Why it is critical to recognize the greatness of a human being: The world has forgotten and is heading for disaster, but there is a way to stop the train.
The "Alter of Slabodka" reminded us but how many know?
What is murder? Does it only mean shooting someone with a gun, or does the definition of murder include knowingly withholding lifesaving medication, or knowingly administering/promoting products which kill a portion of those who receive them? I don’t logically see how this “white collar” (white coat) murder isn’t murder. If so, what of those who give the orders to withhold the lifesaving medications and to administer the deadly products? Are they not in the same category as Stalin and Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, and the other mass murderers of history?
We witness now in front of our eyes what must be one of the most evil people to have ever lived, Anthony Fauci, personally responsible for the deaths of millions over the last 40 years, first through promoting a false claim of what causes AIDS and viciously suppressing all true science to the contrary, pushing expensive, deadly and ineffective drugs AZT and Nevirapine as treatment (which killed the patients rapidly but the deaths were chalked up to AIDS), experimenting on children, babies, and pregnant women with these and other deadly drugs in Africa and the US, lying about all aspects of covid (by all evidence, having created the virus himself by proxy through his gain of function research labs), suppressing effective treatments, (killing likely over half a million in the US), and promoting and profiting from the shots, which in the US alone have by conservative estimates, killed 150,000 people.
Fauci could not have acted alone.
Can it be that society does not adequately value life, and therefore condones murder, when done in a white collar manner?
Let us approach this from another angle. Would someone who truly believes that he is like an angel, greater than an angel actually, created in G-d’s image, his body a “Beis Hamikdash”- a temple to house his G-dly soul- allow ANYONE to coerce him (or her) to place even a possible poison in his holy body for the sake of travel, work, schooling, or access to places he wants to get into?
It seems to me that anyone who has done this has somewhat forgotten who he is, Who made him, Who looks after him, and how valuable he (or she) is.
This reminds me of one of my biggest sorrows, the abortion of innocent babies at whatever stage. Tiny innocent trusting life… who would cruelly extinguish it? Only someone who does not value life because they do not recognize - or FULLY recognize- the One Who made it.
IF WE DO NOT RECOGNIZE AND REMEMBER OUR OWN GREATNESS AND THAT OF OTHER HUMAN BEINGS, we will lose everything. The great Rabbi, the “Alter of Slabodka”, Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, (1849-1927) stressed to his students “gadlus ha’adam”- the greatness of man (meaning, human.)
I was inspired to write this essay by a booklet of Torah teachings called Toras Avigdor, of Rabbi Avigdor Miller, on last week’s Torah portion, Parshas Shemini, put together from tapes of lectures that he gave many years ago. (Rabbi Miller passed away about 20 years ago.) Fascinatingly, he discusses that after Adam sinned by eating from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, and he was expelled from the Garden, G-d told him that he would henceforth eat the grass of the field (Genesis 3:18), and rather than being happy at the plentiful, free food source, Adam cried bitter tears and wept to G-d “Shall I and my donkey eat from the same trough?” This decree, to eat side by side with animals, would violate his human dignity, and that dignity was infinitely more valuable to him than plentiful free food.
Adam KNEW that he was special, that he was created b’tzelem E-lokim, “in the image of G-d”; having been created personally by G-d himself, he knew what this means better than anyone. He was, as Rabbi Miller puts it, fiercely protective of his status, because he truly recognized the greatness of being a person!
If he would have eaten animal food together with his donkey, he would not have actually lost his G-dly soul, unequaled in the universe, but he could have forgotten who he was. Forgetting that he was distinguished, that he has a spark of G-d inside of him, was an unthinkable tragedy to him.
Adam cried until G-d accepted his prayer and said “By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread.” When Adam heard this, his mind was calmed. This was a demonstration that he was unique, different than the animals, and he and his children would forever have this sign of their distinction. This would remind them to never sink to the level of animals in their behavior.
But now tragically, much of mankind has forgotten who we are.
WICKED PEOPLE now seek to equate human life with animal life and plant life. They also wish to create hybrid human-animal life and human-robot “life”. Of course, all this is only thinkable when one denies the Creator or His power.
The same Creator Who creates life sustains life. He has enough for all. There is no such thing as G-d not having enough resources in His world to sustain all those He has created. The evil ones who kill unborn babies or seek to kill large segments of the population in order that there be “enough resources” are making the most horrible mistake ever, for which they will pay dearly in both worlds.
The great Rabbi Avigdor Miller also quotes a remarkable statement from the Torah which stands in utter contrast to today’s prevailing attitude. “Halo lo nivra ha’olam ela bishvil pirya v’rivya.” “The world was created only for having children.” He goes so far as to say that if a man doesn’t get married, he has no right to live! This is based on King Chizkiyahu, would was an extremely righteous individual, and as a king, accomplished wonderful things, bringing the entire nation of Israel to an extremely high level of Torah knowledge. During his reign, messengers were sent to examine the people throughout the land, and every man, woman, and child was found to be completely versed in the most complicated laws of the Torah! And yet, even though King Chizkiyahu spread the word of G-d everywhere, the prophet came and relayed G-d’s message to him: “Hincha mes v’lo tichye”, “you are going to die and you won’t live” - meaning early death in this world, and not living in the next world either - because he chose to not marry and bring children into this world.
(I want to stress that the prophet said this to the king who had made a conscious choice not to marry and have children, for a reason that he thought was correct - because he foresaw that he would have a wicked son. Surely the prophet’s words do not apply to those who desire with all their heart to marry and bring children into the world, but whom G-d has prevented from doing so, for reasons that only He knows.)
There is a happy ending here - King Chizkiyahu turned to the wall and prayed upon hearing the prophet’s words. Although the prophet said that it was too late and the decree was sealed, Chizkiyahu didn’t accept that. He repented, resolving to marry and have children, and G-d allowed him to live. While he indeed bore an extremely wicked son, as he had foreseen he would, his grandson was a very righteous person. Lesson learned: Do not try to outsmart G-d! He has a plan and He knows best!
So - who are the wicked ones who try, in every generation, to make us forget who we are, Who created us, what He wants from us, and how All-Powerful He is? Who are the white-coated, white-collar murderers in the labs, in the offices, in the abortion clinics, behind the desks, the mics, creating deadly policy for the world? The ones infiltrating our schools, trying to make kids gender-confused, unhappy with how G-d created them, poisoning them with the idea that they could become happy by mutilating their bodies, that it’s possible to change genders? Those who seek to reduce the world population, in their greed? Those who have no fear of G-d, who seek to fight Him, to make others doubt Him, those who do not recognize the sanctity and value of life? They are AMALEK, who fights G-d in every generation.
Mankind must collectively arise from our slumber and throw off the chokehold of Amalek, of the “wokeness”, of the denigration of human life and the denial of G-d. Teach everyone around you. A return to the fundamental commandments that G-d outlined for every human being would guarantee global security, prosperity, and safety. Here are the 7 Universal Laws that G-d communicated to Adam and to Noah.
Believe in One G-d- do not worship idols (think about all the people, institutions, things, medical treatments you put your trust in…) Acknowledge that there is a single G-d Who cares about what we are doing, and trust only in Him!
Respect G-d and praise Him - do not blaspheme His name.
Respect human life - do not murder. This includes abortion.
Respect the family- do not commit immoral acts. (This includes what passes for “marriage” now, the legalization of which led to the Flood in the times of Noah.)
Respect for others’ rights and property- do not steal (think about tiny acts, like using things without permission. Think of the family businesses destroyed by the lockdowns, and the looting orchestrated by Antifa and allowed by those in power, for their political purposes.)
Creation of a System of Just Courts (ouch, that has definitely gone out the window now..)
Respect for all life - do not eat flesh torn from a living animal. I am told that violation of this is more common than we realize.
Let us lead the way and create a revolution!
The GOOD WORLD ORDER, marked by love, respect, marriage, childbearing, valuing life, kind and fair treatment of all, respect for property, justice, and above all faith in and prayer to One G-d.