Pedophiles and eugenicists are coming for our children, to mutilate, sterilize, and abuse them. Hiding behind a fake-righteous cloak of “love and inclusion.”
Some things are so self evident - and yet they still need to be screamed from the rooftops.
G-d hates immorality.
There are only two genders.
You can never change genders.
Marriage is between a man and a woman.
P.S. Abortion is murder. It is allowed only when the mother’s physical life is in definite danger. (See Zohar at end of article for how abortion brings tragedy and destruction down upon the world.)
If you want to know the view of Judaism - of G-d and His Torah, the gift of instructions for life that He gave us - THAT is it. No, it’s not open to “reinterpretation.”
The evil United Nations, World Health Organization, CDC, and others are heading a gargantuan push to confuse our youth and send them down the path of sterilization, depression, ruined health, messed-up lives, and suicide (while pretending to be kind saviors).
We have to push back with every ounce of strength.
Here are some examples of the global wicked efforts. Don’t rest assured that it won’t affect your community.
See these new European “standards” stating that no form of such activities may ever be criminalized. (Also, that all forms of abortion and harm to the fetus may never be criminalized.) At the same time, mandating to teach tiny children about such topics. Clearly, this is paving the way for legalizing abuse of children.
Or see attached 68 page PDF:
The Marxist agenda underlying all this:
When parents try to fight back to save their children’s lives, they are criminalized.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which brands mainstream conservative and (religious) organizations as “hate groups,” placing them on a map with chapters of the Ku Klux Klan, added a slew of parental rights organizations to that “hate map” for 2022 and labeled them “antigovernment groups.”
“Schools, especially, have been on the receiving end of ramped-up and coordinated hard-right attacks, frequently through the guise of ‘parents’ rights’ groups,” the SPLC’s “Year in Hate and Extremism” report claims.
“These groups were, in part, spurred by the right-wing backlash to COVID-19 public safety measures in schools,” the SPLC report says. “But they have grown into an anti-student inclusion movement that targets any inclusive curriculum that contains discussions of race, discrimination and LGBTQ identities.”
“At the forefront of this mobilization is Moms for Liberty, a Florida-based group with vast connections to the GOP that this year the SPLC designated as an extremist group,” the report notes. “They can be spotted at school board meetings across the country wearing shirts and carrying signs that declare, ‘We do NOT CO-PARENT with the GOVERNMENT.'”
The SPLC report does not once mention the Left’s aggressive promotion of sexualized material for children in schools and at other venues. It does not mention the “Drag Queen Story Hour” movement or the fact that many of the books which parents demand removed from school libraries include pornographic content. It does not mention how many on the Left champion the idea that children should be able to identify with a gender opposite their biological sex, hide that identity from their parents, and even obtain life-altering drugs without parental consent. Instead, it acts as though the parental rights movement emerged in a vacuum, or worse, is motivated by hatred.
The “gender changing surgeries” are so shockingly wicked and gruesome that it is a testimony to the power of mass psychosis (and to the immense reach of the cunning Evil Ones who’ve planned all this) that they are even happening.
Now that “Shame Month” is here, we are pummeled from all sides with this propaganda. Seriously, it doesn’t even make any sense for this stuff to be celebrated.
They are Targeting kids.
That’s from Target’s awful line, but they’re not the only ones. There’s Kohl’s, Nike, Adidas, and many more.
These companies all need to be boycotted.
The horror has arrived full force in Israel, now. We know that those pulling the strings are international criminals.
Please check out the attached article, A Controversial Trend on Israel’s Doorstep, in which there is much of importance.
For example, gender dysphoria was never something that girls suffered from, until now (no surprise!) And it is so informative that there was unbearable pressure brought against each location that Abigail Shrier had reserved for her book release. The first two canceled, and only the third held strong. This shutdown of rational discussion should clue anyone in to the fact that there are hugely powerful forces promoting the transgender agenda, who will stop at nothing to achieve their evil goals.
A new initiative in Beilinson Hospital, to hospitalize men in the maternity ward, is beyond ludicrous. It is also insulting and demeaning to real women who are giving birth.
I removed the unclean words which I do not like to use from the article below and substituted ‘men.’
In an unprecedented step, gay couples and single men whose infants are born via surrogate will be hospitalized in the maternity ward at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, Israel Hayom reported.
As part of the new initiative, one of the … (men) will be hospitalized in the maternity ward, while the other will be the escort. The surrogate mother will not be hospitalized in the maternity ward but in the Gynecology Department. The (men) will receive close support and guidance from the medical staff, as do all other couples who arrive at the hospital for a birth. According to the hospital management, the new policy will include adaptations of the existing hospital policies.
Dr. Rony Chen, who heads Beilinson's L&D, as well as its maternity wards, told Israel Hayom, "We waited many years for a process which will allow couples to bring children into the world through surrogacy. As a member of the LGBT community, I understand the depth of the adaptations which we need to make. The hospital is a home for all new families, for all the gay couples and single fathers. Gay parents will receive the treatment and the special support which we have created for them, which is adapted to the needs of the growing family."
Meanwhile, not all of the responses to Beilinson's announcement were positive. Eliraz Fine, a digital creator and spokesperson for "Fathers for Justice," posted, "Why are they hospitalized? What examinations do they need to undergo? Does one of them need to make sure that his uterus has properly contracted after the birth? That he is not hemorrhaging? That there is no retained placenta? That he is breastfeeding properly?"
"Why is my husband, who is also an emotional new father, not allowed to come in and stay at my side during the hospitalization after the birth, other than during visiting hours, and certainly not overnight - but a pair of … men can stay on the other side of my curtain even though nothing has happened in their bodies?!
Someone asked me how the Evil Ones would ever get the truly religious Jewish yeshivas to start teaching transgender ideology. It really does not seem possible. They would sooner disband or go underground.
And then I got the answer. The Evil Ones have a different plan to get the children.
This is it:
JQY and their donors are planning to (G-d forbid) CREATE a huge nucleus of “Orthodox” Jewish transgender kids where none previously existed, and then that group will create a social wave that will attract more kids like a magnet, just as we see happening in the rest of the world.
I read the above piece on Monday (and fortunately a friend had taken screenshots), but now the link, and JQY’s whole website, is not working. Did they get nervous and disable it?
JQY is promoting LGBTQ in the Jewish community very hard. They took out this ad in an “modern Orthodox” publication:
Turns out that the JQY therapist, Jeremy Novich, is a gay man himself, who pretends to be Orthodox.
“Pretends,” because it is a contradiction in terms. By definition, one cannot be “Torah-observant” and simultaneously be engaged in a lifestyle which is forbidden by G-d (and promoting these sins to others as well)!
Jeremy is on the Board of Directors of a shameful institution, “Yeshivat Chovevei Torah,” which deceitfully poses as “Orthodox” while not believing in core principals of Jewish faith, and while playing around with G-d’s laws to suit prevailing social winds.
On the Chovevei Torah site, we get a glimpse of who Jeremy Novich is. He’s not trying to help kids out of their transgender issues. NO WAY.
Make no mistake. The “support” that Jeremy speaks of only serves to reinforce the sinful inclinations, and draw more children into the life-destroying web.
Jeremy is very busy:
Please be advised that these institutions absolutely do not represent authentic Torah Judaism.
Here is the Torah-true view regarding the same-gender marriage agenda. A very great Rabbi, Rabbi Avigdor Miller, explained in March 1986:
We have to maintain a constant battle against the Gay-Rights Bill. We have to bombard all the politicians with letters or other means to let them know we're very angry; we won't stand for it.
And I'll explain what's doing. This bill can be implemented in a soft-peddled way and it can be implemented in a militant way. If there will be a big angry reaction from all the citizenry, so they'll be slow, they'll be careful in being militant about it. Because the way the gays really want is, they want that the youth should be taught that this is a perfectly normal way of life. They want to corrupt the entire youth; and don’t be mistaken about it!
They also want to teach Mankind that little boys can be taken off the street. They want to lower the age of consent and that way for the sake of a candy bar they can get little boys to be their victims.
Now this wickedness it seems to us very far from reality. But you have to know the North American Man-Love-Boy Association says that openly. And Koch (Mayor of New York City) … marched together with them in the Gay Rights parade.
And that's what they want. They want our children too! It’s no joke; it’s very serious. And so any little boy in the streets can be bribed by a candy bar. And once he gets into a bad habit, he's ruined for life.
And therefore, not like up till now you were asleep; the Jewish people were asleep …. Those who listen to the radio and read the New York Times don't have their brains of their own; they just think what the media tell them – and the media is controlled by gays.
But the Jewish people, those that have some sense, have to maintain their constant drumming and battling. Constantly bothering them, pestering them with letters all the time. And don’t think it's not a mitzvah; it's a big mitzvah to do it all the time. Write letters to all the politicians. Write letters to everybody else. Wake up the rabbis who are asleep! They don't know what's doing here.
And therefore we have to battle for our lives against gay rights.
(TAPE # 591)
And, P.S., here is what the Torah tells us about abortion:
Zohar, Shemos 3b:
There are three who drive the Shechinah out from the world and cause the dwelling of the Holy One, blessed be He, to not be in this world. Then, when people cry out, their voices are not heard.
… 3) One who kills his own child, meaning, the fetus that his wife conceived, whom he now causes to be killed in her womb [by means of an abortion]...(198)
Worthy are the Jewish people, for although they were exiled in Egypt, they adhered to all three of these values(…)
They openly sought to be fruitful and multiply, and although it was decreed that “every son that is born you shall cast into the river,” (199) there was not even a single person found among the nation of Israel who would kill the child in the womb of a woman, and certainly not after birth. (200)
It was in this merit that the Jewish people were redeemed from exile.
198. See also Bava Kama 83a; Yevamos 64a.
199. Exodus 1:22.
200. In many ancient societies, infanticide, the killing of unwanted, weak, or disabled babies, and exposure, leaving these babies out to die, were both common practices. See Tacitus, Histories 5:5, where he scornfully describes the Jewish people as being perversely obsessive in their focus on producing large families, and ridicules the fact that they deem it a crime to kill unwanted children.
I am very aware that there are groups who promote themselves as not only “Jewish,” but as the spokesmen for the Jewish people, and speak the opposite of G-d’s laws. The confusion and desecration of G-d’s Name which they cause is immense, and that is one reason that I am clarifying here what the Torah actually teaches.
If we bury our heads in the sand, this won’t all blow over. It’ll only get worse. Rather, we have to stand up for G-d and speak out, as He is giving us the opportunity to do.
I am told that the newly released Plandemic 3 is very powerful and explains what’s behind the gender agenda. I didn’t have time to watch it yet.
Thank you for work and exposing the evil! God truly loves His children and I will continue to run to Him!!!
They are so marginalized that they need a whole month to themselves. Our Vets and even Presidents only get one day.