SAY NO to the POISON APPLE, “Prop 1” in NY State - an outrageous attempt to amend the Constitution to change society as we know it.
Your votes at the ballot box are critical. If you live elsewhere, you should read up on this too, because the evil elites are likely to be trying it in your area soon.
Proposition 1 on the back of the ballot in NY State is the poison apple that the government is trying to trick us into voting for.
Like the snake in the Garden of Eden, who wanted control over Eve, so he enticed and fooled her with honey-sweet, false words into eating something that brought her indescribable suffering afterwards, the powers-that-be in NYS have put a truly horrible proposition on the ballot for this election, deliberately couched in vague and sugary terms.
What these people are TRYING to do is to supplant G-d and assume CONTROL over us, Communist-style. But of course, like any good criminal, they are not being open with you about their true desires. These are the SAME conspirators who defunded the police, so more people got killed, and who got rid of cash bail, so now more criminals are on the streets, which also means more people get killed. These are the same evil plotters who passed a law to erase criminals’ rap sheets, and to raise the age that criminals will be held accountable for their horrific deeds – both of which also ensure the exact same thing – MORE innocent people get hurt and killed. Remember, these elites are anti-family, anti-life, and anti G-d. So, what do you expect from the new PROPOSAL they have crafted? Prop 1, to change the New York State Constitution, is described in fluffy, flowery terms, as assuring “equal rights for all”, when it is actually anything but that. In fact, Prop 1 will REMOVE the rights of women to their privacy in having any all-women’s type of space. It will remove the rights of parents to make decisions for their minor children. It will remove the rights of citizens like you and me to be protected from criminals who happen to be from a different country.
We’ve seen this before. The government says “We’re here to protect you” but they really mean “We’re here to abolish your rights and basically enslave you.”
These evil elites collaborating at the top want to totally subvert society and remake it in an awful, totalitarian, completely unnatural form that will ensure MORE hatred and division between citizens AND great suffering for us all. They are G-dless, wicked people who only want more power for themselves and more harm to the masses. These goons have not succeeded in passing the bills, like A6761, that would have given them the power they crave, so now they are attempting an end run by trying to enshrine their murderous, radical wishlist into the NYS Constitution, without anyone realizing what’s really happening. Once their horrible, immoral laws are set in stone in the Constitution, they’re virtually impossible to get out.
We need the help of everyone to educate the population about what Proposal 1 REALLY means.
Let me give you some translations that you can share with friends and family and on your social networks.
Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox explains that the wording that you cannot “discriminate” against anyone based on their “ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy”, guarantees totalitarian rule because it is SO broad. The government will declare their right to control your speech and actions if they deem them discriminatory in any way.
An all-girls high school, sports team, locker room, bathroom, or dormitory would be “discriminatory.”
Deporting an illegal alien who is assaulting or killing our citizens would be “discriminatory.”
A house of prayer which seats men and women separately, as their faith requires, could be “illegal.”
A parent would be stripped of their rights to make medical decisions for their child. In fact, schools would be prohibited from notifying parents when their child is “transitioning” their “gender” (with the school’s help, of course.)
There are many more horrific dangers in Prop 1 – I’ve only touched on how it would overturn society. Which is, of course, the criminal planners’ goal. As Attorney Cox writes so eloquently, they may as well burn the Constitution in front of your eyes.
Remember that the GOVERNMENT WAS ORIGINALLY CREATED TO SERVE THE PEOPLE, and that is its job. It has no license to enslave us. The Constitution was written to keep the government in check, not to keep the people in check. Proposal 1 is the ultimate Trojan Horse, a revolting and evil plan against G-d and humanity.
Please urge everyone you know to VOTE NO on Prop 1.
Here are links to more information on Prop 1:
•Curtis Cost produced an excellent video forum on Prop 1, with highly informed speakers explaining its dangers in detail:
•Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox has a number of superb substacks on Prop 1, articulating the mind-numbing consequences that Prop 1’s crafters are planning for us. Their endgame is total control over the population.
Please share and help save our country.
P.S. My apologies for the lateness of this crucial information and for my general absence the last few weeks. It’s actually for a happy reason. Thank G-d, I was preparing for my daughter’s wedding 😊 which took place on Monday. She married an extraordinary young man from abroad, so my family and I traveled to be here in advance of Sukkos, since the wedding took place immediately afterwards. In addition to being extremely occupied with family, Sukkos, and weddings preparations, I also have very poor internet connection here, making it even more daunting to try to get this article out.
I want to take this opportunity to give thanks and praise publicly to the Creator of the world for the wonderful young man that He has given to my daughter for a husband, the absolutely unbelievably lovely family she has married into, the beautiful wedding, the heartwarming friends He has given us here, for preserving us in life and health the entire time, for showing us a glimpse of His awesome ways, and so, so much more.
Yes, my daughter’s match, just like my son’s wedding last January, came about specifically and only through the work I’ve been privileged by G-d’s grace to do the last few years, as I’ve been attempting to save lives and raise awareness.
It is breathtaking to see clearly how G-d moves all of us around like chess pieces to bring His plans to fruition. May we all be blessed to recognize Him more and more in our lives, each day.
mazal tov on your daughter's wedding and thanks for this important information. Shabbat Shalom
Congratulations 🎉🎊🎈