It seems that injecting babies isn't bad enough. Now they want to inject pregnant women in order to "protect" their babies from Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Never Pforget!
Instead of “..after covid weakened immune systems”, the Daily Mail article should have said “after the covid VACCINE weakened immune systems.” Clearly the covid shots have something to do with this. Probably it’s caused by a combination of kids who’ve gotten vaccinated for covid now having ruined immune systems, kids who are getting shed on by covid vaccinated parents having weakened immune systems, and maybe also a mutated strain of RSV going around caused by the mRNA RSV vaccine trials they’ve been doing …😰.
There ARE many excellent and effective natural treatments for RSV to help kids get through it. Certainly a poison shot cooked up by the Pfizer murderers won’t help the situation.
Thats why im seeing like 3 of these stories a day then?
Instead of “..after covid weakened immune systems”, the Daily Mail article should have said “after the covid VACCINE weakened immune systems.” Clearly the covid shots have something to do with this. Probably it’s caused by a combination of kids who’ve gotten vaccinated for covid now having ruined immune systems, kids who are getting shed on by covid vaccinated parents having weakened immune systems, and maybe also a mutated strain of RSV going around caused by the mRNA RSV vaccine trials they’ve been doing …😰.
There ARE many excellent and effective natural treatments for RSV to help kids get through it. Certainly a poison shot cooked up by the Pfizer murderers won’t help the situation.
Here’s the proof: