Stay out of the rain & pray.
VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE on the Ohio domestic terror chemical attack (AKA East Palestine OH train disaster.)
I feel really guilty scaring people. But I feel guiltier not reporting something that could be very harmful.
This is a follow up on yesterday’s article:
Talking to myself as much as to everyone else - let’s try not to have fear, but to turn to G-d in our time of danger, pray, and ask Him to save us.
I’m not an expert in wind patterns or chemical contamination of water. But I’m passing on information I receive about what seems to have been a chemical attack on the United States - an act of domestic terror carried out in broad daylight.
Most important takeaway:
Please stay inside, out of the rain today if you’re in Northeastern US. (More on that soon.)
This is a rapidly developing story. I didn’t even know it existed until late Tuesday night, and I think most people didn’t. Obviously the media underreported what is probably the most significant thing to have happened to us in a very long time - what some are thinking might be “America’s Chernobyl.”
When I did read about the East Palestine disaster, I still didn’t realize just how bad it was. It was only yesterday, when I finally managed to write about it, and was researching more, that the ramifications started really sinking in.
And then it only got worse - after I published the article, I was talking to people in both Rockland County NY and Brooklyn, and discovered that people already haven’t been feeling well this week - headaches, nausea, lack of appetite. No one knew about the Ohio disaster, and they had no idea why they weren’t feeling well.
That’s when it really sunk in that the chemicals have reached far and wide already, and we’re already being exposed even if we’re far away.
From what I’m being told, the burning of the vinyl chloride created dioxin, one of the worst chemicals known, and this plume is already over the Pennsylvania/Tristate area.
(The end of my article yesterday had a piece explaining dioxin.)
Here is what a very reliable contact sent me (I shortened it somewhat.)
I have been receiving warnings from several reliable sources about the toxic fumes coming from the train fire in Ohio being far more serious than the public is being told. This includes the fumes reaching all the way over here in the tri-state area.
It warns that those toxic chemicals will be pouring down on us with the rain today.
From Dr Robert Young-please share:
Attention All who live in PA-NY-NJ-CT: Please warn all your loved ones and friends NOT to venture out into the acid rain storm...
A half inch of acid rain is supposed to come down over NYC and the Tri-state area...
There is a highly poisonous cloud that is carrying dioxin, which was created from the burning vinyl chloride from a RR derailment.
A precipitation nuclei has formed into a coming downpour of acid rain over Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
Exposure to this acid rain may cause human or animal injury or worse (G-d forbid.)
May G-d save us.
Celia Farber posted this:
Photo Shows Dead Birds In Lexington Kentucky, 350 Miles From East Palestine, OH
Not confirmed, Reported on FB; Some Are Saying ALL Who Live In PA, NY, NJ, and CT Should Not Go Outside In Tomorrow's Rain
(BW: Apparently she was referring to today’s rain.)
I’m not trying to “fear-monger,” just trying to report what I hear.
Clif High suggests high intake of Chaga tea and other detoxifiers, lots of information in comment section below this article.
Let’s not become hysterical but let’s take reasonable measures. It’s clear we have no government, no President, nobody in any official position who “cares.”
This is a surreal abomination.Is Biden going to announce more funding for Ukraine?
Nothing for Ohio?
I don’t get it. Since he was “sworn in” it has been relentless trauma, insult, pain, death, agony, and disaster.
A reader emailed me the following note in response to my article yesterday. I think this is critical, as it explains the grave dangers of dioxin, and shows the diabolical evil behind the attack. I asked his permission to share it:
Good article, Brucha, heartbreakingly insane.
Betcha very little of Gates land is impacted, just guessing. I took workshops from him over a 12 year span and his skills included diabolical designs back then.
Today, long after Vietnam, about 350,000 babies are born every year in Vietnam with birth defects from Agent Orange. My Vietnam Vet Dad was a mechanic on the 'Birds' that sprayed it. One day he brought old discarded barrels into our home to use as paint stripper when the Air Force, who stored them illegally on Griffiss AFB, put them in the base dump.
He had me do the work, 7th grader, I lost about a year of schooling so brain zombied from it. My kids have AO birth defects. AO is teratogenic for generations, our looters documented this well.
As an adult, I worked a seven years with transporters of HazMat, protocols are ALWAYS in place to be able to off load should a mishap occur. Mishaps have occurred, and toxicant loads sometimes get transferred without apocalyptic poisoning. So why Ohio, huge, now?
In college for civil engineering, I had to memorize the watersheds for the continental states. When Norfolk's bomb first happened, it was obviously deliberate - so very far out of HazMat protocols, my first thought remembered America's watersheds map.
A watershed is like a bowl, high edges, low center, in which all water in a region moves to make the rivers, lakes, and ground water make water miracles happen on G-d's green Earth. With those chemicals and fire at that location, the maximum amount of watersheds got poisoned, both in number and diverse range, although not size.
Also, an enormous amount of the East's organic produce is grown within that region of fallout. "We are what our bodies absorb," likewise, our land's health is what it absorbs. Watersheds absorb from air, land, and groundwater. Water tables, like land and bodies, do not give up absorbed toxins easily at all, and once in the aquifers, which often extend across many states, the aquifer is poisonous.
And there's run off, the Ohio river, the Mississippi, the gulf of Mexico all get toxins dangerous even at 1 part per billion.
This is extreme criminality by demonic planners. See map.
Look how many different watersheds sit under poisoned clouds. They're out to poison the water and the land. The wind current maps indicated the Norfolk cloud straddled both sides of the whole St. Lawrence seaway then headed out to the Atlantic's prime fishery region. I hope and pray not, but funny gravity, what goes up, comes down. Oh if gravity could only take down the criminal poisoners who thrust us into a toxicant hell. Oh wait, we can do that, how about it's our turn to stand and pull the plug, no more poisonous corporations ever again. As a chemical refugee, my heart goes out, may all who've been exposed be protected, may our earth purify, and may Divine Justice be executed to bring healing without delay.
Blessings and thanks for all you do!
For the coming days, even after the rain is over, apparently now we have to be concerned with dioxin in our environment. I don’t want to think about it. 😰
I’m not an “expert” but here’s what I can think of to suggest:
Most important of all: Pray (make sure to direct your prayers correctly in order for them to be helpful. Pray to the One G-d, Creator of heaven and earth.)
As soon as possible, get a water filter - I’m being told to get activated carbon. It was pointed out that we should also be concerned about the water we’re showering with. I know that whole-house filters are very expensive. I don’t know what the answer is. 😰 Please follow up with people who know more than I do.
An air filter was suggested by someone knowledgeable.
I found out recently about an extremely powerful anti-oxidant and anti inflammatory food supplement, which protects against cell damage. It’s called Valasta (a patented super-absorbable brand of astaxanthin.) Now I’m thinking maybe this would be an excellent antidote and that G-d prepared it in advance for us for this disaster. (Just my thoughts, I’m not a doctor.) I’ll post some information on it below.
What will we do about making sure our food is safe? I don’t know.
A comforting thought: We are meant to lose our faith in the government agencies that we trusted in to protect us, and put our faith in G-d alone. That’s how we merit redemption. Looking at the chemical attack this way, we see G-d’s blessing in everything, and we feel comforted that He is running the show, and wants our benefit. He wants us to turn to Him for protection.
To make you smile:
About the Valasta: G-d willing, I want to post a more detailed article about it next week. Here are a few little bits. (I don’t work for the company, lol.)
Since it’s proving to be very effective for cancer I thought it would be a good cancer prevention, with G-d’s help.
Company website:
Phone: 1-803-470-1913
𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐟𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐩 📂📄📜
Goød Shabbas
very important now that dioxin has gotten into our bath water, toothbrushes in our mouths
little-known method for protecting your body from dioxin exposure by using a nutraceutical molecule that's synthesized automatically in certain types of sprouts. You can sprout these yourself for pennies. Listen for full details.”
You can go to 13:00 on the video to hear about the sprouting