Recording: June 22 zoom conference with renowned author and speaker G. Edward Griffin
Thank G-d, this was a most fascinating and informative event.
Here is the zoom recording link for tonight’s wonderful conference with G. Edward Griffin, author of “World Without Cancer,” and Babry Oren. (Click link below picture.)
We discussed a fascinating array of topics, such as the true evil colors of the United Nations/WHO who seek global control, governments who use every problem as a pretext to expand their power and take away liberty, the IG Farben Pharma/chemical cartel who brought Hitler to power, made Zyklon B gas, ran many concentration camps, and directed the German war effort, current Pharma companies who don’t mind killing a billion people to sell their products, and amygdalin and other treatments for cancer and various illnesses.
Babry Oren presented his company’s Folium PX and other very effective supplements. ( Mr. Oren can be reached at
Enjoy, and please share!
Note: As always, I urge patients to seek a knowledgeable and qualified healthcare practitioner to guide their treatment.
I want to thank you. I listened twice. I wanted to reach out to the woman with the sinus issues but missed how to reach her. I knew much of the info from researching but it was confirmed by what Mr.Griffin said. Especially about the' seeds'! Thank you so much!!
Thank God for the good people in the World who strive to help their fellow man.