Jul 10Liked by Brucha Weisberger

When I was 44 I had a massive stroke and was in a coma for three weeks. My parents were told that even if I survived I wouldn’t have any brain function. Thankfully my mom fought for me and I am very happy and fulfilled and I am in much better shape at 62 than I was at 44. I am in a wheelchair and my right side is paralyzed, but I can speak, I can write with my left hand as well as I did with my right, and I ride my manual wheelchair around the block constantly. I met a young man at the grocery store once when I asked him to reach something for me. He asked if I would tell him my story so I did. He told me that when he was 16 he wrecked his dirt bike and had a series of strokes and was in a coma for three months. He was in the same hospital as me and the hospital told his parents the same thing they told mine. He had slight paralysis of one hand, but he was fine except for that. We are both very glad to be here! I have no memory of the coma. God had a plan for me, and I thank him every day for all the blessings he has given me, I am thankful for the stroke, I have learned so much that I was too busy to pay attention to before.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Please: Remove yourselves from the "organ donor" list.

Seriously. Just DO IT.

And have an "around the clock" ADVOCATE at your bedside if you're ever "admitted" to hospital, because, in essence, you become a prisoner.

Unless both YOU and your HEALTH ADVOCATE know your hospital prison "rights".

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Jul 9Liked by Brucha Weisberger

I could never really explain why I always felt very uncomfortable in hospitals.

Thought it was just the inevitable presence of death.

Others had no reservations - even felt good about being in a health care setting.

Now I know why I feel as I do.

Your advice about having an advocate should be extended to all nursing home residents.

Unfortunately, round the clock attendance is not possible.

So avoid nursing homes at all costs, if at all possible.

Thank you for the post.

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"Your advice about having an advocate should be extended to all nursing home residents."


2 relatives of mine were trapped in a "Casa di Riposo" in Italy during "Covid".

Their next-of-kin were not permitted entry.

The facilities were locked down.

Can you imagine what happened next?

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Thank you again for your input.

I was not as clear and forthright as I could have been.

Nursing homes can be deadly (intentional) dangerous to our elderly loved ones.

Many reports are surfacing and they can only be the tip of the iceberg.

I think that I have probably encountered a tragic death myself.

Many residents, relatives and friends are completely unaware of the danger.

We are not just dealing with "covid deaths" but an active euthanasia agenda.

This is apparently LAW (unlawful law) in the UK and some other nations.

Foreign nursing home staff are increasing at alarming rates in some western nations.

Foreigners are likely to be more cooperative with euthanasia for obvious reasons.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE avoid nursing homes if at all possible.

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Seeds: I'll respond to this in my own Substack article. (Too long of a comment brewing to post here.)

Will link you.

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Thank you.

Want to be informed.

Already know more than I want to know though.

Sad... tragic.

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Jul 10Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Here in the US you can remove yourself through the DMV (driver's license office), but in many states that WILL NOT REMOVE YOU FROM THE LIST OF ORGAN DONORS.

In some states you must schedule a court date and file it. Some states you can file it through the county clerk's office. Research your state and do what's necessary to remove yours and your loved ones from this LIVING HARVEST LIST.

I watched a documentary years ago where a whistleblower was exposing legal organ harvesting in the US and she interviewed paramedics who said it was common practice to check an unconscious patient's DL on the way to the hospital and if the "Organ Donor" box was checked the paramedics called ahead so a surgical team could be standing by to whisk the unconscious patient into surgery for organ harvest before family had time to show up. Of course the paramedics were paid well to do this.

Do not mess around with this. Organ transplantation is BIG BUSINESS. The donor and family receive nothing while the organs are worth millions to the hospital. It's a scam that preys on people's desire to help others, but that's not what it is in reality. It's BIG MONEY.

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Thank you - very valuable input.

Does the worship of money progressively strip people of human values?

Or is something else going on here?

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Having values, morals and integrity and standing with them requires a lot more of an individual than giving them away does, so money becomes the excuse for cowardice.

I personally believe there is a lot going on. Evil.

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Apparently yes. Only logical explanation I can see.

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Thanks for posting this Pirate.

Folks: Do your research. YOU are expendable. Your vital ORGANS? Are valuable.

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Jul 9Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Thanks for the post…How very far, depths of the abyss-kind of far, have the medical system fallen. Corrupted, manipulated, and reimagined by the Cabal for many, many decades. In a twisted way, I am grateful (in theory only because I do wish it had never occurred) for the Plandemic. Otherwise, I would have never known about the evil that is the Cabal, the bastardization of our medical and pharmaceutical industries as neither entity exists for our good health.

Hospital systems do not exist to save our lives but to instead turn a profit. Not all doctors and nurses are bad and find work/practices that adhere to the Hippocratic Oath. Yet, there are plenty more who never question the protocols they should intuitively know are against good medical practices and even more who willingly take the hush-money cash for their blind eyes.

Have you noticed how homeopathic medicine has been thoroughly crushed including vitamins which I believe will eventually be outlawed (death is the Cabal’s goal and without vitamins we are prone to more diseases and poor health). Simple and inexpensive cures for cancer, Lyme disease, autism and more have repeatedly been pilloried (Chlorine Dioxide is nearly a miracle solution that, if you are a camper will know it as a water purifier)(several Substackers have written extensively about CD so if you are interested, please let me know and I’ll post the links).

Say no to organ donation, stay out of the hospitals at all costs, and no to any “vaccines” the government and mainstream media pushes…actually, just avoid them altogether! Praying for all of us to be kept safe and healthy for the future is going to be quite rocky until we can reverse the madness.

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I would like the links!

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Links to articles about Chlorine Dioxide:



Those will get you a good start and within the articles are links elsewhere that are very helpful too. I highly recommend following/subscribing to both Dr. Yoho and Unbekoming for other important topics.

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Jul 10Liked by Brucha Weisberger

My husband was in a terrible car wreck and in a coma for 8 weeks when they (the hospital staff) began pressuring me about disconnecting him from the machines keeping him alive and to sign over organ donation. I was 18 and very naive and said yes to disconnecting the machines but no to the organ donations though as the hour of disconnection approached, the pressure to say yes to organ donation intensified 1000%. When they disconnected the machines, his body took over and he lived. They kept saying it was a "miracle", but I knew the truth. Had I said yes to the organ donation, they would have whisked him out of there ASAP and harvested his organs. As happened, they had a full surgical staff waiting just outside his room inn case I could be persuaded to change my mind. Had I not said "NO", he would have never lived the rest of his life. He would have been harvested while still alive. True story.

"Brain Dead" is a legal ruling, not a medical diagnosis. So organs can be legally harvested from the living.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Brucha Weisberger

A very hard article for me to read.

My friend died after her organs (including her heart) were harvested while she was alive.

I was not in town when this situation occurred but had a premonition before I left town. I knew I'd never see her again, in life.

The way that her father "died" was terrible. I recall being horrified when, years later, I learned about the inhumane circumstances which finally led to his death. But he resisted. For 30 days.


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😭😰I’m so sorry!

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I am too.

Hopefully more people will come to understand the organ donor system.

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Jul 10Liked by Brucha Weisberger

When I was 44 I had a massive stroke and was in a coma for three weeks. My parents were told that even if I survived I wouldn’t have any brain function. Thankfully my mom fought for me and I am very happy and fulfilled and I am in much better shape at 62 than I was at 44. I am in a wheelchair and my right side is paralyzed, but I can speak, I can write with my left hand as well as I did with my right, and I ride my manual wheelchair around the block constantly. I met a young man at the grocery store once when I asked him to reach something for me. He asked if I would tell him my story so I did. He told me that when he was 16 he wrecked his dirt bike and had a series of strokes and was in a coma for three months. He was in the same hospital as me and the hospital told his parents the same thing they told mine. He had slight paralysis of one hand, but he was fine except for that. We are both very glad to be here! I have no memory of the coma. God had a plan for me, and I thank him every day for all the blessings he has given me, I am thankful for the stroke, I have learned so much that I was too busy to pay attention to before.

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Jul 9Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Theism - God rules.

Atheism - man rules.

Under atheism there will always be conflicts, many of which will be unresolvable.

The conflict is OURS really - we need to OWN it and be accountable OURSELVES.

Are THEY the real problem or are WE?

We want to worship the god of medicine and doctors who are the priests of the religion, when they do good and save lives, but not when they do evil and kill people.

Doctors are licensed on paper qualifications not ethics.

Only the naive believe that most doctors are moral responsible people.

We have known for a long time, that medical malpractice is a significant cause of illnesses, injuries and deaths.

We did not act for whatever reasons.

Now the wolves devouring the vulnerable are moving in among the flock.

Contraceptive abortion (murder) - OK, convenient, responsible, necessary even.

Abortion (murder) before full term - OK for those doing it if not the rest.

Full term abortion (murder) - still OK?

The slide is clear.

We are not really in a position to object to genocide when we enable infanticide.

The question is: is medicine of God, or of man, or of satan?

Medicine is of God when practiced by good, godly doctors, who do not object to their colleagues murdering unborn babies?

Medicine is of God, when good, godly people consult good, godly doctors, who do not object to their colleagues murdering unborn babies?

The World Health Organisation - meaning its leaders and supporters - appears to be evil to many.

The tentacles of this organisation are spreading worldwide.

Many worship the WHO as the champion of world health care regardless.

Many worship the medical profession as the champions of health regardless.

Is this idolatry?

Who is the god of the WHO?

Who is the god of modern medicine?

Who is my doctor's god?

Who is my god?

Time to take accountability.

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Thank you for your comment. Please see and share this article I wrote on abortion a while ago: https://truth613.substack.com/p/abortion-kills-real-people

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I am aware of your article and others like it.

Some can be awakened by such input.

However, moral obligations are eroded and negated by those addicted to the opium of atheism, which justifies immorality on the grounds of personal expediency, welfare and even responsibility.

The evil one is the master of deception.

The One is the master of deliverance.

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Albert Pike, Freemason, wrote that all religions, especially Christianity, would be systemically destroyed so nothing but the barbarism of atheism remained and once people came to understand the full horror of godlessness, they will beg the controllers for relief.

This is how the New World Order of Luciferianism will be ushered in if their plans are allowed to come to fruition.

God help us all.

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The corrupt medical Establishment is responsible for the abortion holocaust. If you ever believed that Establishment medicine is valid, think about the fact that doctors have a DUTY to rid their practice of colleagues who commit mass axe-murder. Because that is what surgical abortion is. Yet, they tolerate these people, allow them to keep their licenses and prey on mothers in desperate situations. I recently had an exchange (heated on the part of the other person) who said I should condemn abortion, but Covid shots were beneficial and I should pay attention to the official authorities (ignoring rampant fraud in medical journals), until I pointed out that tissue from newborns were killed by vivisection without anesthesia was used in some way in every "vaccine" available in the US, and the Astra-Zeneca "vaccine". When I pointed that out, and said anyone getting the shots was a cannibal, I waited for a response. Crickets. If you think there is any integrity left in Establishment medicine, just consider the fact that it tolerates and licenses mass axe-murderers. You don't need to know anything else.

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Jul 9Liked by Brucha Weisberger


Medical Assistance in Dying:



TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



Here is a 9 min. video that explains the idea 



Ways you can help Raise Public Awareness 



Ways you can Take Action 



With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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We already knew what the medical profession was capable of from witnessing the previous 4 years but this takes it to a whole new level and now confirms that there’s nothing they won’t do.

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The organ transplants from OD explains why our enemy nations have been supplying opioids (esp fentanyl today) so spiritedly.

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There's a pretty dark series on Netflix about a heart transplant recipient called Chambers. I rewatched it recently and forgot about the plot twist at the end. I will try to die "peacefully" at home. (Which is complete bs. I watched my mom die and there was nothing peaceful about it. Yet, it was written as such in her obituary.)

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Everyone in the world should read this! Perhaps someone you love, or even you yourself, can be spared an atrocity. I followed the situation with Terri Schiavo. She was conscious. No question. She died in agony. But I knew at the time this is only the tip of the iceberg. I am not an organ donor, and never have been. I also will never accept an organ. Organ donation is basically obsolete. They can grow new organs with 3D printing. Not really available yet, but perfectly feasible. And doesn't require a person to have his immune system destroyed so he won't reject a new organ. That's not all. Stem cells can be used to heal damaged organs. And that is available, but horribly expensive, and not available locally for most folks. Folks, follow the money! The organ transplant industry is all about money.

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Would never be an organ recipient either. I will no longer be donating any more money to the deathcare industry.

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I don't buy any products from the deathcare industry either, and have not done so for a very long time. I did buy for a loved one. Any industry that is willing to treat mass axe-murderers as colleagues is obviously corrupt to the core. I am speaking of abortionists. They prey on mothers in distress and rob them of the person who has the closest relationship to them of any human being except their own mother. And they do it for money. Oh how cheap the well being of mothers and babies is to this corrupt industry!

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They cant just take your organs its more civil than that.

This not Denmar

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After nine days I let the horse run free

> Em D6/9

'cause the desert had turned to sea

> Em D6/9

there were plants and birds and rocks and things

> Em D6/9

there were sand and hills and rings

> Em D6/9

The ocean is a desert with it's life underground

> Em D6/9

and the perfect disguise above

> Em D6/9

Under the cities lies a heart made of ground

> Em D6/9

but the humans will give no love

"Hearts come in different sizes,as the brain

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