The Solution: LISTENING to G-d (and not making our own calculations.)
He gave clear instructions for His world. We just need to look at the Owner’s Manual.
It is easy to get depressed about the global depopulation agenda that we are living through.
But that isn’t really what G-d wants us to do. He wants us to take action instead. Learn the truth, practice it, teach others.
The depopulation agenda was conceived of because of lack of belief and trust in G-d - Who has plenty of resources to sustain every living creature - and Who rewards and punishes good and evil in kind.
One of the major ways to fight this is by spreading the truth.
Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith made a video at my request for me to share with all of you. He also wrote a substack article which I’ll copy below.
Rabbi Smith just launched his substack column, so please subscribe and show your support! You will definitely gain a lot of wisdom and understanding.
A First Commandment and Blessing
It is so easy to live in G-d Al-mighty's Blessings if we just keep our calculations away.
By Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith
I was at a bar mitzvah recently and a distinguished speaker was saying that Adam and Chava (Eve) in the Garden of Eden had only one Divine Commandment and that was not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and, even with only one command to follow, they did not listen.
We hear this all the time, but this time something struck me as missing.
This was not the first command.
The first Command was to be Fruitful and Multiply. (Genesis-Bereishis 1:28)
And they did listen. (4:1)
Immediately as a matter of fact!1
The first man and woman responded immediately to their Creator’s Command. To their great blessing and ours. Because of their actions, we have the joy of life today.
And, perhaps we can now suggest the solution to the eviction from the Garden of Eden. At the outset we followed G-d Al-mighty’s Command and Blessing without calculation in the flow of life and love - life is for love. Eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil brought into our awareness the possibility of apparently undesirable situations and outcomes and, out of fear, we began to calculate how to avoid them and move out of love and expansion into fear and contraction. Calculations are the hallmark of the constrained soul, mind and heart. (Rambam Hilchos Shemittah and Yovel at end.)
Men will even begin to limit offspring individually and collectively, encouraging or forcing others to do so, based on calculations which only spiral the world downwards. The calculations are used to create further fear and further contraction and further self-constriction.
In fact, if Adam and Chava had been introduced to calculations and fearful scarcity thinking before they procreated, they may never have procreated at all!
The solution, individually and collectively, is to take action, המעשה הוא העיקר action is the main thing, that defies the calculations. The calculations cannot be disproven from within a framework of human logic, observation and measurement. They can only be bypassed, לכתחילה אריבער jumped over as if they are not there, to take action to fulfill G-d Al-mighty’s Command of Be Fruitful and Multiply.2
Thus when man acts and follows G-d Al-mighty’s command without regard to the “numbers” he redeems himself from the exile and imprisonment created by his own calculations (thinking). Then the G-dly Blessing flourishes in himself, his family and the world in glorious ways that only G-d Al-mighty can foresee and deliver.
Here is the link to Rabbi Smith’s original article, which contains his subscription link:
That was just a small taste. G-d has instructions for us for all aspects of life, and if only we would all be knowing of His existence and oversight of the world, trusting Him, and learning and following His awesome blueprint, the terrible corruption and murder we are living through would not be happening.
We need Him, and when humanity thinks they don’t, the result is disaster and destruction. This isn’t the first time the earth is experiencing the effects of forsaking its Creator.
Let’s try to spread this information and make a difference.
Thank G-d and thank you for your continual vital work in bringing the truth to the attention of the world!