"warned he may have 'blood on his hands' "...

I am SO SICK of hearing this verbiage around those calling question to the DeathShots. The fact that they are screaming racism and insinuating murder to cover their own cowardly asses is despicable.

Dear Team "Speed of Science",

Let's be clear, THE BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS, and we are all taking notes.

Perhaps you should all review the Nuremberg Trials so that YOU are clear on how these things shake out in the end.

~ The "Conspiracy Theorists"

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I am a Jewish woman and I am scandalized by the trotting out of anti-semitism and 'nazi' accusations by Trudeau (re a Jewish MP standing up for peaceful protesters), Hancock and Rishi about Bridgen. Bridgen is heroic in standing against the tide of poison-promoting, science-denying, truth-suppressing authorities, captured media and supposed medical experts.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Excellent. Yes have seen it is possibly the biggest ever crime against we the people ever conceived or carried out, especially when considering the international scope. And not over by a long shot unfortunately.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

sunak et al are just using the WEF playbook to redefine "antisemitism." just like they tried to do with "vaccine." funny how they don't have a problem with the ongoing holocaust in israel.

anyone who thinks this is about antisemitism is a noodnik. it's a test run to see how much censorship the uk government can get away with. if they can silence a member of parliament, it's open season on the general population.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

It’s a crime against humanity! For sure. It is.

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They see people falling over dead daily and act like it's normal.

People need to wake up.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Thank you! A voice of reason in our community. Please don’t stop! Keep going

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This happened with Trudeau accusing a Jewish Mp in parliament of siding with Swastikas when she put him to the task for the convoy.

Israeli doctors wrote condemning this. I found the letter to Trudeau. It seems this has happened before where the WEF puppet "weaponizes anti-Semitism" to quote the letter. Thank-you for your work.

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Thank you for this. To me, who has been awake and watching the results of the experimental gene jabs, the comparison to the Holocaust is entirely apt, and on multiple levels. History will not be kind to those who are attempting to intimidate and silence such good people as MP Bridgen.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

MP Bridgen is a very honorable and courageous fellow. Sadly, he made a tactical error by invoking the highly weaponized Holocaust. He should have said something to the effect of, (without mentioning the Cardiologist who he unfortunately quoted) ''This is the biggest crime against humanity since the Stalin-era, Bolshevik Russians democided 50-60 million of their own citizens.'' Those numbers are, considering this is a global initiative of death and destruction, probably far more accurate. Actually, when all is said and done, those numbers will probably be an understatement. On the other hand, if he had said what I suggested, he probably would have been accused of antisemitism for NOT mentioning the Holocaust first and foremost! Never mind.

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Thank you for this, it's a shame Andrew Bridgen didn't contact you first!

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Shavu'a tov! I second this article. What on earth could be anti-Semitic about NOT wanting more Holocausts to take place? This is classic deflection if not projection.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

This has literally become a repeat of the Holocaust. This survivor literally had the shots forced on her in Germany due to a totally bogus claim. https://frontline.news/post/german-court-orders-holocaust-survivor-forcibly-vaccinated

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

This isn't completely on point, but a Fox columnist just admitted that only 30% of the reported number of "COVID deaths" actually have been due to COVID. However, she sanctimoniously concluded by saying that "even that is too many" without, obviously, noting all of the injuries and deaths caused by not properly balancing the benefits with risks, falsely scaring people into getting jabbed, and giving Biden etc. the fuel to push through his damaging mandates and despicable "don't kill your grandparents" guilt/shame push for the jabs. Thankfully, many readers complained. I will try to put in a link, but I saw it on twitter, so you may need to be on twitter to see it. https://www.foxnews.com/media/dr-leana-wen-slammed-admitting-theres-been-overcounting-covid-deaths-two-half-years-late

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This is absolutely unbelievable!

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