Atrazine: The poison hiding in plain sight 🤢
Reproductive harm stands out here glaringly, just as with glyphosate. Were they DEVELOPED to target the reproductive system??
Recently we wrote about glyphosate. As bad as glyphosate is, there are unfortunately other absolutely shocking poisons in use as well. Atrazine is another criminally toxic weed killer applied to certain food crops, which has also severely contaminated the water. Atrazine is among the most detected pesticides in streams, rivers, and ponds.
When I wrote that Atrazine is the poison hiding in plain sight, I meant it. I obtained the horrific information below on Atrazine’s extreme toxicity in just a half hour of searching on Google, of all places. All I did was type “atrazine toxicity” in the search bar.
It looks like this poison was designed to help prevent people from reproducing, and sicken the babies they do manage to have:
This is from the CDC themselves:
Again, this from EPA, reproductive harm stands out:
Also among the grave harms seen are injuries to the liver, kidneys, heart, and central nervous system, as well as lymphoma.
Atrazine and cancers:
👆🏼Remember, atrazine is among the most detected pesticides in our waterways.
(Note, glyphosate IS also an endocrine disruptor. I have no idea which one truly is worse.)
This is insane - see what they term “low toxicity:”
“If atrazine is eaten, it is low in toxicity.1 People who accidentally ate atrazine had nose bleeds, swelling of the face, salivation, and drooping eyelids.7,8 They also had goosebumps, muscle weakness, fatigue, tremors, and difficulty breathing.7”
Low in toxicity?????
This is extremely interesting.
What does atrazine do to male hormones?
There were studies in frogs, in which males exposed to atrazine actually became female.
After all this, yes, atrazine is still in use!
Sources of atrazine:
1) We REALLY all need to get good water filters!
2) The government agencies are clearly NOT protecting humans, animals, fish, or the environment, in any shape or form. They are worse then a joke. An absolute criminal scam. Anything they do is just for show.
3) Some people seriously want to reduce the birthrate. If you’re still not sure, see this 1969 document:
i should not be surprised, but I am shocked this is still legal--or at least, I'm shocked more people aren't complaining about it being legal
Demoralizing to learn atrazine is apparently widely known by "public health" authorities like the CDC as a human and animal poison, yet is allowed to continue to poison our drinking water and food chain. Truly horrifying impact on proper male and female differentiation and fertility.