i should not be surprised, but I am shocked this is still legal--or at least, I'm shocked more people aren't complaining about it being legal

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Demoralizing to learn atrazine is apparently widely known by "public health" authorities like the CDC as a human and animal poison, yet is allowed to continue to poison our drinking water and food chain. Truly horrifying impact on proper male and female differentiation and fertility.

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The dangers of Atarazine being a powerful endocrine disruptor have been known for a very long time and the only reason it is still in use is there are those in government that want to to be used. Sure there are money, bribes, pay-offs, but it is being used for population control on multiple levels.

I remember being told, in my early 20's, the the reason there was a drug problem in the USA was there was a faction of the government that wanted there to be a drug problem. It took some effort on my part to recognize just how nasty things were in our reality, because you don't want to think the government is at war with its own citizens but that brings us to the here and now where that is all too obvious.

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