Part 2: Withholding Treatment is Murder
When the WHO, FDA, CDC, and mainstream media continually advise against a drug with a proven safety record which squashed covid among the 231 million residents of Uttar Pradesh, what does that say?
In Part 1, we showed the just one of the major flaws in the much-publicized TOGETHER trial, the fake results of which were trumpeted around the world to discourage lifesaving use of ivermectin.
In Part 2, we will bring the fascinating story of how India’s vast state of Uttar Pradesh eradicated covid by its use of ivermectin, and how the mainstream media worldwide simply ignore this historic success. We will also show how the WHO has consistently done its very best to keep people from using this lifesaving covid treatment.
This is a long story, but really interesting and very important. Dr. Pierre Kory divided it into 3 parts, but I’m going to give it to you in one piece. Dr. Kory is an excellent educator and author, and you will enjoy his writing.
The Miracle Not-Heard Around The World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh
The north Indian state of 231 million people eradicated COVID with an ivermectin treatment program, representing one of the greatest public health achievements in history. It was kept a global secret.
by Dr. Pierre Kory MD MPA
Part 1:
Uttar Pradesh (UP) is a state in the north of India with a population of 231 million people. It’s the home of the Taj Mahal. If it were a country, it would be the sixth largest in the world.
In my view, the foundation of UP’s historic achievement rests on the integrity of its Chief Minister (CM) Yogi Adityanath. He is… known for his policy of zero tolerance against corruption. The importance of this quality cannot be overstated, especially given the last 2 years of unceasing corruptions of medical science and public health policy that continuously emerge each day.
More about the Yogi: first off, at 26 he became the youngest member of Parliament in India’s history. And although he has clashed at times with his political party leaders (BJP), they leave him alone because he is considered a “star campaigner” (plus he has, at times, successfully helped candidates they did not want to gain office).
Since taking office as CM over three and half years ago, he took action against 775 corrupt officials in UP from the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service. His leadership during COVID should serve as a historically inspiring example to politicians. They should take note of how honest, forthright policies designed with the singular goal of serving and protecting the public good can succeed in politics. To wit, in the early 2022 elections in Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath was re-elected with his party securing 255 of the 403 seats. Compare this to the next most successful opposition party (INC), which only obtained 5 seats.
Further, Yogi Adityanath is the only CM of the state with a full five years in office to win the subsequent election and retain it. Even the Union Minister of Home Affairs and Cooperation lauded him, saying that Yogi Adityanath brought Uttar Pradesh out of the path of corruption and onto a path of development. This reminds me of the three Brazilian city mayors who won landslide elections after creating city-wide early treatment initiatives with “ineffective” drugs like HCQ, IVM etc. (as you can learn from this hit job of an article on all three mayors).
I believe Yogi Adityanath’s emphasis on deterring corruption was the key ingredient to one of the most successful public health campaigns in history. Yogi Adityanath’s achievement in combatting COVID resulted from the massive amount of human and institutional resources he mobilized, along with his selection of extremely talented and committed public health officials. His oversight of these officials ensured they could carry out their tasks without big Pharma’s influence. It is clear from the record below that his primary purpose was doing what he thought best for the citizens of UP.
One remarkable example of Yogi Adityanath’s early efforts as CM was his launch of a call center for UP citizens to address grievances to problems in their daily lives or with failures of government services. The call center received an average of 37,000 calls a day, and resolved 95% of a total of the 2.1 million calls in the program’s first year.
Now, imagine this. In COVID, the government itself made 10,000 calls a day to follow up on citizens ill with COVID. Even hospitalized citizens were getting calls to make sure they were OK and getting the care they needed. An absolutely inspiring example of what I used to think was still possible in this country, i.e “good government.”
** Quick interlude: This post on UP relies on the work of not only TrialSite News (the only publication in the world to consistently and accurately cover UP’s program) but also the incredible work of FLCCC analyst Juan Chamie. Juan, to me, is a historical figure because I credit his pre-print paper of October 2020 — in which he detailed the incredible successes of Peru’s mass ivermectin distribution program (Operation Tayta, which I consider almost a prototype for UP’s TTT program) as the final data point needed for the FLCCC to conclude that ivermectin should be globally and systematically deployed in prevention and treatment of COVID. His paper also inspired my Senate testimony. Below is a short bio of Juan, written by Mike Capuzzo on his COVID-related Substack “Rescue”. Fun fact: Mike is the author of two New York Times best-sellers and is the co-author of my upcoming book “The War on Ivermectin.” He is also the author of the amazing and award winning magazine article: “The Drug that Cracked Covid” (a must read).
Juan is an independent data analyst in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who does work for major corporate clients. A native Colombian, he heard about the efficacy of ivermectin in South America early in the pandemic, and began deep data dives into public health records across the globe. He created striking graphics showing COVID cases and deaths dropping off the cliff in numerous regions, cities, and countries after introduction of IVM. Chamie has published his work widely and collaborated with Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC Alliance, who says the data scientist is producing historic epidemiological analyses that have influenced doctors and saved lives worldwide.
Now, let’s break down what happened in Uttar Pradesh.
The First COVID Wave
In March of 2020, Yogi Adityanath convened (and chaired throughout) a committee of 11 senior government officials tasked with managing different aspects like surveillance and contact tracing, testing and treatment, sanitization, containment, enforcement, doorstep delivery, issues of migrants, communication strategy etc. The committee was widely known as “Team 11.” The complexity and comprehensiveness of UP’s “Test, Track, and Treat” (TTT) program was superbly well detailed in this 132 page report from October 2021, compiled by a professor from one of the top universities in India (the Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur).
In a bit of foreshadowing to the central focus of this post, one of the most notable aspects of this dense report is that it was issued a month after the near complete eradication of COVID that occurred in UP during September of 2021. The word ivermectin appears only once in the report, at the end of a list of drugs “they monitor the supply of,” despite the fact that almost the entire success of the TTT program relied on the massive distribution of IVM to 97,000 villages using 400,000 health care workers working in teams that performed the most testing in all of India (UP was also in the top 5 testing countries in the world). Shocking, I know.
But note that UP started out strong right from the beginning. Early on in the pandemic, in March 2020, taking the lead from India’s national protocol, UP immediately adopted hydroxychloroquine for use in prevention of COVID for all its Health Care Workers as well as household contacts of all laboratory confirmed cases (to get to their 2020 protocol, you need to set your VPN to India).
Recall that HCQ’s promise in treatment had been known since the original SARS pandemic, a fact long ago highlighted by Anthony Fauci. Yet in COVID, when its threat to Pharma as an effective treatment became reality, Fauci essentially led the first Disinformation campaign against a repurposed drug in the pandemic. His campaign is described in RFK Jr’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci in the deeply referenced first section of Chapter 1, called “Killing Hydroxychloroquine.”
Then, in August 2020, UP broke from the Feds and switched their protocol to ivermectin after an “experiment” in UP’s Agra, a city of 1.6 million inhabitants. The head of the state’s Rapid Response Team units, Dr. Anshul Pareek, had decided to conduct a study of ivermectin as a preventive agent based on a report from a veterinarian (to be fair, it was also based on other promising clinical reports in humans).
“I came to know that this virus is also found in cow-buffalo and other animals. Then a vet friend of mine told that in such a situation, animals are cured with large doses of ivermectin. First we started with one pill every 15 days. There were 10 members in my team. Everyone used to eat it on 15-15 days; the experiment was successful. The team members did not get infected even after coming in contact with the infected. Viral load was found to be very low in those who were infected. Then it was used on health and other frontline workers.
Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal went on the record later telling TrialSite News:
“Uttar Pradesh was the primary state within the nation to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of ivermectin.” Agrawal recounted that early on, Dr. Pareek administered ivermectin to local health staff members, finding that “none of them developed COVID-19 regardless of being in day-by-day contact with sufferers who had examined optimistic for the virus. This gave them positive results. We took note at the state headquarters, and asked a technical team to look into it. It recommended that it can be tried across the state as a prophylactic. Recognizing the sense of urgency, we decided to go ahead.
So, UP immediately started administering ivermectin to close contacts of positive cases in the district and noticed profoundly positive results. Based on these observations, the state health authorities gave the green light to use off-label ivermectin not only in prevention… but in treatment. This was their protocol for use of ivermectin:
1) Close contacts of COVID-19 patients
2) Health care workers
3) General care of COVID-19 patients
The Indian Express announced the big switch from HCQ to IVM in this article from early August 2020:
Notice that UP’s government did what my colleagues and I had been imploring since the pandemic began. Employ a risk/benefit decision-making analysis in an emergency. Like you do in war. Even if the view was that the clinical trials evidence for HCQ or IVM was “insufficient,” the evidence for harm was near nil, while the evidence for harm of widespread untreated COVID was obviously catastrophic. Just ask Australia right now in the summer of 2022 after years of lockdowns and mass vaccination campaigns and outlawing of ivermectin:
Now, let’s compare UP’s response with the response of some other states in India. Keep in mind, choosing Indian states to compare to is hard, because many Indian states started using ivermectin broadly once India’s Federal Ministry of Health put it on their national protocol during the Delta Wave in April 2021 (I will detail that war in Part 3 of this post). Despite this bold move by the Indian Feds, the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu did not follow their lead. What is interesting is that at the time of the launch of UP’s “Test, Track, and Treat” (with ivermectin) program in August 2020, UP and Kerala had identical, low rates of death from COVID as below compared to 28 other Indian States.
News of the launch of the TTT program using ivermectin is broadcast from numerous news outlets in the state, and even onto social media channels.
I want to emphasize that very soon after, “official” mentions of the use of ivermectin became fewer and farther between. Althoughthis major article specifically highlighted the importance of ivermectin, it was one of the last to do so prior to the Delta wave in April 2021. It was published in December of 2020, 9 days after my Senate testimony on ivermectin in Senator Ron Johnson’s (also historic) Dept. of Homeland Security hearings. I want to remind everyone that the Senator was the only Federal legislator prescient and courageous enough to publicly address the fact that something was very wrong with our initial Federal response to the COVID pandemic.
In what would later become a “life-transforming” moment for me, the video of my testimony in Senator Johnson’s hearing went “viral” (the definition of a “viral video” is one that exceeds 40,000 views in 4 hours, and/or exceeds 1 million views in total). Apparently that video exceeded both benchmarks. So much so that I got a text from my FLCCC team telling me that Fox News wanted to interview me while I was still in the hearing room. So, although Professor Paul Marik and the FLCCC are credited for the most public identification of ivermectin’s effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2, it should be remembered that the 6th largest “country” in the world had already adopted its widespread use in prevention and treatment 4 months prior to my (our) testimony.
Within days of the video’s circulation, researchers, deeply interested citizens, and advocacy groups reached out to me and the FLCCC from all over the world. They were all telling us that they had subtitled and posted the video on numerous channels.
We started hearing about how the testimony video also went viral in Brazil, the Netherlands, France, Phillipines, Indonesia, and well, everywhere really. Whoa. Paul Marik and I started giving lectures remotely to a number of countries, in particular South Africa where our lectures essentially started a civil war of sorts - ivermectin advocates vs. the government and its academic physicians (who on the whole have failed in almost every aspect of the COVID response across the world - implementing idiotic measures such as overly broad use of standard masks, “social” distancing, and lockdowns, followed by failing to identify what is now almost three dozen effective, repurposed medicines against COVID.
These failures were then bested by the most catastrophic intervention in the history of medicine. You know, the one where they embarked on a global frenzy of vaccinating against a goddamn highly mutagenic respiratory virus with rapidly outdated and highly lethal spike proteins… all while ignoring natural immunity. Brilliant. Insane.
Anyway, South Africa’s government responded to this development by criminalizing the importation of ivermectin (I am not making this up). The South African ivermectin advocates (many of whom are now my friends and close colleagues) eventually achieved a “compassionate use” designation allowing physicians to prescribe without penalty. But it wasn’t easy. Or quick. Many died unnecessarily during that time. The highpoint of South Africa’s ivermectin frenzy was when South African farmers reported that there was no longer a supply of ivermectin available for their animals. Whoa again.
This outpouring of interest and support was before the social media and corporate media monsters began their global censorship strategy via history’s most atrocious development in journalism, the “Trusted News Initiative.” My life, and the lives of all my colleagues in the FLCCC, was about to get very, very difficult — although we did not know it then (more on that in later posts and my book). In this post, I will present the absurd lengths that censorship was employed in suppressing the news of what UP accomplished with their TTT program.
Although the consequences of my viral video in the U.S did not have the same impact as UP’s coordinated and sophisticated launch of ivermectin, it did have major impact. Check out the below analysis by Juan Chamie. After my video went viral, he tracked the subsequent number of ivermectin prescriptions in the U.S. with nursing homes deaths. This is what he found: the proportion of U.S. citizens dying from COVID who were residents of nursing homes dropped from 30% to 5%… and has remained there since. Whoa again.
Fun fact: nursing homes don’t have to go through retail pharmacies to get ivermectin. What they treat their residents with is thus relatively “under the table.” Not-so-fun fact: nursing homes lose money when a resident dies and leaves an empty, non-paying bed. Always about the Benjamins apparently.
Another fun fact: pretty much the first report on the efficacy of ivermectin against COVID came from the observations of the impacts of ivermectin use in nursing homes. A group of nursing homes in France, in early 2020, noticed that in the one nursing home that had a scabies outbreak which, per protocol, was followed by treating all residents and staff with ivermectin, that nursing home had a remarkably low rate of hospitalization and death from COVID compared to other nursing homes in the area. Yet here we are, over 2 years later, still trying to “prove” that ivermectin works against COVID.
Back to UP. On August 28, 2020, the government of UP tweets out that the Department of Health will provide both HCQ and ivermectin!
They began treating positive cases with ivermectin with 12mg doses for 3 days and then they would re-assess response on the 4th and 5th day. Real doctoring. They also used the drug in jails, where they reported that it cut the COVID-19 infection rate to a “fantastic extent.”
Then, in February and March of 2021, just prior to the disastrous Delta wave — the impacts of which were covered by newspapers all over the world — there was only a tiny number of cases in UP despite massive testing (they have done the most tests out of any state in India, some of which can be attributed to UP’s size, but not their money — they are one of the poorest states in India). Furthermore, despite Big Pharma’s social media and corporate media minions that deride and dismiss data coming out of India due to a supposed lack of testing and reporting, this paper found that India actually ranked 5th in the world in testing! Further, check out UP’s performance compared to the rest of India from
So, UP was #1 in the country, within the 5th most highly tested countries in the world, not only in the numbers of tests done, but in “positivity rate,” which is the true measure of the amount of testing. The lower the number positive, the more you are testing compared to the prevalence of COVID. Only one other state (Madhya Pradesh) even comes close (UP is the last row in below table):
In the first truly disturbing sign that global forces of censorship were being deployed, a month after the launch of UP’s new ivermectin-based COVID program, the WHO posted a document called “Learnings from the State of Uttar Pradesh.”
The WHO glowingly detailed the comprehensiveness, sophistication, and resources invested by UP into the TTT program. Neither the words ivermectin or treatment are mentioned in the WHO document. Not even once. This is what the WHO wrote instead:
For Vishesh Surveillance Abhiyaan Initiative (VSAI), a two-member team visited households, communicating best practices on infection prevention and control, identifying individuals displaying ILI/SARI and co-morbidities. If the team found people demonstrating ILI/SARI symptoms, their cases were sent for sampling. The team also put up notification stickers including contact information for helplines and ensured community awareness on basic COVID-19 prevention measures during the visits (say more?)
Despite the above nonsensical description of what UP was actually doing, after the launch of the TTT program on August 6th of 2020, UP’s COVID death rates started to come down over the next two months and by November they had the 6th lowest rate of death in India (on the day of their program launch back in August, they were tied for 16th).
Remember that I said to keep an eye on the state of Kerala? Well, when UP launched TTT, Kerala had the third lowest death rate among the 30 Indian states. As you can see in the below graph, by November, UP’s death rate was just lower than Kerala. Then by January of 2021, almost all the states in India went “quiet” with COVID for months, and even though UP had some of the lowest case and death rates in the country, the differences between states were not impressive (but they soon would be).
Part 2 of Dr. Kory’s series:
As you can see below, after the “First Wave,” by January of 2021, India had “gone quiet,” given that COVID death rates per 100,000 plummeted across the country, with most states having very low rates of reported deaths as seen below to the far right of the graph (ending just before the Delta wave starts to form):
Then the new “Delta” variant began to escalate in Lahore, Pakistan in mid-February. A month later Delta began to escalate in the adjacent Punjab region of India and then onto nearby Delhi where the city started to get hammered. Delhi experienced the worst outbreak in the country, with 50% higher rates of death than its nearest neighboring city. It then spread to Mumbai in mid-southwest India which implemented lockdowns causing massive numbers of migrant workers to begin fleeing Delhi to go back to their hometowns. The reason why they fled is because they remembered what happened during the 2020 lockdown in Mumbai and Delhi where they couldn't work and they couldn't be with their families. As you can see below, Uttar Pradesh is the home of millions of migrant workers, particularly those working in Mumbai and Delhi.
So UP started to get hit, and hard. They went from 300 cases a day on March 19th (umm, out of 231 million people) to 2,589 on April 2nd, then to almost 40,000 by April 27th. Note that the United States of Pharma (USOP) would love to see just 40,000 cases a day.
The case rate increase and decrease in UP looked like this:
The reason why it looked like the above is because the massive surge was met with an aggressive response by UP’s “Team-11.” First, they increased the number of health care workers to more aggressively perform testing throughout the state. They ended up deploying 400,000 health care workers in 141,610 teams along with 21,242 supervisors within a structure of 60,000 “surveillance committees.” As detailed in this news article, they had already been distributing 1 million ivermectin doses bi-weekly to over 1 million Health care workers since August 2020. The teams then proactively visited homes, testing covid-symptomatic individuals using Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits; those who tested positive were isolated and given a medicine kit containing ivermectin with clear-cut instructions. They also began screening all incoming migrants at bus stations, airports, and train stations. By May 15th, they had conducted 43 million tests.
Now, check out the below. Due to these millions of migrant workers bringing Delta into UP, this led to one of the highest infection rates in India per 100,000 as seen below where the other grey lines represent 29 other Indian states:
Although their case rate was one of the highest in India during the massive migration, note that their death rate per 100,000 was one of the lowest in India as seen below (I again highlight Kerala as a comparator, for reasons you will learn about (essentially because they responded to the Delta wave with mass vaccination and avoidance of ivermectin):
So how did they accomplish such a low death rate compared to cases? Well, on April 17th, UP’s government released a list of 7 medicines, published in a major newspaper, giving clear instructions on how to treat patients with COVID. In particular, they advised giving ivermectin after food which we now know leads to much higher concentrations of ivermectin. I also loved their guidance about drinking enough water and getting enough sleep.
Then, on April 25th, Chief Minister Yogi announced to all UP residents, that it will now bear the cost of treatment of Covid patients even in private hospitals!
Most importantly, the RRT teams spread out across UP, visiting 97,000 villages, testing widely, prophylaxing close contacts, and treating those ill with ivermectin. The cases started to drop precipitously. Based on data from Johns Hopkins University, on April 26th they had 33,531 cases which decreased to 18,023 by May 12. Then on May 30, the cases dropped to just under 600 cases a day. Again, we are talking about a state with 231 million people performing massive testing. Only 600 cases a day. While the rest of India was still raging with Delta.
Now, to the point of this post: one of the last headlines mentioning UP’s ivermectin use in a major newspaper can be found in this article below from May 12, 2021.
On May 10th however, although the Hindustan Times also reported on the amazing turnaround in UP, detailing the steep drop in cases, the high recovery rate of cases, and one of the lowest positivity rates in the country, they do not mention ivermectin. Instead they report on the number of vaccinations the UP has administered. The insane censorship of mentioning ivermectin as part of UP’s program begins in earnest (and will get worse, a lot worse). What is even more tragic is the beginnings of the attempt to credit UP’s turnaround to vaccinations. Absolute nonsense.
Delta enveloped most of India, particularly in the big cities like Delhi and Mumbai. Numerous reports of collapsing city and regional health systems due to hospitals that were over-run with patients and running out of supplies and oxygen.
But then the censorship increases even more. It is not that propaganda went away, in fact, numerous media articles cited the massive infection rates and India’s widespread ivermectin use to support their narrative that ivermectin does not work. In the case of UP’s program, since UP had so rapidly and successfully extinguished cases, the media avoided mentioning that UP was using ivermectin systematically in prevention and treatment (an approach I had argued for in my Senate Testimony).
Check this out, on May 7, 2021, the WHO posted a highly praiseworthy description of UP’s COVID response . You cannot find the word ivermectin in the report.
Further, they did not even mention the name of UP’s “Test, Track, and Treat” program. Instead the article focuses on and solely credits UP’s testing and contact surveillance methods for its success. It was a blatant attempt at avoiding the mention of ivermectin, even though they knew it was being used. This is what they wrote, "Those who test positive are quickly isolated and given a medicine kit with advice on disease management." Not subtle.
Then, a few days later, in the midst of the wider humanitarian catastrophe across India, the WHO sends out multiple tweets praising UP. Again, no mention of ivermectin.
For the naysayers who refused to believe that UP was using ivermectin, below are the official documents from Uttar Pradesh, detailing their use of ivermectin in pre-exposure prophylaxis of health care workers, post-exposure prophylaxis of exposed contacts, and in treatment of ill patients (see below in both Hindi and English).
Note that one of the architects of the TTT program, Dr. Surya Kant, was interviewed on May 22nd, 2021, and said the following to the WHO:
This is my request to WHO – please can you advise on a policy [for ivermectin use] for developing countries at least. This is a cost-effective drug, this is a safe drug and let us try this! Of course, in India I think the day will come when it will be used pan-India. ……Of course after vaccine, ivermectin can be a very important tool to save humanity, to save our people.”
I had encouraging email correspondences with Dr. Kant above from June to September of 2021 when I pled with him for any official data on ivermectin’s efficacy in UP. He said they were compiling a paper to be published in the top Indian Medical journal but that they were busy, plus he had recently been put in charge of India’s Vaccination campaign. Yikes. That was in September 2021. Still waiting on the paper.
You will see how strongly the “thou shalt not say ivermectin” then takes hold in this farce of an article a month later on news site. They announce that Yogi Adityanath’s government has decided to prepare 5 million “special medicine kits” for children with chewable tablets and/or syrup, however nowhere is it mentioned what the “special” medicine is.
The very last time I can find a major media article about UP where the word ivermectin appears is on June 15, 2021, when the Hindustan Times also reported on the CM’s plan to prepare kits for children, but here they actually mention that ivermectin is in the kits. Wow.
Anyway, soon after the hell month where UP was over-run with cases, they started to drop. Precipitously. But Team-11 and its massive workforce of RRT team kept going with testing, tracking, treating. So much so that cases started to disappear over the summer.
By August-September of 2021, I maintain that one of the greatest public health achievements in history was realized in Uttar Pradesh. The significance of this achievement cannot be overstated given that one of history’s most highly contagious, aerosol-transmitted viruses had essentially disappeared from within the borders of a massive Indian state of 231 million people. This article in the Hindustan Times on September 10th reported;
67 of UP’s 75 districts did not report a new case in the previous 24 hours. That would be like 44 states in the U.S not reporting a new case at the same time. Think about that for a second.
In 33 districts, they had not a single “active case.” That would be like the U.S having 22 states without any resident being actively ill with COVID. Again, think about that for a second.
In a state of 231 million people, there were only 199 active cases. You know what I want you to do with that info. The USOP has more monkey pox now than UP has had COVID since. Clown world.
In the previous 24 hours, there had been only 11 new COVID-19 cases in UP. Again, 11 new cases among 231 million people. This occurred despite 226,000 tests having been conducted in that same 24 hour period (.004% positivity). This is effectively a zero prevalence. I repeat, zero prevalence. Astounding.
On September 20th, out of the previous 2.5 million tests (2,524,162) in UP there were only 201 positives, a rate of .007%, which is again, effectively zero. By this time 57 districts in the state were without an active case of COVID.
Note that this astonishing news should have been on the cover of every major newspaper across the world. The article above essentially reported that UP’s TTT program had ended the pandemic within the state. UP’s achievement, to me, is as newsworthy as any discovery with potential to change life across the globe, akin to the discovery of penicillin. Yet, again, ivermectin is not mentioned in the article.
Another article in India Today also reported the amazing success of Uttar Pradesh, and again, ivermectin is not mentioned.
In this article based on an extensive interview with Yogi Adnithayath, ivermectin is also not mentioned despite including highly detailed descriptions of everything else that Yogi’s Team-11 did. The writer instead emphasizes vaccinations and the ignoring of natural immunity. The enemies of ivermectin instead erroneously claimed that UP’s vaccination drive is what should be credited. This is beyond absurd. On September 21, 2021 only 10% of UP citizens were fully vaccinated (plus, and it should go without mention… the vaccines don’t work).
Further, news of this amazing achievement was not reported by any major newspaper in any major country in the world that I know of. In the U.S, the only news sites that I saw that reported it and included mention of the role of ivermectin were TrialSite News, the Desert Review (by my friend Justus Hope), and the Gateway Pundit.
Even when UP’s achievement was covered, either by the FLCCC or from other sources and podcasters, it was met with the usual Disinformation “narratives” constructed to distort its importance. News articles instead highlighted the carnage of the Delta wave. One mentor from early in my career, texted me that, “India was using it widely and they got crushed, it clearly doesn’t work.”
The more astute and well-studied observers and researchers compared UP’s performance with Tamil Nadu and Kerala, the two Indian states that very publicly removed ivermectin from use.
Let’s do that comparison: On May 14, 2021, amidst the onslaught of the Delta wave, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu (M.K. Stalin - I am not making this up and what is more ridiculous is that his Communist Party held increasing power in that state) decided to remove ivermectin from the state’s protocol in favor of Remdesivir and vaccination. Note that Stalin’s response exactly mirrored the USOP’s COVID protocol at the time.
Well, look what happens:
Now let’s look at the state of Kerala. They had already taken Ivermectin out of their protocol on August 5, 2020 after having earlier limited its use to advanced cases only. During Delta, they started vaccinating, hard. Two months after the peak of UP’s Delta wave, on July 29th, this article reported that"Kerala has been reporting over 22,000 new COVID infections for the last three days now. No other state in India is even close to the 10,000 mark. The COVID conundrum in the southern state has led to several questions, with no certain answers."
Kerala continued to have the majority of new daily cases and almost 25% of India's daily deaths despite a population of just 34 million, less than 3% of India's total population. What could they have been doing wrong?
Now let’s compare Uttar Pradesh’s death rates per 100,000 population with that of the United States of Pharma (USOP). Even if the USOP’s COVID death rates were inflated due to financial incentives, it is a horrific comparison. Note that with the exception of a few days in January 2022, in the past 12 months, the daily death rate per 100,000 in Uttar Pradesh… was ZERO.
It has been almost a year since UP’s incredible feat was first reported. Ivermectin was purposely not credited or even mentioned in the only two major Indian newspapers which covered it. One of the greatest public health achievements in history yet the world was not informed. Since that time, millions of citizens on Earth have died as a result.
Censorship kills. The censoring of the role of ivermectin in UP’s success constitutes a crime against humanity. The immense scope and scale of corruption amongst the world’s leading health agencies has now been equalled by global media organizations under the obscene “Trusted News Initiative.”
Part 3 of Dr. Kory’s series:
In Part 1 and Part 2, I laid out the structure, function, and escalation of Uttar Pradesh’s (UP) “Test, Track, and Treat”(TTT) Program, which achieved what was essentially a zero infection rate across the state by September of 2021. In this post, I present what was happening at the Federal level in India during the time that UP was eradicating COVID.
India’s Federal COVID Response
Although I will denounce some aspects of corruption by the Federal Health Agencies in India by the end of this post, I have to give the “Indian Feds” credit for having started out on the right foot in early 2020. They, like UP, started with a goal of trying to protect the country’s population by investigating the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in prevention and treatment for COVID.
Already by March of 2020, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), an advisory of leading medical centers and central government hospitals, issued a recommendation for the use of HCQ in prevention for Health Care Workers (HCW) across the country. Further, the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) even suggested its use in treatment while also indicating that ivermectin could be used as an alternative! Check it out:
Can Ivermectin be used for COVID patients?
Ivermectin has been found to be a potent inhibitor of SARS CoV2 replication in vitro, but the doses required to achieve this effect in vivo far exceeds the usual dose. It is currently not recommended in the national guidelines but can be used in patients in whom HCQ is contraindicated (September 2020. AIIMSeICUsFAQs01SEP.pdf)
What isn’t funny is how they arrived at that suggestion despite including one of the more famous disinformation narratives against ivermectin that circled the globe, you know the one about how effective concentrations would be unobtainable in humans. Paul Marik, Andrew Hill, and I presented data from Caly and Wagstaff of Monash University which debunked that narrative in January 2021 to the NIH treatment Guidelines Panel. Apparently they never saw fit to share it with the world.
Contrast India’s bold moves above with what the United States of Pharma (USOP) was doing in response to COVID. The US Feds very quickly started pulling some of their first blatantly corrupt moves, likely sparked by the fear of the consequences of the world’s second most populated country deciding to deploy, gasp.. generic, repurposed drugs to combat the pandemic.
In retrospect, Fauci’s actions are horrifying (again, he effectively controls the FDA, CDC, and NIH). One week later, on March 28, 2020, the CDC issued a Health Advisory warning of the dangers of HCQ use (they employed this identical disinformation tactic 18 months later against ivermectin). Then two weeks after that, the CDC went further and removed their prior “soft” recommendation for HCQ with the statement: “there are no drugs or other therapeutics approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to prevent or treat COVID-19.”
It should go without saying to readers of my Substack that the PFDA (remember, the P is not a typo) does not guide the practice of medicine, a sleight of hand trick the CDC uses often. There is no requirement for the PFDA to “approve” any medicine for use in COVID that has already been granted PFDA approval previously for another condition. Well, at least that was the rule until HCQ and IVM came along threatening Big Pharma’s entire vaccine and therapeutics market for COVID. The bulletins above then influenced all the Medical Associations, Medical Boards, and Pharmacy Boards into scaring physicians and pharmacists across the land into stopping prescribing and/or filling two of the world’s safest medications. Fortunately, in the past months, many states of the USOP have fought back against Fauci’s Federal Health Agencies, so much so that 42 of 50 states have either active, pending, or passed legislation protecting physicians and pharmacists to talk about and/or prescribe and fill repurposed medications to treat COVID.
The USOP did not stop there. The CDC’s criminal actions were followed a week later by the PFDA posting this bulletin cautioning against use “outside of the hospital setting.” This move was historic to me personally, because it was the first time in the pandemic that I was shocked by the supposed idiocy of U.S. federal therapeutics policy. I thought, “man are they being stupid, anyone knows that if an antiviral is going to work, it has to be given within the first days of illness. Why would they restrict it to the hospital’s hyper-inflammatory phase, where live virus is present in so few?”
It didn’t take me too long to realize that their policies were, rather than “stupid,” instead wickedly malevolent in clearing the new, global marketplace for their wares. It was the direct cause of the ensuing humanitarian catastrophe. We now know that had they gone “all in” on early treatment like UP, many hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved in the U.S. alone and it would have prevented them from pulling off the devastatingly lethal vaccine fraud.
These nonsensical and corrupt federal policy pronouncements were then followed by what I would learn in time to be the standard pattern of Big Pharma Disinformation campaigns. Major media articles and medical journal publications began to appear, cautioning and/or attacking decisions like India’s. Here is one in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. These “cautioning” types of articles, trying to dissuade the empirical use of safe, promising, repurposed drugs during a public health catastrophe, shocks me to this day. In my recent post on the fraudulent TOGETHER ivermectin trial, I gave similar examples in relation to ivermectin.
In contrast to the USOP, the prestigious ICMR quickly conducted a trial of HCQ in prevention and found it reduced infection rates by up to 80%. They began exporting it to many countries around the world and were still recommending it in June of 2020. However, by July, the ICMR was starting to get cold feet, as detailed in this article, triggered when the WHO started publishing their fraudulent hospital trials on HCQ.
The Delta Wave Hits
The Delta wave starts to wreak havoc in India beginning February of 2021. The crisis leads television broadcasts and newspaper headlines across the world. So what did India’s Federal Agencies do in response to this historic crisis? They again did the right thing! On April 22nd, the Ministry of Health, the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) and Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) updated the national COVID-19 treatment protocol. The new protocol recommended Ivermectin and budesonide for all patients with a mild case of COVID.
For the enemies of ivermectin (which are many), this was NOT good. Again, the world’s 2nd largest country recommending ivermectin to over a billion people? This absolutely freaked out the WHO as I will detail below (it should go without saying that the WHO is controlled by and effectively represents Big Pharma and Bill Gates).
Get this, they even recommended it for 3-5 days!
On April 22nd, the AIIMS issued their own guideline which included hydroxychloroquine as well, under the column “MAY DO”. Check it out:
On April 29th, in a press conference, the Ministry of Health once again confirmed the new protocol. These updates were presented to the media on April 30, 2021 and can be viewed here.
Now, this is where corruption via censorship and propaganda are kicked into high gear. The media simply refused to promulgate the news. Instead they continued to promote Remdesivir as an effective drug, and the few media outlets that even bothered to mention ivermectin referred to it as “the unproven medicine” or an “outdated treatment.” It's as if there were two different realities—in the local health systems, millions of patients were now receiving ivermectin yet few knew due to what was essentially a media blackout. When ivermectin does surface, it's mentioned as “outdated” or “inappropriate.”
To any reader of my Substack, this behavior should be unsurprising. I mean, given the reality that the world’s 2nd largest country was now systematically deploying ivermectin against COVID, Pharma and BMGF had to do absolutely everything possible to suppress, distort and dismiss the idea that ivermectin was effective. Recall that, aside from hydroxychloroquine, never has a single generic repurposed drug threatened more financial interests (hundreds of billions of dollars given the sum of the markets for vaccines, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, monoclonal antibodies, Remdesivir etc).
Their first attempt to block this action came from a random branch of India’s federal health agencies (the Directorate General of Health Services - DGHS) when whatever captured officials they had in there posted a bulletin “not recommending ivermectin.” One problem: the DGHS has no authority to impact the Guideline!
The DGHS caused confusion for sure as this move was amplified across lots of media, trying to create a narrative that India was reversing its decision. However, ivermectin did continue to stay on India’s guideline until Gates visited Modi in September 2021 (not making this up). After Gates visited, ivermectin was removed from the National Guideline. Hang on until the end of this admittedly long post.
Next the WHO starts to take insane actions against ivermectin (remember that on March 31, 2021 they had already updated their recommendation to not recommend ivermectin despite dozens of trials showing massive mortality benefits).
Then, on May 8th, the WHO’s Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan (an Indian!) tweeted the WHO’s absolutely idiotic “Home Care Bundle." See below. Drink fluid, take tylenol, monitor pulse ox. No treatment. Just like the NIH.
2 days later, she goes after ivermectin even harder in one of history’s most criminal actions. Obeying what was definitely an order from above (I would guess it came from BMGF who is the 2nd largest funder of the WHO after the U.S), she stupidly cites Merck’s “opinion” in her tweet to the world reminding them that the WHO doesn’t recommend ivermectin outside a clinical trial. She literally cited a pharmaceutical company’s public relations campaign against a competing drug (remember, although Merck invented ivermectin, they can’t make money off of it anymore as it is no longer patent protected). Merck’s shiny new pill Molnupiravir is thus a direct competitor of ivermectin.
The statement she cited by Merck (below) had been posted on the company’s website about 8 weeks after my Senate Testimony on Feb 4, 2021.
The three statements above were outrageously fraudulent. No study paper or analysis of data was posted to support the statements and no authors were listed. Instead the statements were simply attributed to the conclusions of “company scientists." The reality is that this was 100% written by their Public Relations department. Hey Merck, why don’t you try to prove me wrong in court? The FLCCC doesn’t have the money you do, but I promise you we now know several very wealthy people who would love to back us in that fight.
The FLCCC’s review paper, which I was the first author of, had already passed peer review and been publicly posted (and presented to the NIH) at that time of Merck’s PR move. It included dozens of trials and reports of health programs using ivermectin with dramatic results. Yet it was the unsubstantiated Merck bulletin that was blasted across the world via headlines in major newspapers, TV, and radio. It was terrifying to me at the time because I did not fully understand yet that it was a complete Disinformation tactic, plain and simple. One of many tactics that Pharma has been perfecting for decades and are really, really good at. NPR reached out to them to discuss their statements further and they “declined to comment.” Shocker.
So, the Chief Scientist of the WHO cited a bulletin of pure propaganda by a pharmaceutical company to complete her assigned task of recommending against ivermectin in the midst of her country’s crisis. You cannot make this stuff up.
However, she soon found herself in deep…. An organization called the Indian Bar Association quickly filed criminal charges against her for this tweet, accusing her of a crime which apparently included the possibility of a death penalty. She very quickly deleted her tweet.
Further evidence of the discomfort of WHO officials when asked about ivermectin can be found in this interview by independent journalist Ivory Hecker who was investigating ivermectin suppression in the U.S months ago (see mark 12:10-15:00). Recall that Ivory was formerly employed by a Texas Fox News Affiliate until her widely covered live, on-air resignation protesting censorship of ivermectin and other topics at Fox. Anyway, watch the WHO official literally squirm trying to dismiss the idea ivermectin works or that the WHO knows this. At mark 14:35, Ivory asks the WHO official, “What do you think is working in India right now?” His deflection of an answer is quite telling.
Now check out this email from a surgeon and owner of a hospital in India who asked to remain anonymous. I think it says it all:
When I asked him if he would come on our FLCCC webinar to discuss the situation and response in India, this is what he wrote back:
Craig Kelly, an Australian politician, who, like Senator Ron Johnson, led a very public and much-vilified attempt to challenge Australia’s criminal ignoring of early treatment. He was well aware of numerous other successful early ivermectin treatment programs like in Paraguay, Argentina (here, here and here), Brazil, Mexico, Phillipines, and Peru among others.
In his tweet below, he humorously asked if Australia could borrow UP’s Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to replace their “hopelessly incompetent State Premiers.” The Chief Ministers Office replied to him:
So, clearly the CM’s office was validating that they were using ivermectin. However, do you remember that wickedly detailed, comprehensive 132 page report on UP’s TTT program that I introduced in Part 1 of this post? The one whose lead author was a Professor at one of the top Universities in India? That report only mentioned ivermectin once “as a protocol medication they monitor the supply of.” Well, in October of 2021, right after releasing it, he became active on Twitter, first detailing the critical aspects of the report. Notice how tightly he sticks to the “orders” he (and the rest of India’s media) were following which was to always say the words “medicine kit” instead of “ivermectin”.
His tweet was met with many comments attacking his report, to which he replied with the below thread.
Note how he claims the report “does not validate ivermectin.” Really? Hard to validate when the report barely mentions ivermectin or treatment (it does mention “immunity boosting kits” though. Whatever. Then he opines “what is surprising is that the situation was brought under control so quickly” (just like the surgeon predicted above). Agrawal is literally crediting the success almost solely to testing and contact tracing. Certainly he can’t attribute the success to the mass distribution of ivermectin in treatment to all active cases plus to their household members and close contacts for post-exposure prevention. I mean that would be absurd conjecture Professor Agrawal.
Then he claims that “the report explains how that happened.” Just like the WHO’s report, his report attributes the TTT’s shocking success to anything and everything but… treatment with ivermectin. Again, the word ivermectin appears once in the 132 page report. Not subtle. This nonsense has been absolutely typical for “captured” health care leaders from both the Ivory Towers and the tops of national and international health agencies and societies. Why was there literally no major health care leader with just an ounce of integrity and two ounces of courage to blow the whistle on this fraud?
Now, let’s get back to the Federal level. When ivermectin was placed on India’s national treatment guideline, other states besides UP were already using it aggressively like Bihar (although not in as organized or sophisticated a way as UP). States such as:
"Earlier, at least 20 to 25 HCWs were getting infected with the virus daily. After the workers started taking Ivermectin, the number of infection has come down to one or two per day," Dr Batmanabane said.
However, during Delta, after ivermectin was included on India’s national treatment guideline and, as attested to by the surgeon above, many doctors across the country were using it while others derided and dismissed it. The controversy was strong, solely created by the relentless media and medical journal propaganda and censorship against the drug. Many experienced and highly intelligent doctors were fooled into thinking it was ineffective and were also unforgivably arrogant about it. This includes many of my formerly respected colleagues. But the doctors that knew it worked were being beaten back oftentimes by the high-level academics in the cities, a pattern and dynamic which was seen in many countries including Peru where the big city doctors in Lima refused to use it (and got absolutely hammered) while the more rural areas used it widely. In the U.S it was essentially the private practice physicians doing all the effective early treatment while what I call “the system physicians” were unknowingly letting people die for lack of treatment.
I saved this email to me from an Indian follower of the FLCCC:
“Unfortunately, the WHO Recommendation and the JAMA study have done more harm than good. We doctors who believe in ivermectin have been using it even today but the ones who were a little skeptical, might have stopped thanks to the misleading information lately.
There are absolutely no public information initiatives on ivermectin. I have a voice but not loud enough to reach everyone (I hear ya sister).
The kind of popularity Remdesivir has got**.. i wish ivermectin did and we would have been at a different place altogether.
(to demonstrate just how effective the media propaganda and censorship was, note that Remdesivir was twice as popular as ivermectin on google searches in India.
Anyway, during Delta almost every state in India was broadly using ivermectin.
Except for two.
Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
This is where it gets really, really interesting. Let’s start with what happened in Tamil Nadu.
Their Chief Minister’s name is MK Stalin (not making this up). Stalin removed ivermectin, but did keep Vitamin C, Zinc, Budesonide, Ranitidine, Doxycycline. Let’s see what happened shall we?
This decision did not start out well for them. Look out how fast the the ivermectin recommending states were decreasing positivity rates, cases and deaths in the first 30 days of the Delta Wave. Tamil Nadu didn’t make a dent in the wave.
Apparently they noticed this too. And what they did next was pretty incredible. They went all in on an early treatment approach with an anti-viral herb concoction called Kabasura Kudineer comprising ginger, pippali, clove, cirukancori root, mulli root, kadukkai, ajwain and many other herbs. An Indian study in June of 2020 found it effective and you can find lots of news reports about its use in Tamil Nadu from even before that time. Remember, there is no disease that can’t be treated. Early treatment works.
Dozens of natural and repurposed pharmaceutical compounds have now been found effective as anti-virals. Meanwhile the USOP uses only Paxlovid, an absurdly over-priced and highly complex medicine with 125 different medication interactions across 25 different classes of medicine. It even comes with this thing I have never seen in my COVID career, a “rebound phenomenon,” particularly common in U.S health care leaders and presidents (about the only times I have laughed at Biden’s and Fauci’s behavior in the pandemic). But now we are apparently letting nurses prescribe the stuff. Not funny. See below from a nurse who wrote to me yesterday. USOP baby:
Note that I have not validated the above, but it appears legit and also unsurprising.
Anyway, on May 12, Tamil Nadu gets into the “distribution of medicine kits” game. Curiously, the headline actually lists the contents of the kit. Thats weird.
And guess what happens? The “drop” in cases and deaths starts soon after. Boom. Early treatment my friends. Go Stalin (ouch).

Now Kerala’s performance you already know about from Part 2 of my UP series but lets check in to see how they have done after banishing ivermectin and going at COVID hard with Remdesivir and the jabs. Recall that prior to Delta they had some of the lowest death rates in the country. In the chart below, the other grey lines represent the death rates per 100,000 of 29 other Indian states. Kerala has been the worst performing state by far ever since.
Bill Gates Comes to Town and Ivermectin Leaves
By the end of September 2021, most of India was out of the woods due to abundant natural immunity and widespread use of ivermectin. However, India could not afford to be shunned from the money and support the WHO (and its greatest contributor, Bill Gates and his Foundation) can provide them.
Well, as it happens, in late September 2021 good ole’ Billy Gates comes to visit India and meets with Prime Minister Modi.
By all appearances what happened is that India caved in to pressure to remove Ivermectin from the guidelines on September 23rd in a quid pro quo deal. PM Modi agreed to remove Ivermectin in exchange for Gates providing WHO support and resources for the the “Ayushman Bharat Digitial Mission,” a program to provide healthcare digital ID numbers to all Indian Citizens (yeah that sounds like a program which will benefit us all). This was announced on September 28, just 5 days later. Clown World.
Modi is quoted on Twitter thanking Gates, and then the article adds this doozy:
"Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will inaugurate CIPET: Institute of Petrochemicals Technology, Jaipur and also lay the foundation stone of four new medical colleges in Banswara, Sirohi, Hanumangarh & Dausa districts of Rajasthan on 30th September 2021 at 11 AM via video-conferencing."
Yeah, that’s exactly what the world needs, four medical schools funded by Bill Gates.
It is my belief that the war on ivermectin is over. Well, if not over, at a stalemate. All the doctors across the world using it to treat COVID will continue (unless we lose our medical licenses to do so like my friend Meryl Nass is being threatened with (not if we have anything to do with it - Paul Marik and I are serving as her expert witnesses). The rest of the system docs will continue to dismiss it as a horse dewormer and prescribe Paxlovid. Good times.
End of Dr. Pierre Kory’s three-part series on how Uttar Pradesh squashed covid with ivermectin, the media ignores the miracle, and the WHO did their best to keep people’s lives from being saved with ivermectin treatment.
If this doesn’t show lack of regard for life, what does?
Why would we trust anyone who doesn’t value human life?
Links to Dr. Pierre Kory’s original articles: