We Must Not Remain Silent! To me, evidence points to Preplanned Mass Murder in Lahaina, Hawaii on August 8.
Including extensive information from my subscriber on the ground in Maui. Read this and see if you agree. Note, at the end of the article there is a link to provide help to survivors. Please share!
Many readers here already know that a massive fire destroyed much of Lahaina, the capital of Maui (Hawaii) on August 8, causing a tremendous loss of life. I have seen estimates of the death toll being 1,000 or more, with at least hundreds of those children.
While mainstream media reports it as a wildfire, (and greatly minimizes the true death count), the numerous unanswered questions point to something else.
In this article I have included a large amount of information, but intentionally left out things around which I have come across doubts which I could not resolve to reasonable satisfaction. I also omitted very traumatizing live video footage taken by survivors as they escaped.
Here are some compelling questions:
Why did firefighters leave a brush fire still burning, unattended, earlier that afternoon?
How did OTHER fires randomly start, resulting in a perfect ring of fire encircling the city?
Why did boats burn in the middle of the water?
Why can we see precise and highly suspect demarcations of where the fire did and did not burn, seemingly according to the land ownership?
Why were the warning sirens - which had been repeatedly tested in readiness for just such an emergency - not sounded? Even a ten minute warning could have given more time to escape, and given neighbors time to save an untold number of children of other families. Possibly hundreds of children were alone at home (as their parents were at work.)
Why was there no cell phone service that day?
Why was an “outsider” police chief recently hired, and paid an astronomical salary?
Why were the police instructed to block off the highway which was the only escape route from the fire?
Why is the government restricting access of reporters and drones to the burn site?
Why do the survivors still not have internet access, to communicate with the world?
Why would the mayor not answer the simple question of how many children are missing, and why did the police attack a journalist who demanded answers?
Why did developers sign a contract for high rise condos and businesses in Lahaina last year, when laws prohibited making changes to the historical town? (Of course, now that Lahaina needs to be rebuilt, they are free to execute their plans.)
There is so much more.
Please look through the extensive collection of pictures and information below… and see what you think.
The Lahaina tragedy will be discussed in detail G-d willing on my program later today, “Fighting Back to Save the Future: Protecting Our Children and Communities From the Globalists’ Cruel Designs.” (Wednesday August 30, starting 6 PM Eastern. Zoom shortcut link tinyurl.com/TruthSavesLives.)
Mark Crispin Miller commented in his headline about the footage below, “What kind of "wildfires" burn in a perfect circle, and JUMP OVER WATER, igniting all the boats?”
Source: https://twitter.com/pills_truth/status/1690058504449478656?s=20
There is a tremendous amount of eyewitness testimony on this thread that UltraMJTruth put together. I took screenshots. To watch the videos, click on the link to the thread below these photos.
Link to thread:
Or, if you can’t access Twitter: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1693487579436367995.html
Here is what one of my subscribers, who is a resident of Maui, answered me when I asked him if the horrors I was reading about, indicating pre-planning of the fire, were true:
“Absolutely yes, it would be a long itemized list of indicators, a few of which you'll see in that video. Plus other nefarious means were used, probably on-site mercenaries. I'll share a couple examples from my Lahaina friends.
“In the two weeks before 8/8, 500 miles to the north of Dora, paralleling Dora, a massive body of weather developed to bring Maui a week of badly needed gentle rain. As you'll see in that video, they pierced that system, diverted the atmospheric moisture, replaced it with supercharged heated particles and wind. The day of the fire, a massive system of mirror bright metallic tasting silver air columnated over the region of Lahaina. I'll attach a pic, which doesn't do a good job of capturing it, but you can see the sky was silvery. In real life, your eyes would tell you to shut them to the brightness if you tried to look in the direction of Lahaina.
“Ok, indicators:
1 - The burn box is bordered by two things - ocean and relatively freshly bulldozed red cinder. Neither one burns. The story that the fires came in from the wild brush bordering the burn box is a lie. I know that area, there isn't wild brush bordering it. You can see that for yourself on the post-burn helicopter surveys which fly the entire perimeter. That brown stuff, that's cinder rock, at best it has extremely short wisps of extremely sparse tiny vegetation. In other words, no external fuel, ocean and cinder don't burn.
2 - Friends in the burn box (BB) say there were explosions, odd sounding ones, going on throughout the BB. One said it was cars, and that it was odd because some of the engines blew up blowing off their hoods. That's evident in the helicopter survey. One thought transformers were exploding, and a few did, but a lot didn't. All reported that fires were beginning all over the place inside the BB, and that the starting places were at each end, where the escape routes were, and also in the middle. So the ends and escape closed off first, then the interior next. Photos show cars half burned as if a blow torch hit one part and not the other.
3 - The air that day was impossibly hot, like opening an oven. And it smelled and tasted metallic. For two weeks prior to 8/8, at night, the air had been sprayed while people slept. I wake every couple hours, so I saw it in the early morning light.
4 - Maui has a lot of illegal aliens of global nationalities who could have been subversives and had some role.
5 - There were off grid buildings that survived. This may indicate targeting facilitated by being connected to the grid.
6 - Lahaina is the seat and historic record holder of the lawful proofs that Hawaiians hold full and total rights by law to all Hawaii, the Kingdom of HI was illegally 'identity stolen' in USA Corp. That area especially was populated by "First Peoples". The powers that usurp have been trying to suck them under, legally subsume them, a long time. Lahaina was also the record center for a lot of prosecutions against corruption, some due to come to trial. This is a power grab. This is also a land grab.
7 - Homes were turned to ash yet surrounded by hedges, brush, wood piles, unburned palm fronds.
8 - My friends say boats, both in the harbor and at some distance, were exploding as if their engine compartments had been ignited. A tour submarine burned. Welcome to the new physics, submarines burn due to hurricanes 500 miles away.
9 - The airflow was pressurized and abnormal. Normally when we have high winds, we have high waves. The waves were pressed down, ocean not behaving normal.
10 - I think there were a lot of incompetent, delusional, and criminal patsies easily played so as to be neutered. Rehearsed plausible deniability. Fire engines were sent upcountry first. The person in charge of water had water turned to the hydrants turned off. The first fire engine into the BB suffered the Captain incapacitated by heart attack. Thus the second engine had to rescue him, airlifting him to Oahu for treatment.
Police closed the only two exits for cars fleeing the BB. I've met people whose family got in two cars, drove to escape Lahaina, were stopped by police, exited the car running to the water, but their family, grandparents, in the car behind them burned to death.
11 - Well, there's more, but I can't go on. Feel like vomiting. I'm trying to heal and I swim in Kihei for therapy. I feel mortified and extremely unclean. Today I went in the water, which looked odd, and when the ocean got in my mouth I noticed a strong smoke/ash taste. It looked odd, then I realized what it was. The burn ash water from Lahaina had flowed over to our waters arriving today and, sickeningly, realized I swam in the ashes of our Lahaina brothers and sisters today.
May all wake up to the scams of the evil networks raping, burning, and pillaging at their whim. May all their evil return upon their heads.”
From subsequent emails this subscriber sent:
“…. this was a high level orchestration, a 'designer event,' carried out with a plan to use this event as a model for power grabs to come around the world, illegal false pretenses, and a script they intend to use elsewhere. By the way, the locals knew early on that there were massive numbers of children burned. My heart and prayers go out to all, and to the world if we don't finally wake up to the fact that criminal parasites infest us in layers of insane fascist control.”
Regarding how many children have died, he said “my friend who hands out body bags says it's over 400.”
See this video in which the mayor refuses to answer regarding the missing children:
Here are some articles by authors I respect who are digging deeply into what happened in Lahaina:
Dr. McCullough’s co-author John Leake who is on the ground investigating in Maui, wrote on Monday:
Why Did the Maui PD Block Exits from Lahaina?
Investigating a disturbing piece of the Lahaina Fire puzzle.
I have now spoken with multiple, corroborating witnesses who claim that they personally saw and experienced Maui PD patrol officers blocking the exits from Front Street. The following image shows two Maui PD patrol cars blocking the north exit from Front Street to the Honoapiʻilani Highway on the north side of town.
Multiple witnesses have stated that the patrol officers made seemingly credible statements that they themselves did not know the rationale for the order to block off this street. All they seemed to know is that they had received the order to do so.
Witnesses with whom I have spoken have emphasized that it was an extremely confusing situation, with multiple fires raging in and around the town center, including a fire north of the town center, in a neighborhood on the east side of the Honoapiʻilani Highway.
Yesterday I learned through an excellent contact that members of the local, Hawaiian community know the patrol officers (who are also from the community) and do not want to throw these men under the bus. This raises the question: who in the Maui PD issued this puzzling order to these patrol officers, and why?
As I have emphasized in previous posts, I am not jumping to conclusions because doing so achieves nothing. However, based on my investigation thus far, I believe it is imperative for the Maui PD to issue a thorough, clarifying statement.
Celia Farber shared on Sunday:
(BW: I added the photos of the tweets.)
Black Fencing: News Blackout In West Maui
"You can't even stop your car anywhere near any of this anymore."
“Do I wish those sirens went off? Of course I do.”
Hawaii Gov. Josh Green
[Note: Softball question to self coupled with blithe answer is a definite sign of a narcissistic NWO professional. Can you even imagine saying something like this in this manner?]
Over 1000 Missing Children
I ask again: If it is known that 1050 (or more) children are missing and have vanished without a trace, how is it known?
Mark Crispin Miller posted on Monday:
How that "wildfire" so PRECISELY burned out Maui's poorer residents—who may now be "resettled" in a "15-minute city" (Schwabspeak for "concentration camp")
Sasha Latypova notes the likelihood that they pulled off such neat (and highly profitable) devastation by weaponizing GIS
(BW Note: see end of this article for more information Mark published - testimony from a resident on the ground with how to help the survivors.)
Sasha’s article:
This information is from an anonymous contributor. It describes the evidence from the GIS (Geographic Information System) of extreme precision and selectivity of the Lahaina fire. It also points to the plans of potentially moving all low-income residents off their properties and into a concentration camp, ahem, a 15-minute city.
GIS system is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface. GIS can show many different kinds of data on one map, such as streets, buildings, and vegetation. This enables people to more easily see, analyze, and understand patterns and relationships. US Government has all these data layers in extreme detail for all developed areas in the country.
As of today (Aug 25, 2023) if you navigate your web browser to Google Maps, select "satellite view", then select "globe view". It appears that the aerial imagery was recently updated to reflect the damage from the recent "event", that took place in Lahaina Hawaii earlier this August. Out of curiosity I also looked at GIS information on Lahaina, (link below) and wanted to see if there is correlation between damaged structures and particular zoning. I found some interesting things here.
Starting at the North end of Lahaina, I see the Fire Station, Courthouse, Civic center, Police Station where all spared from fire damage despite very clear fire damage to surrounding undeveloped land around these buildings.
What I found interesting is the surrounding undeveloped land with extensive fire damage, are parcels owned by "Department of Hawaiian Homelands", "Housing Finance and Dev Corp", which both appear to be the same and fall under Hawaii's HUD authority. HUD appears own property running south from the civic center down to the Lahaina Bypass.
Everything west of HUD owned parcels are hundreds of small residential lots which where all destroyed seemingly from fires on originating from that HUD land.
Only a small home community was spared and appears intact between Leiali Pkwy and Kaniau Road. Interesting thing about this community is it appears to fall
Under HUD authority as well!Large inland parcels south of the Lahaina Bypass are owned by large developers and trusts, and everything west of these parcels were hundreds of small residential lots which were all destroyed as well.
What’s most interesting about looking at the aerial imagery, is that amongst the destruction are various structures still standing with green grass & green trees, nearly right up to edge or property line. Looking at GIS data & street view some don't make sense, as a few have all wood construction! In other cases, condo complexes that appear to be of concrete construction, completely destroyed.
The large commercial area in the center of Lahaina appears to be untouched, the schools on eastern end of Lahaina also appear untouched. This could also very well be due to the construction of these buildings.
A standout of precise destruction is a cluster of what appear to be recently constructed townhomes and condominiums, called "Kahoma Village". The entire community appears intact, intact homes, green grass. Yet four of the buildings in the center completely destroyed, with cars in the adjacent parking areas looking untouched.
Overall if you're in a residential zone, commercial mixed use, industrial, hotel zone, damage or destruction is heavy. It appears the government is assigning a "Destroyed 823" code to a lot of these parcels as well.
I can't help but notice the destruction of buildings is almost following the property lines, even extents of building exteriors. It would be akin to clicking a parcel or structure in GIS and selecting the "terminate" option.
I was looking at this more last night and discovered some drone footage uploaded earlier this week. 18 min of drone footage taken the day after:
(See Sasha’s article below for the video link.)
Footage is mainly the southern end of Lahaina:
-At 2:05 you can see the Komoha Village I referenced. 4 buildings burned to the ground, yet no evidence of surrounding damage to remaining buildings fully intact. Buildings to the right don’t even have soot on the roof or burned shingles! I’m guessing this complex was being built sometime after March 2020 based on parcel data.
-At 2:18 he flies drone south over front street apartments, according to GIS these are low-income homes completely destroyed.
-At 2:32 he’s flying east, structure on the left in foreground was formally a 4-story condo complex. On the top left of the screen on background you see new homes being constructed, this is on HUD owned land according to parcel map.
-At 4:42 he’s now flying south; you see the fully intact Lahaina Shores beach resort. Directly north to this resort was formally a bunch of small businesses in two story structures you can see on street view. Appears the only thing remaining is the elevator shaft. What’s interesting about this is according to GIS, Lahaina Shores also owned this but had their parcel subdivided into hotel & historic. The structure sat on historic, yet the hotel is fine. Still, I see no smoke damage, heat damage, nor soot on the hotel.
I was looking more at GIS map as well. Looks like there is a right of way cutout for the Lahaina bypass to continue north at some point. In addition, the road adjacent to the gov building is called Lelali Pkwy and looks designed to handle high traffic. If I continue on GIS map north into Kaanapali, parcels owned by private developers appear the have a right of way for a roadway that could connected to Lahaina bypass.
What’s unique about this is the infrastructure of this town is intact. The gov buildings are fine, all roadways are fine and usable. Bridges are intact. The water treatment plant on top of the hill adjacent to school (east end of Lahaina) is fine. School is intact. The substation and solar farm next to school are intact. The commercial area and new low-income homes being built off Lahaina bypass are fine. Wastewater treatment plant appears to be north of Lahaina in Kaanapali is intact. Essentially, it’s a turnkey community ready to be “redeveloped”. I call it weaponized GIS, because to me it looks like parcels and buildings were clicked and destroyed in a GUI program (much like they would be in my CAD programs).
My 2 cents: government signs emergency order to rezone the agri land owned by HUD on northeast end of Lahaina, all the displaced indigenous and low-income residents are put there. The is all expediated due to urgent need for homes. All the land west of them adjacent to the water is redeveloped into condos to pay for the project. Residents are hit with some kind of “hazardous environment fee” to financially prevent them from rebuilding their property. The other partially destroyed condo complexes file massive insurance claims for damaged buildings. New structures will also have to conform to some kind of environmental sustainability regulations which will also be cost prohibitive to low-income native residents. Aside from the water, the community has two main points to enter and exit, residents have their very own new 15-minute city.
Sasha’s article with the video link containing drone footage of Lahaina:
Sasha Latypova posted this on August 13 (excerpt):
“A reader forwarded this information and links about recent relevant events on Maui. I have readers from Hawaii, and would love to hear what you know and think about these developments:
The government of Hawaii states goal for rebuild is to make the entire island of Maui the first Smart ISLAND. They want the entire island governed by AI as outlined in the Hawaii Digital government summit of 2023 that they have planned to host next month Monday, September 25, 2023 on Maui.
Plans to implement a Digital AI government over Hawaii
Here is information about the smart cities Hawaii
Last January of 2023 there was a Smart City Conference in Maui to turn Maui in an entire smart city ISLAND. Pushing everything electric and making 15 minute smart cities.
Lastly there was a contract last year that was signed to build high rise condos and businesses in Lahaina. which was a historical town that couldn’t have any new development done to it… but now? It can.”
Finally, while I do not know this author, what he writes is corroborated by others, and this article is extremely comprehensive:
Horror: Those Who Disobeyed Barricades Survived Maui Fires
Source: ZeroHedge, by Tyler Durden, August 24 (Link to original article below.)
A disturbing report has emerged following the Maui fires which killed at least 114 and left up to 1,100 residents - many of whom are suspected to be children - unaccounted for.
According to AP, Lahaina residents who disobeyed government road barricades survived the fires, while many who heeded orders to turn around died in their cars and homes with no way out. Now, officials are facing public outrage over why the emergency sirens weren't set off and why they prevented people from fleeing to safety.
So - no siren, no water, and barricades.
Early on as the fires spread, over 30 power poles were downed alongside the Honoapiilani Highway, located at the southern part of Lahaina. Officials then blocked the Lahaina Bypass Road, preventing law-abiding citizens from fleeing to the southern part of the island. The ones who made it disobeyed.
During a press conference, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier (formerly police chief in Las Vegas during the deadliest mass-shooting in US history) told reporters that officers never stopped residents from fleeing the area, however AP says that residents were turned away and discouraged from disobeying the barricade.
And car after car was turned back toward the rapidly spreading wildfire by a barricade blocking access to Highway 30.
One family swerved around the barricade and was safe in a nearby town 48 minutes later, another drove their 4-wheel-drive car down a dirt road to escape. One man took an dirt road uphill, climbing above the fire and watching as Lahaina burned. He later picked his way through the flames, smoke and rubble to pull survivors to safety.
But dozens of others found themselves caught in a hellscape, their cars jammed together on a narrow road, surrounded by flames on three sides and the rocky ocean waves on the fourth. Some died in their cars, while others tried to run for safety. -AP
One couple, Nate Baird and Courtney Stapleton, told the outlet that they had loaded up the car with their two sons, Baird's mother and a dog to escape the flames. After driving south, they swerved past cones and escaped to a neighboring town.
"Nobody realized how little time we really had," said Baird. "Like even us being from the heart of the fire, we did not comprehend. Like we literally had minutes and one wrong turn. We would all be dead right now."
According to Baird, if they had 10 more minutes they could have saved children who were left home alone in their neighborhood.
"The kids just don’t have a filter. So their son ran up and was just telling our son, you know, ‘This kid is dead. This kid is dead.’ And it’s like, all my son’s friends that they come to our house every day,” he said. “And their parents were at work, and they were home alone. And nobody had a warning. Nobody, nobody, nobody knew."
Link to article above: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/horror-those-who-disobeyed-government-barricades-survived-maui-fires
From Mark Crispin Miller’s article, a resident tells what the survivors need and how you can help:
Mark wrote: And much more, compiled by blueplanet68 (whose friend Vicki wrote the prefatory email):
Hello to All,
So much Love and Gratitude to every one of you.
Please stop what you are doing right now and watch with your entire presence every second of this video and then answer the call. This the ultimate test for humanity, if we can't be selfless human beings and answer the call to these beautiful people, right now our world is doomed. There is no more time for complacency. Are you going to wait until it comes to your backyard????
I'm supplying you with the most important things they need right now.
They still have no internet! Nothing! If you want to fly over and help, you don't have to stay right on the island, this thing about taking up resources is nonsense, you can stay 45 minutes an hour away. There are physical resources they need now. The government kicked locals out of the 5 star hotels that were providing temporary shelter, so FEMA and red cross and all other Government officials could stay there. Reports are out from locals that all their water was cut off before the fires!! If you are a fireman, fire captain, attorney, scientist or any other expert in your field that has the spirit and bravery to stand up to help the people and help reveal this chaotic situation, please have the courage to step up!!
They need #1 starlink (satellite internet) They still have NO comm.
#2 Clean Water
#3 Protective gear and masks ( they are breathing super toxic air!)
#5 Attorneys and officials that can help them fight for their rights to be let in to the burn zone by their own will if they so choose, so they can feed and help others who are starving and dying alive, with no water or food!!
This is a link to a direct local friend of a friend it is the only authentic and real resource that I know is 100 % authentic and not only providing resources and as much as they can to help their community, Eric West who is running this operation hasn't done anything with his own Real Estate business and has barely slept for 2 weeks. This link was created b y Eric West and others who are helping their own community when the Government is just sitting there letting them die! I'm sorry this might trigger people but there is nothing in your life more important than this call! I will say it one more time: this is a test by God to help humanity and put an end to this corruption and control by some very dark and sinister people. The same people that created the word ( conspiracy) to try and make the truth speakers and seekers and the wise indigenous look "Crazy". I won't waste my time listing all they have done since 2020 and throughout history. You can believe what you want but I know you all must feel it in your core, in your guts, something is VERY wrong!
Here is the link to Eric West's website to help Lahaina.
It stands for Let's Fill the Gap.
Here are two links from Eric West, featuring Eric West and actual footage from the locals of the burn zone that the Government is not allowing anyone, or drones or people to go to.
Eric West has stopped his life as the owner with his wife Lisa West of Hawaiian Real estate to be a hub. media source and outreach for Lahaina. He never even used the word conspiracy theory, nor did he believe in it. He has been awakened and he also has had weird trolls, and death threats.
Please stop what you're doing and watch and help Lahaina.
Much Love, Mahalo & Aloha,
Mark’s article link:
Other links:
Please share!
Where are the missing children!!!
Latest videos also show the rapid deployment of a tall black fence ringing the destruction site preventing ingress and even viewing inside a new Ground Zero.
It’s as if new construction hoarding is being erected.
Mind boggling.