Bs'd. Thank you Brucha. We admire your courage to speak out for the truth. May The Almighty bless you and protect you and may He soon - in our days - end the evil of so-called pro choice groups. Warmest regards from Chana and Meir in Israel (member of Jewish Pro Life Foundation)
Thank you, Brucha. What a ghastly business this is. I’m starting to appreciate the reasons for the intensity of the battle for hearts & minds here in the USA.
In the main, it appears a lesser controversy in Europe, where many nation’s laws are “pro choice-oriented”. In some other nations, the laws in this area are clearly “pro life-oriented” & women seeking abortion sometimes shuttle from the latter to the former.
My own position on this matter is evolving, something I never expected beyond the age of 60. I think there is a compromise position but I understand that is never going to be acceptable to some.
Thank you Dr. Yeadon. Interestingly, I just recently read that European abortion laws are generally much more restrictive than American, which is surprising, as the US is considered more religious.
Bs'd. Thank you Brucha. We admire your courage to speak out for the truth. May The Almighty bless you and protect you and may He soon - in our days - end the evil of so-called pro choice groups. Warmest regards from Chana and Meir in Israel (member of Jewish Pro Life Foundation)
Thank you, Brucha. What a ghastly business this is. I’m starting to appreciate the reasons for the intensity of the battle for hearts & minds here in the USA.
In the main, it appears a lesser controversy in Europe, where many nation’s laws are “pro choice-oriented”. In some other nations, the laws in this area are clearly “pro life-oriented” & women seeking abortion sometimes shuttle from the latter to the former.
My own position on this matter is evolving, something I never expected beyond the age of 60. I think there is a compromise position but I understand that is never going to be acceptable to some.
Thank you Dr. Yeadon. Interestingly, I just recently read that European abortion laws are generally much more restrictive than American, which is surprising, as the US is considered more religious.