Recording of May 1 presentation of Professor Leonard Sonnenschein’s protocol (updated now with clickable links)
Thank G-d, we heard testimonials directly from patients about life threatening illnesses they were helped with. This is amazing.
Recording of May 1 presentation of Professor Sonnenschein protocol with testimonials:
Passcode: !ZWtCZ9K
In addition to the presentations by the Esther Black, Leonard Sonnenschein, and Dr. Ephraim Ben Zeev about good health, the mechanism of action of the products, etc, there were powerful testimonials from patients. It’s amazing- these products have helped people with many things that are usually virtually death sentences. After the testimonials, Q and A went on for hours. Among the illnesses that have been helped are: ALS, liver cancer, glioblastoma, heart damage, melanoma, schizophrenia, dementia, epilepsy after the flu shot, facial tics, macular degeneration, Lyme, EBV, asthma, and so much more. Also, covid- even at very late stage where hope was lost, “long covid”, and COVID VAX INJURIES, including those to the reproductive system, blindness and tinnitus from the COVID shot, and much more.
People are asking how to get the products. While two of the products are indeed available on Amazon, (here are links: and, for any condition that isn’t very simple, or if one doesn’t experience very quick improvement, please make sure to consult with Dr. Ephraim Ben Zeev. There is an entire protocol (much more than the 2 products you can get on Amazon), and it needs to be modified to the individual case and have qualified follow up in order to work properly.
Here is Dr. Ben Zeev’s email:
Dr. Ben Zeev is the physician helping people with the protocol, but obviously it will be too much for one doctor. They are seeking more doctors who would like to get trained in to be able to help people with using the protocol. G-d willing there will be a zoom training session for healthcare practitioners on Sunday May 15 at 1 PM EDT. To register for the training, please email
Prayers work. G-d is listening and He has sent help through these very special people. Let’s keep praying to the Creator for healing and redemption for the whole world.
Absolutely nothing can happen without Him. He is the only power. This is fundamental.