Peter Hotez, the Evil Clown, Comes Tumbling Down: New revelations spell the beginning of his end
Hotez, like Haman, and so many before him, who blasphemed the Creator and met their downfall. So may all Your enemies be vanquished speedily, O G-d.
Peter Hotez denies His Creator and wants to fight against belief in G-d.
Hotez is also responsible for the deaths of untold numbers of people.
Now, G-d is orchestrating his just desserts.
In January 2021, Hotez published quite a disturbing article in the journal Plos Biology, “Anti-science kills: From Soviet embrace of pseudoscience to accelerated attacks on US biomedicine,” which really illustrates much about himself.
So, Peter Hotez says that it may be necessary to combat creationism, and is clearly supportive of legislation on this front.
What is creationism? The knowledge that G-d created the world.
Is there any substantive difference between Dr. Hotez and the anti-religious Soviet communist government?
While Hotez likes to say that he’s Jewish (I have not investigated his matrilineal descent, so I have no idea whether his claim is true), he clearly does not believe in the foundational tenets of Judaism, so he would at most be an apostate Jew - one who has no right to call himself a “Jew,” since for most purposes, he is no longer considered Jewish by the laws of our religion (see Maimonides.)
I had no doubt that G-d would bring him down - it was only a matter of when.
It looks like it’s coming sooner rather than later.
Maternal-fetal medicine specialist Dr. James Thorp tweeted his outrage at the mass death and devastation Hotez has helped perpetrate:
Below is the video Dr. Thorp wants you to watch - it’s very powerful.
Celia Farber wrote:
Please everybody, look past the fact that this brilliant video has hammy production, (by design) and seems at first to be mere mockery. Watch it all the way through to see the raw bluff, lies, unblinking pivots, the borderline schizophrenia, the total severing of words, reality, and meaning. The word “monster” does apply here.
A few of the comments on the video on YouTube that Celia copied:
Hotez looks like a bumbling fool, but he’s very dangerous. He’s on a mission, and his handlers are the ones pulling his strings.
Quoting Celia:
Hotez is soaked in CCP and DOD funding/big money for lethal “science.” Is is correct terminology then, to call Hotez a “Chinese agent?” What does it mean exactly when an American scientist is funded by China?
Hotez is the main operator deployed to “take down” RFK Jr., Joe Rogan, and each of us, which is, by the way, very reassuring, since he’s utterly and transparently a pathological propagandist. He’s “worth” at least $35 million and is one of the wealthiest scientists in the nation. His financial ties are precisely never named when he is fawningly interviewed and referred to as a “leading vaccine expert.”
Hotez will NEVER debate a true expert
Hotez foolishly started up with the immensely popular Joe Rogan by tweeting an article criticizing him for “vaccine misinformation,” and for having RFK Jr. on his show.
Rogan responded with a public challenge to Peter Hotez to come on his show and debate RFK JR., offering $100,000 to a charity of Hotez’s choice as an incentive.
This tweet now how has 56.5 MILLION views.
Since then, the debate pot keeps growing, and Hotez is looking ridiculously foolish, as over $2.6 million has been pledged to persuade him to debate RFK Jr. - but of course, he can’t. Any actual vaccine expert would mop the floor with Hotez. Lies don’t stand up to the light, and he knows it.
It’s hard to keep coming up with good excuses, when world renowned doctors are offering to debate him.
Click the link above to watch a fascinating short video in which Dr. Peter McCullough - academically senior to Peter Hotez - ventures a guess as to why Hotez won’t agree to debate him (hint: in addition to the fact that Hotez’s “vaccine science” will never hold water, Peter Hotez has 2016 DoD patents and contracts for “SARS Cov 2” that will undoubtedly come up for discussion.)
And in that funding scandal, probably, lies his greatest upcoming downfall.
In a groundbreaking revelation, it has come to light that Dr. Peter Hotez, an esteemed vaccine researcher, has been entangled in a web of funding, collaboration, and research with Chinese military scientists potentially involved in the development of COVID-19.
At the center of this narrative lies Dr. Hotez, a distinguished professor at Baylor College of Medicine, who secured a substantial research grant (R01AI098775) from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) led by Dr. Anthony Fauci. This grant, amounting to over $1 million per year, supports Dr. Hotez's project titled "RBD Recombinant Protein-Based SARS Vaccine for Biodefense," with Dr. Shibo Jiang listed as a Principal Investigator.
Dr. Shibo Jiang, a professor at Fudan University, boasts an impressive academic background. After completing his Master's degree from the People’s Liberation Army's Guangzhou First Military Medical University (广州第一军医大学) and his Medical Doctor degree from Xi'an Fourth Military Medical University (西安第四军医大学微), he pursued postdoctoral training at Rockefeller University in New York from 1987 to 1990.
Subsequently, he held various positions at the New York Blood Center's Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute until 2010, including Head of the Viral Immunology Laboratory. Since then, he has served as a professor at Fudan University's Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology in Shanghai, China.
During his time in the United States, Dr. Shibo Jiang also acted as a visiting professor at several prestigious People's Liberation Army (PLA) universities, including the First and Fourth Military Medical University, the Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS), and Southern Medical University (formerly known as the First Military Medical University). Despite his collaboration with the Chinese military, he received research grants totaling over $20 million from NIAID under Dr. Fauci's leadership between 1997 and 2016.
Professor Jiang, a member of China's renowned Thousand Talents Plan, actively collaborated with PLA scientists on numerous scientific papers supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the First Military Medical University, and the AMMS. However, concerns have been raised regarding the nature of these collaborations, as a 2020 FBI report indicates that such talent recruitment plans “usually involve undisclosed and illegal transfers of information, technology, or intellectual property detrimental to U.S. institutions.”
Together with Dr. Zhou Yusen, a distinguished PLA virologist and fellow AMMS alumnus, Professor Jiang co-invented multiple U.S. patents and published numerous scientific papers on SARS and MERS coronaviruses, often with the support of NIAID funds. Dr. Yusen, the former director of the PLA's AMMS Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity at the Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, filed the world's first patent application for a COVID-19 vaccine in China on February 24, 2020, just a month after the country acknowledged human-to-human transmission.
See Kanekoa’s original article for much more:
The Gateway Pundit similarly reported last week:
FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists
The Gateway Pundit first reported on Dr. Hotez in late December 2021. In our report by Dr. Lawrence Sellin, we noted that Dr. Hotez was the recipient of a grant from Dr. Fauci for $1 million a year. But Dr. Hotez wasn’t alone.
One of the two other Principal Investigators on the project is Shibo Jiang, who lists two affiliations related to grant R01AI098775:
Shibo Jiang’s connections with China’s People’s Liberation Army have been exhaustively detailed in Gateway Pundit articles, here, here and here.
TGP concluded: Dr. Hotez isn’t just a charlatan, he’s also the recipient of millions from Dr. Fauci that was shared with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Maybe that should be debated?
A Midwestern Doctor shares critical pieces of the Hotez story:
(Excerpts; link to full article below.)
Peter Hotez has spent his career as one of the vaccine establishment's leading cheerleaders, and I believe he was one of the individuals most directly responsible for the deadly censorship we saw throughout COVID-19. This is because right before COVID-19, he paved the way for it by going on a media tour to make people aware of the extreme dangers of the anti-vaccine movement and the critical need to censor them on each platform.
Note: I have long suspected (but cannot prove) his actions were part of a public relations campaign because many other things also happened at that time, Hotez used the same phrases in each media appearance (suggesting a PR company made them), and he consistently is invited to speak by major networks despite not being photogenic (the guy is a mess).
After Hotez got the mass censorship he clamored for, he then pivoted to aggressively defending the current narrative on television, frequently asserting statements with absolute certainty that were later definitively proven to be false. Following this, he then pivoted to gradually denouncing with increasing fervor anyone who questioned the narrative (i.e., Hotez's lies), which gradually escalated to him calling for any criticism of Anthony Fauci to become a federal hate crime and for governments around the world to mobilize against anyone who did not support COVID-19 vaccines because vaccine skeptics were killing people.
Since Hotez was a clown, most of us just ignored him. However, last December, this was posted by the WHO, and we decided Hotez's actions had reached the point we needed to do something.
Note: many of Hotez's statements in the WHO's video were disingenuous or outright false (which in turn casts the WHO in a very bad light). Additionally, there is no way Hotez could have made this video himself, once again suggesting that this was part of a broader PR campaign.
After I saw Hotez's call for political crackdowns, I remembered that during his 2019 media tour, Hotez had given an interview on Joe Rogan, which ended up being comical since Hotez was a mess, and unlike the rest of the media, Rogan gave Hotez a few tough questions. I felt simply letting Hotez show exactly who he was constituted the best response to his calls for political crackdowns, so I clipped their exchange and sent it to Pierre Kory. Many others felt the same way, and it immediately went viral (presently, the original has 3.5 million views—and just one of the recent repostings [shared by Rogan] already has 2.5 million views).
Note: in the following clip and within the full interview it is sourced from, Hotez makes false statements, some of which his past statement demonstrated he knew were lies.
Later that day, once the clip had gone viral on Twitter, Hotez decided he needed to issue one of the few “apologies” of his career:
I then dug into Hotez’s background and learned a few noteworthy things about him:
•Because he ardently promotes vaccines and has an autistic daughter, anyone suggesting vaccines cause autism provokes profound mental and emotional contractions within him. He thus wrote a book to prove “Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism” and regularly cites it as proof vaccines don’t cause autism. I read the book and discovered not only did Hotez fail to provide any proof vaccines don’t cause autism, but he also provided a chronology of events and symptoms in his daughter identical to what many parents with autistic children have observed immediately following vaccination. That’s pretty sad but emblematic of how people like Hotez think.
•The most unbelievable passage I found in Peter Hotez’s book says a great deal about he sees himself and the world:
•Not surprisingly, I discovered that Peter Hotez has deep financial entanglements with the Gates Foundation and has received numerous large grants for vaccine development.
•Hotez is very thin-skinned—he is the only person I’ve ever come across who constantly retweets fans saying he is their hero. Conversely, any time he is criticized, he frequently blames it on “antisemitism”or “anti-scientism,” he continually complains on Twitter about all the harassment he receives (which I feel is minimal relative to the inflammatory rhetoric he puts out) and he immediately blocks anyone on Twitter who uses data to debunk one of his lies.
Note: This personal weakness is something I associate with someone who follows a path they are internally conflicted with, which leads to a wide variety of contractions in the body, mind, and spirit, thereby preventing one from having the openness that could provide the internal strength to persist in the face of obstacles.•In 2019, Hotez stated that the anti-vaccine lobby owns the internet and that the brave defenders of science need someone to protect the anti-vaxxer’s onslaught (see the clip for yourself).
The story of Peter Hotez is covered in more detail here:
… after I posted the article, an MD (who had been in Hotez and Fauci’s world and then left it to become a whistleblower) reached out and shared that she had directly worked with Hotez and deemed him to be a sociopath. After I posted the more recent article on Malone’s page, others came forward to share the same thing. Soon after, a friend (I trust) who had previously worked with Hotez for years an academia told me Hotez was an attention-seeking sociopath and pointed me to something truly remarkable.
Hotez was one of the scientists who was complicit in the deadly gain of function research on the SARS coronavirus .. From 2012-2017, he had a 6.1 million grant from the NIH to develop a SARS vaccine with the stated aim of responding to any “accidental release from a laboratory,” some which was then used to fund GoF research conducted by the leader of the Wuhan lab in 2017 (link to paper can be found here). Of the millions upon millions in grants Hotez has received to develop vaccines throughout his career, the COVID-19 vaccine is his only “success” (he made a Halal one that was targeted to Muslims around the world).As you might suspect, Hotez has done everything he can to hysterically suppress any investigations into the lab origins of COVID-19. … and as a member of the Lancet’s panel to investigate the lab origins of COVID-19 done everything he can to shut that down while failing to disclose he was directly involved in that very work. The article that details exactly what Hotez was complicit in is essential reading for everyone.
Full article here:
More garbage on Hotez:
Dr. Tenpenny’s substack reports:
Hotez has been in lock step with Pfizer for decades. Redacted News reporter Dan Cohen did a two part deep dive into Hotez and his past; I highly recommend watching it. Cohen reveals that Hotez started receiving money from Pfizer straight out of college, and he hasn’t stopped.
This explains why Hotez praised Pfizer’s Covid-19 clinical trial results for children aged 12 to 15 as “pretty impressive”.
This means that Hotez is a blatant liar, because he claimed on Twitter to not be receiving Pharma money:
Hotez’s ridiculous non-science:
Celia Farber’s article (modesty alert for men who are careful with what they see, on a photo further down in the article.)
Let’s hope and pray that all the evidence against Peter Hotez is quickly brought to the light of day, and that he and the other evildoers are forced to publicly confess and pay for their crimes against G-d and humanity.
Excellent expose! Thank you! I'm so grateful Hotez is being brought down. I'm eternally grateful for that ROGAN/RFK interview validated my decision 40 years ago to NOT vaccinate my children. I've been ostracized for decades because of the pride & evil lies people like Hotez have spewed. May we all live long enough to see the pharma mafia completely destroyed.
And the enemies of the Lord, presently after they shall be honoured and exalted, shall come to nothing and vanish like smoke. — Ps 36:20