Everyone, please see this, which I received from a subscriber. It is as I suspected. The hate-filled riots are, in effect, being organized and sponsored by George Soros: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/groups-behind-israel-bashing-protests-backing-hamas-attacks-got-15m-plus-from-soros/ar-AA1j0D3m

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Good call to individually bolster and retain our daily relationship with El Shaddai.

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I'm sorry for your pain and the pain of those hurt on both sides of this contrived situation.

Question - is God a bad word? G-d seems disrespectful to me but each to their own as long as killing civilians is not the goal.

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Thank you for your question. Writing “G-d” is actually a sign of respect. Torah Jews traditionally write His Name that way in non-sacred texts so that if those texts are desecrated, (like thrown away or stepped on, etc), His Name, not having been written in full, would not be disrespected.

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I really like your research Brucha, but isn't it time to move to Israel already? This will be the safest place of all to be as our sages and later Rabbis have assured us.

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I watched Naomi Wolf's interview with JJ Carrell. Yes, Brucha, it is terrifying news, but do NOT avoid watching it. In fact, I advise you to watch it immediately.

Americans (first and foremost American Jews) need to prepare for self-defense, and Heaven only knows how much time you will have for that.

Meanwhile - just as you have said - we all need to look to Him who sits on the Throne. Promises were made to the people of Israel, and "the Holy One is not a man that He should lie."

However, those promises may not apply outside of the Land.

It's time to come Home.

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What are you talking about ??? Promises ? Texts?

You people do realize that Israel govt stood down and allowed the attacks on behalf of NWO globalists

If anyone has brains now it’s time to use them

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"...Israel govt stood down and allowed the attacks..."

This speculation is based on a whole chain of slanderous and impossible assumptions:

First, that the "Israeli government" in any form could have agreed unanimously to allow massive bloodshed on Israeli soil, without a single leader objecting or threatening to bring down the coalition with a no-confidence vote. (Past governments have fallen even over trivial matters.)

Second, that the instigators could have kept all Israeli cabinet members from leaking their horrific decision beforehand to any opposition MKs (who would love to dislodge Netanyahu) or to anyone in the Israeli media (who hate him anyway) or to the global media (who would have jumped on such a scandal, no questions asked).

Third, that after seeing more than 1000 Israelis to be burned alive, dismembered, gang-raped, beheaded, kidnapped -- including small children -- all of the Israeli conspirators who knew it was coming are only acting traumatized like the rest of us. It's a rare person who can fake shock, they are usually psychopaths - and you are forcing the entire government into that category.

Fourth, that the NWO globalists could ever come up with a reward that would have made this mass self-betrayal worthwhile for Israeli leaders. You clearly do not know the Israeli mentality about group survival. And take note of the UN, seat of the NWO, which refused to even grant Israel the minimal support of condemning the terrorism.

Fifth, that the NWO is interested in destroying Hamas. On the contrary, they are trying to keep Israel from totally wiping out the terror base in Gaza with calls for a 3-day "humanitarian pause".

There -- I have used my brains as you advised. Now it's time for you to use yours.

You are promoting malicious, irrational assumptions and nothing more. If you have evidence to the contrary, let's see it please.

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I greatly admire Dr. Zelenko of blessed memory and I knew him.

He would certainly recoil at your hero-worship of Hitler.

Do you not know that Hitler was funded and brought to power by the IG Farben German-based international cartel? And NO, the cartel was NOT Jewish.

Read G.Edward Griffin’s World Without Cancer.

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What a bunch of fucking drivel - Hitler was a NWO puppet supplied and promoted by same garbage that produced communists

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Yes we need to daven to Hashem. We also need to do our hishtadlus and flood the White House with calls to support Israel and stop aid to Hamas. We also need to call our Senators and Congressman to thank them for their support or to pressure them to support Israel.

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For ordinary unarmed citizens who are wondering how to protect themselves from a surprise jihadi attack, watch this practical advice from professionals:


Although it shows only the simplest kind of attack (a lone gunman randomly wandering through a large building), its message is important -- you can and must be proactive.

And I don't think Hashem expects us to passively rely only on prayer, any more than King David did.

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Oct 30, 2023
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I’m really surprised that you would post the worst kind of Jew-hating lies right here on my site. Blaming the Jews for everything is a very old trick which the real evildoers use to cover for themselves. I can assure you that anyone involved in the evil has - at most - a Jewish-sounding last name, but is not a true Jew, who believes in One G-d.

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