The Narrative Starts to Crumble: MSM admits “We are overcounting covid deaths and hospitalizations,” & CDC admits covid vax “might” cause strokes.
We are grateful for every crack that G-d creates in the darkness.
Part 1: Finally, almost 3 years too late:
Details from “Coffee and Covid,” Attorney Jeff Childers’ substack:
🔥 In breaking news from 2020, The Washington Post ran an op-ed penned by TV covid expert, reliable narrative mouthpiece, and contributing editor Leana Wen yesterday, headlined “We are overcounting covid deaths and hospitalizations. That’s a problem.”
Oh, she noticed!
Wen immediately asked whether U.S. covid death reports include Americans dying FROM covid or dying WITH covid? She concluded it’s mostly “with,” and not “from.” Wen patiently explained, “Two infectious-disease experts I spoke with believe that the number of deaths attributed to covid is far greater than the actual number of people dying from covid.”
Where have these experts been for three years?
Anyway, it’s not just a LITTLE overestimated. One of Wen’s experts guessed that “90 percent of patients diagnosed with covid are actually in the hospital for some other illness.”
At this point my eyes were rolling so hard I could see the entire bottom edge of my brain pan.
Compare Wen’s next paragraph to anything I wrote on Coffee & Covid in the summer of 2020:
“Since every hospitalized patient gets tested for covid, many are incidentally positive,” he said. A gunshot victim or someone who had a heart attack, for example, could test positive for the virus, but the infection has no bearing on why they sought medical care.
You. Don’t. Say.
During my review of hundreds of medical examiner reports from Florida, my absolute favorite case was the one where an unlucky roofer was laying shingles on a three-story building, and was struck by lightning that drilled a smoking hole through the roof and two underlying floors. He was thrown three stories down to the ground where he broke his skull, neck, back, and most of his ribs. Barely alive, the hapless roofer was rushed to the hospital where he mercifully died without ever waking up.
But, he tested positive for the virus in the ER, so: Covid death!
Even more hilariously, Wen’s experts blamed the over-reporting — not on financial incentives — on fear-mongering headlines:
[Dr.] Dretler is quick to add that the imprecise reporting is not because of bad intent. There is no truth to the conspiracy theory that hospitals are trying to exaggerate coronavirus numbers for some nefarious purpose. But, he said, “inadvertently overstating risk can make the anxious more anxious and the skeptical more skeptical.”
See? All this fearful reporting is forcing the hospitals to put covid on people’s death certificates.
Wen pointed out that Massachusetts has shifted to dual-reporting both patients coded as covid, as well as patients who got the steroid dexamethasone, part of the approved covid-treatment flow chart:
The smaller, darker curve are the “real” covid patients. What’s interesting is how high the non-steroid curve is. These are folks the hospitals are calling covid patients but aren’t treating for covid. The inflated number is at a six-month high. Weird, huh?
Where was all this keen, insightful reporting when we could have used it two years ago? Two years ago, this kind of story was verboten. In their terminology, Wen quoted two covid-minimizing doctors. That kind of talk used to get you canceled and your medical license revoked. But now, look how Wen defended her covid minimizers:
Both Dretler and Doron have faced criticism from people who say they are minimizing covid. That is not at all their aim. They have taken care of covid patients throughout the pandemic and have seen the evolution of the disease. Earlier on, covid pneumonia often killed otherwise healthy people. Today, most patients in their hospitals carrying the coronavirus are there for another reason. They want the public to see what they’re seeing, because, as Doron says, “overcounting covid deaths undermines people’s sense of security and the efficacy of vaccines.”
So … NOW it’s BAD to “undermine people’s sense of security” by overcounting covid deaths. Okay. Got it.
Not that it will surprise you, but there’s no scary legend over Wen’s op-ed saying something like, “The Washington Post believes the pandemic is real and serious and does not endorse or agree with this editor’s opinion.” Not only was Wen’s covid-minimizing op-ed published at all, it was published without comment or any rebuttal op-ed.
We are entering a new narrative phase.
Link to Jeff’s original article:
Part 2: Two years and way too many lives too late, a TINY bit of an admission (probably just to take control and distract from the real, much worse, story. 😰)
Breaking: “CDC to Investigate Link Between Strokes and COVID-19 Vaccines”

Unfortunately we can’t get too excited about the CDC’s “investigation.” Since when does anyone investigating themselves do a good job?
Dr. Toby Rogers explains what he thinks is going on with the CDC “admission”:
Why the fake CDC investigation into vaccine-induced strokes in people 65+ is a limited hangout...
The CDC, FDA, and the White House have a massive problem. The Covid shots don’t work and they are killing and maiming people at an astronomical rate. So yesterday — a Friday afternoon before a long holiday weekend — the CDC launched a limited hangout.
CJ Hopkins gives us an excellent definition of a “limited hangout”:
The way a limited hangout works is, if you’re an intelligence agency, or a global corporation, or a government, or a non-governmental organization, and you have been doing things you need to hide from the public, and those things are starting to come to light such that you can’t just deny that you are doing them anymore, what you do is, you release a limited part of the story to distract people’s attention from the rest of the story. The part you release is the “limited hangout.” It’s not a lie. It’s just not the whole story. You “hang it out” so that it will become the whole story, and thus stop people from pursuing the whole story.
In its Friday press release, the CDC confessed that the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) showed that people 65+ who received the bivalent Pfizer shot [that was only tested in 8 mice] were more likely to have an “ischemic stroke in the 21 days following vaccination compared with days 22-44 following vaccination.”
But the CDC assured us that they looked into and found nothing to worry about so “no change in vaccination practice is recommended.” All of the major news agencies reported on this. Also, lots of people in the movement took the bait that this was somehow a hopeful sign of the long-awaited pivot on policy away from the deadly Covid shots.
Here’s how we know this is a limited hangout:
• The CDC only looked at one side effect when in fact there are hundreds of side effects that are generating a statistically significant safety signal.
• The CDC is only looking at people 65 years and older when in fact the safety signal appears across all age groups, especially the young.
• The CDC is only looking at VSD when in fact all post-marketing surveillance systems (VAERS, V-Safe, VSD) are showing problems. [The FDA also has a post-marketing surveillance system called Sentinel BEST and no one outside the FDA has seen that data yet.]
• There is no control group. The CDC is comparing strokes 0-21 days after injection vs. 22-42 days after injection. Surely they already know that strokes are high in both time periods — because once the genetically modified mRNA hijacks your cells to produce toxic spike proteins, that process can continue for months (or possibly longer). The only proper comparison group is the unvaccinated population but the CDC will never run that analysis because of what it would reveal.
• Supposedly the CDC will present more information at the January 26, VRBPAC meeting. But if history is any guide, the data will be presented by John Su, Tom Shimabukuro, Matthew Oster, or Nicola Klein. These people are criminals whose whole job is to manipulate the vaccine data in order to protect the cartel. So whatever info will be presented at that meeting will just continue the cover up.
The CDC announcing the limited hangout when they did, in the way they did, actually tells us a lot about the real data. As the brilliant Liz Willner pointed out on Twitter:
The VSD NEVER finds signals. It’s not a database, it’s a connection to a loose group of HMO databases. It’s highly subject to bias. If they are admitting to a VSD signal, the problem is likely enormous. They couldn’t make it disappear. (For reference, the VSD found no myocarditis signal.)
So the limited hangout tells us that the CDC is seeing red lights flashing everywhere. And their way of dealing with it is to pretend that they discovered a small signal in the VSD that “really was a false alarm.” Their goal is to get the gullible public to say, “whew, those CDC people are really on it!” even while nearly a third of everyone in the U.S. personally knows someone who has been killed by the clot shot.
See Toby’s full article here:
But still, this admission is something! Some people worship the CDC and won’t pay attention unless the information comes from them.
If we publicize that even the CDC admits there might be some type of stroke issue, we might be able to save some of the 6 month old babies whose parents are - right now - being encouraged to give them a covid shot along with their flu vaccine. I kid you not. That’s what my friend’s acquaintance just experienced.
And this is how well that worked out for a different baby😰😰😰:
Update: Someone notified me that they ALREADY “walked it back!” Unbelievable- was there EVER such a quick but serious and thorough “investigation?” 😂😂😂
I am heartsick looking at the photo of the innocent little girl.
No words to express how awfully sad I feel.
My sadness will revert to anger in due time.
So tired of walking around angry.
Something must happen to stop this horrendous medical tyranny.