring compound (found in foods and the human body), is an incredibly effective sleep aid that enhances restorative sleep.
As such, γ-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) was life changing for many (especially the elderly, people in occupations that forced them to have irregular sleeping hours and those with chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia) and at the time it was available, we saw many results physicians now have forgotten are even possible. Unfortunately, the FDA decided they didn’t want a competing sleeping pill on the market and began illegally raiding and arresting those who were providing GHB.
Once courts began throwing those convictions out, the FDA then pivoted to creating a national hysteria about GHB being a deadly date rape drug (despite the evidence showing this was not true). Eventually, it was able to attribute GHB to two deadly date rapes (when in reality it was not responsible for either), and pass a national date rape drug law which made GHB a schedule I drug, thereby bypassing its protections as a natural supplement under DSHEA and gave the harshest penalties possible for possessing it.
Curiously however, the act also made GHB be a schedule III drug when it was given for an FDA approved use (narcolepsy), and presently costs between $60,000 to $100,000 a year (which patients are willing to pay because of how profoundly it benefits them). Activists in turn, have fought for decades to expand the approved uses of prescribed GHB (something which I believe would profoundly improve America’s health), but aside from one other rare sleep disorder, the FDA has (predictably) refused to do so.
Note: GHB also helped with many other issues (e.g., healing tissue and building muscle mass—something typically utilized by bodybuilders but also critically important for the elderly). Most recently, a clinical trial discovered GHB treats laryngeal dystonia (the condition affecting RFK Jr.’s voice).
Sadly, that’s not by any means the only example. For example, in RFK Jr’s tweet, he mentioned a few others (e.g., the nutraceuticals and vitamins the FDA has tried to get off the market since Goddard’s time). I will briefly discuss a few of them:
•One of the most effective forms of psychotherapy combines it with psychedelics, which unfortunately, given its association with illicit drug use is highly controversial (e.g., most psychedelics are schedule I drugs) and thus has required decades of work to make the FDA open to allowing clinical trials of it. When MDMA is used for psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, it is particularly helpful for veterans with PTSD (of whom roughly 20 commit suicide each day). Given how dire the situation many veterans are in from battlefield trauma (for which conventional medicine has nothing to offer), there has been an immense bipartisan push to conduct the research needed to make it available to veterans.
Sadly however, when an FDA panel met to review the (fairly profound) data that had been gathered, they voted 9-2 against approving it, stating more evidence was needed to ascertain that the benefits of the therapy outweighed its risk, largely because the trials weren’t sufficiently blinded and hence not “well controlled” (essentially the same situation DMSO found itself in as you can’t really conduct blinded psychedelic sessions). As such, this decision was attacked by both the left and right, and American veterans often have to go to Mexico to receive this life saving treatment, something which has sadly been a recurring theme with many of the essential therapies the FDA prohibits.
Note: many of the other benefits of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy are discussed here and will be the focus of a future article.
•When milk is pasteurized, it denatures the proteins there, destroying many of the essential nutrients present, transforms milk into an allergen, and changes its electrical charge, making it go from a zeta potential enhancing substance to one that impairs it (e.g., causing congestion throughout the body). As such, many believe strongly in only consuming unpasteurized (raw) milk. This position is somewhat controversial because many bacterial illnesses have been traced to unpasteurized milk. However, in most cases, this is due to the milk being filthy in the first place, in essence making pasteurization only necessary for adulterated milk (which sadly characterizes much of the conventional food supply). Because of this, the FDA always tries to shut down anyone selling raw milk, but regardless of what they do, the demand for it persists.
•A good case can be made that sunlight is one of the most essential nutrients for life. Unfortunately, since it does not have a lobby to defend it, it’s often a convenient scapegoat for the ill health of our society. The dermatology profession monetized this by associating sunlight exposure with skin cancer, a highly misleading sleight of hand because the common skin cancer (which is never deadly) is associated with sunlight exposure, but the rarer (and deadly) form of skin cancer is actually due to a lack of sunlight exposure (as are many other cancers). Because of this, we are taught to be terrified of the sun giving us a deadly skin cancer, when in reality, it not only doesn’t, but avoiding it dramatically increases our risk of dying (e.g., a large study found smokers who get regular sunlight live longer than non-smokers who avoid the sun).
•Chelation therapy (especially when done at a low EDTA dose and without aluminum preservatives) is an incredible therapy that has been used for decades to restore health, particularly within the cardiovascular system (as it both decalcifies the arteries and, when dosed appropriately, restores the physiologic zeta potential). Sadly, the FDA has continually targeted physicians who practiced it for decades (however in 1978 and 1981, courts ruled against the FDA prohibiting doctors from conducting this practice) and still is antagonistic towards it (despite a large NIH study that was somewhat set up to fail nonetheless demonstrating EDTA helped cardiovascular disease).
•When used appropriately (which often requires avoiding higher doses), peptide therapy is remarkably effective for a variety of ailments. Unfortunately, the FDA has also been antagonistic towards these supplements, and this accelerated during the Biden presidency (e.g., it’s no longer possible to get some of the most important injectable ones).
•Umbilical cord blood stem cells (obtained from placentas that would otherwise be thrown away) are another truly remarkable therapy, and when used correctly, can produce life-changing results. Unfortunately, during the Biden administration, the FDA changed its regulations on cord blood stem cells and effectively made it impossible for the “unproven” product to be sold within the country, causing the companies that had built up an infrastructure to produce them to have to shut down (as there was no feasible way to get the FDA approval necessary to sell them).
Note: many other dysfunctional regulations also need to be addressed. For example, since the FDA will target anyone who sells infant formula made without seed oils, it’s impossible to find seed-oil free infant formula.
This arose from the Infant Formula Act of 1980 (which was virtually unanimously passed by Congress in response to more than 100 infants becoming seriously ill from nutritionally inadequate soybean oil-based formulas), as it contained outdated science from the 1970s (specifically these 1976 AAP recommendations which did not exist in the AAP’s 1967 recommendations), that required infant formulas to have at least 2.7% of its calories (300mg per 100 Kcal) comes from linoleic acid (the problematic fat in seed oils).
Beyond this making it illegal to sell infant formula without them, I and many others believe this is a root cause of the childhood obesity epidemic in America as seed oils impair mitochondrial metabolism and cause you to gain weight (e.g., this systematic review shows infant formulas cause excessive and rapid weight gain). As the law was written, the Secretary of Health and Human Services had the latitude to revise those outdated nutritional guidelines (but essentially never has).
BW: Please see Part 3, or original below, for the continuation of AMD’s article.
Link to AMD’s original article:
A Midwestern Doctor alerted me to the benefits of DMSO. I have been using it ever since. Powerful stuff! Not always predictable; you have to listen to your body. But I found it very helpful when properly used.