The information that I share here is not news to those of us who have been closely watching the adverse effects of the covid injections and involved in helping injured patients.
We have long been aware of the post-vax suicides, cases of severe depression, psychosis, personality change, and more, that occurred in the trials/were reported on VAERS/happened in our communities - sometimes to friends or to friends of friends.
However, here the evidence is collected compellingly in case studies and in a scientist’s careful examination of VAERS.
Part 1) A collection of case studies by a researcher I know: (I am presenting part of his article; the entire piece can be seen on his link below.)
Can the Covid Vaccines Cause Psychosis, Delirium & Other Psychiatric Conditions? 29 Case Report Studies Suggest the Answer is YES!!
By Ashmedai May 29
Below are 29 case report studies documenting a variety of psychiatric conditions following covid vaccination.
(BW: Due to space constraints, I am only selecting a portion of Ashmedai’s collection. See the rest on his link.)
Case Report Study #2: First episode psychosis following receipt of first dose of COVID-19 vaccine: A case report, Grover et al
An 18 years old female student, without any past psychiatric (including the substance use disorders) or medical history, with no family history of mental illness, was brought to the emergency by family members for irrelevant talk and bizarre behavior. There was no past history of physical illness or substance use. Exploration of history revealed that the patient was apparently maintaining well before vaccination and there was no apparent psychosocial stressor prior to vaccination, nor did the patient have any vaccine hesitancy.
As per family members fever subsided the next day, but patient reportedly started to remain anxious. She was not able sleep at night, frequently woke-up, appeared fearful and would appear to be staring in between. She would keep on pacing around and would appear distressed. Over the next 3 to 4 days, she started to remain irritable, talk irrelevantly, try to run away from home, voiced delusions of persecution and reference, and reported visual hallucinations of seeing … and demons. As it became difficult to control her at home, she was brought to emergency for further management. There was no history of seizures, altered level of consciousness, use of any other medications, depressive features, and neurological deficits.
Case Report Study #5: Psychosis Associated With COVID-19 Vaccination, Aljeshi et al
The patient was a 20-year-old single woman in her final year of technical college, with no significant medical or psychiatric history and no family psychiatric history. She was brought to the emergency department by her family after having a single seizure-like episode at home preceded by a 4-week history of anxiety, sleep disturbance, and behavioral changes that started a few days after receiving the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
The patient reported feeling anxious and restless, having a reduced appetite, and hearing terrifying voices and seeing random people staring at her. She also complained of interrupted sleep with frequent nightmares and sleep terror.
While she was in the inpatient unit, she was noted to be aggressive against male hospital staff, which was clearly driven by her paranoid delusional beliefs. The olanzapine dose was gradually titrated to 25 mg/d. She became fully oriented to time, place, and person after a few days, but she continued to complain of auditory and visual hallucinations. Fourteen days later, her paranoia and suspiciousness, aggressiveness, and auditory and visual hallucinations started to improve. She remained in the hospital for a total of 28 days and was discharged home after complete remission of acute psychotic symptoms with some residual symptoms, mainly reduced concentration and motivation.
Case Report Study #6: First Episode Psychosis Following COVID-19 Vaccination: a Case Report, Renemane et al
A 45-year-old single Caucasian male without past medical and psychiatric history visited the outpatient psychiatric clinic accompanied by his parents because of bizarre behaviour and an attempted suicide by hanging in the early morning of the visit day.
A month before the hospitalisation, he received the second dose of the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine and immediately developed total insomnia, unreasonable anxiety, and tremor. As a result, he contacted his family doctor who prescribed metoprolol 50 mg a day, phenibut 250 mg a day, zolpidem tartrate 10 mg a day, but this therapy did not help, insomnia and fear remained.
After 2 weeks, he “realized” that he had been “jinxed” as he found some white powder under the carpet in his apartment. From that moment, he became cautious, did not leave the apartment, and reported persecution. On the last day before his visit to the psychiatric clinic, the patient saw a man walking past the windows of his apartment and watching him. The patient described the thoughts in his head as not his own, giving him commands to observe the person on the street. He did not sleep that night and had a strong belief that he should commit suicide. He attached a rope, tried to hang himself, but his father stopped him. In the psychiatric department, he was found to be emotionally withdrawn, immersed in his experiences, hypomimic (he sat in one position, spoke very quietly, did not actively participate in the conversation, answered questions in monosyllables or in short sentences after a long pause). Correctly said his name, age, location but was disoriented to time. He reported that he was scared and full of fear. The patient had a decrease in concentration ability, his memory was not altered. The patient demonstrated poor insight but after an explanation agreed to proceed with the investigation and treatment.
Case Report Study #8: Post-COVID-19 vaccine acute hyperactive encephalopathy with dramatic response to methylprednisolone: A case report, Al-Mashdali et al
In this report, we describe a 32-year-old previously healthy man who developed acute confusion, memory disturbances, and auditory hallucination within 24 hours from getting his first dose of the COVID-19 Moderna vaccine.
A 32-year-old Asian male was brought to the emergency department by his neighbors on May 28th, 2021, because he was seen roaming around his apartment with confusion and agitation. Proper history could not be taken as he was disoriented and amnesic. However, he had no significant past medical history based on his electronic medical record and family information. Also, there was no history of psychiatric illnesses, alcohol use disorder, or other substances abuse. Interestingly, he received the first dose of SARS-Cov-2 vaccination (Moderna vaccine) on May 26th, 2021 (two days before the presentation), and that was the last time seen fine. Upon presentation, he was afebrile and vitally stable. The neurological examination was unremarkable, apart from agitation, disorientation to time, place, person, and memory disturbances.
During his hospital stay, he received a five-day course of ceftriaxone and acyclovir for suspected meningoencephalitis, but his disorientation and aggressiveness got worse. Additionally, he developed auditory hallucinations and abnormal behaviours. He received multiple doses of haloperidol and lorazepam and finally required bed restraints. Based on his clinical manifestations, autoimmune encephalitis was suspected, and empirical intravenous methylprednisolone (1 g/day) was started on day six of the hospital stay. After two doses of methylprednisolone, he showed a dramatic improvement and became able to understand and answer our questions. He confirmed that he started to develop forgetfulness and mood disturbance within 24 hours of receiving the covid-19 vaccine dose, but he did not remember what happened after that. CSF extensive workup for autoimmune encephalitis (including anti-aquaporin-4, anti-myelin basic protein, anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein, anti-NMDAR, anti-GAD, and other autoimmune encephalitis antibodies) was negative. He was discharged from the hospital after receiving three days of methylprednisolone. At follow-up in our outpatient clinic (one month after the discharge), he was asymptomatic and fully oriented.
Case Report Study #11: Cognitive deficits and memory impairments after COVID-19 (Covishield) vaccination, Chaurasia et al
We report a 65-year-old man who developed cognitive deficits and memory impairments following his first dose of Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine (Covishield) against 2019 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Patient was admitted to Bhawani Hospital and Research Centre after sudden memory loss lasted for a day. He was not oriented to time, place and person. He was unable to describe both short and long-term memory previously acquired. He received Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine 6 days back with no clinical neurological sign for first 5 days after vaccination. On examination his speech was of a non-fluent type characterized by isolated words. He was completely unaware of his presence in the hospital.
Case Report Study #13: Acute Psychosis Due to Anti-N-Methyl D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report, Flannery et al
We report the first known case of anti-NMDAR encephalitis after SARS-CoV-2 immunization in a young female presenting with acute psychosis, highlighting a rare potential immunological complication of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 that is currently being distributed worldwide.
A female in her 20's presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with a chief complaint of urinary frequency 1 week after receiving her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (Figure 1). The patient's family stated she had increasingly frequent bouts of anxiety, decreased mentally acuity, insomnia, and a fixation that she suffered from irritable bowels and kidney disease. She displayed waxing and waning hypochondriacal delusions that she had contracted COVID-19 and that “her body was shutting down.”
Case Report Study #20: First Episode of Psychosis Following the COVID-19 Vaccination - A Case Series, Borovina et al
Case #1:
The patient's unusual behaviour began within five days of being vaccinated with Ad26.COV2.S adenoviral vector vaccine. He became anxious, suspicious, paranoid, disorganised and complained of headaches.
Finally, two weeks after the COVID-19 vaccination, persecutory delusions and delusions of reference led the patient to suicide attempt by stabbing himself in the abdomen. After abdominal surgery, the patient was admitted to the Clinic of Psychiatry. In addition to paranoid delusions, the psychiatric evaluation revealed intrapsychic tension and low affect modulation.
After two weeks of treatment, the patient's condition improved enough to allow a psychological evaluation. It revealed mild depressive symptoms with suspected paranoid experiences. After 23 days of treatment in our Clinic, he was discharged without psychotic symptoms.
Case #2:
Five days after the second dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, he began to experience frontal headaches, pain in the left intercostal space, paresthesias on the left side of his body, as well as paranoid delusions and severe anxiety. The patient was examined several times by a neurologist. No neurological deficits were found on examination and diagnostic tests (including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain). Finally, he was admitted to the Clinic of Psychiatry due to psychotic symptoms and psychomotor agitation. In addition to the above symptoms, the psychiatric examination revealed a depressed, irritable mood and olfactory hallucinations.
Case #3:
Three days after receiving the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, the patient began to complain of headaches and paraesthesia in his legs. He also had syncope and was examined by a neurologist, who found no deficit. Two weeks later, he visited the psychiatric emergency room twice because of persecutory delusions and delusions of reference.
Due to the ongoing worsening of his psychotic symptoms, the patient was hospitalised in our Clinic a few days later. During the psychiatric evaluation, he was agitated, dysphoric, and paranoid.
After one month of hospitalisation, the patient was discharged with partial remission of his psychotic symptoms.
Here is Ashmedai’s original article, containing many more case studies:
Part 2) Dr. Jessica Rose analyzed VAERS to determine the frequency of reports of psychiatric illnesses following covid vaccination:
Psyche symptoms (hallucinations) in VAERS associated with COVID injections
Jessica Rose May 29
I was prompted by three separate meetings/events to investigate psyche symptoms in VAERS. The SAVAERS meeting I attended yesterday to hear Clare Craig speak was very informative, and one of the doctors (Dr. Botha) mentioned at the end during the question and answer period that she has seen a sportsman as a patient recently. This sportsman had recently been detailed with suicide watchers, since he reportedly had begun to hear voices telling him to off himself, shortly after one of his injections. This shocked me.
I am fascinated with neuropsychology - absolutely fascinated. This sounded like acute onset schizophrenia to me. But is that even a thing? Schizophrenia is thought to be primarily inherited, isn’t it? How would acute onset even occur? After Dr. Botha’s account, Clare herself said she heard exactly the same story from someone she knew! South Africa and the UK are pretty far away, aren’t they? What could be the commonality here?
I then got two more indications that I had to check out what the most recent VAERS data was revealing with regard to psyche symptoms. My query included the keywords: "psych", "schiz", "halluc", "delus", "visions", "voices", "suicid" and "mania", "dreams", "seiz", "conscious", "memory" and "depress". I wanted to start broad, hence why I included seizures and depression.
Guess how many reports the query returned? 54,905. I was not expecting that. No under-reporting factor. The data is distributed like this:
(BW: I apologize for the blurry labels on the graphs. They are a corrected set and will hopefully be replaced with a clearer version very soon.)
Something notable here is that there is a clustering around the younger folks (12-39). This is not usual, and I have only seen this in the context of syncope and specific cardiac malfunctions (myocarditis). So this indicates that reporting rates of psyche symptoms, seizures and depression are higher in young people.
I wanted to see how many of these reports were being specifically made in reference to hallucinations (auditory and visual) and suicide, to see just how common this extraordinarily uncommon ‘side effect’ was in VAERS.
The number of reports of hallucinations and suicide as separate queries are N = 2,995 and N = 924. Reports of depression as an adverse event are at a staggering N = 11,187. Notably, only 28% of these individuals had a reported history of depression.
Let’s dig one level deeper into those hallucinations: how many auditory and how many visual. How many people were on risperidone or other anti-psychotics like halperidol, loxapine or thorazine?
261 reports (~9%) involved auditory hallucinations and 415 (~14%) involved visual hallucinations. Of these subgroups, only 5 (1.9%) and 2 (0.5%) had reported histories of either auditory or visual hallucinations, so this indicates new onset. Only a single person was taking the anti-psychotic risperidone, so not a lot to talk about with regard to pre-conditions.
What would explain this? According to WebMD, the most common causes of hallucinations are the following:
Now, I make the case that this is not schizophrenia due to the fact that hallucinations are one symptom associated with schizophrenia but not necessarily a defining feature. So what induces hallucinations? Exogenous agents like LSD and Psilocybin can induce hallucinations but these are always transient. Well, unless you have constant exposure to them. Are the reported hallucinations experienced by these individuals transient? And how long after injection did the hallucinations begin?
The percentage of reports of hallucinations filed within 24 hours of injection is very high at 76%, when compared to other AEs such as suicide, whereby the percentage of reports filed within 24 hours is 53%. This is in-and-of-itself an interesting observation. It is also interesting to me that a little more than half (60%) of the reports were made following dose 1 with 72% of these reports made within 24 hours. That is odd to me. What is in these shots?
The duration of the hallucinations is a tough one to ascertain from the VAERS data, even with the SYMPTOM_TEXT free text information. If these hallucinations are transient, then I would be inclined to believe that something exogenous in the shots was inducing this effect. But, my intuition is telling me that these hallucinations are the result of some kind of neuro-degeneration induced by the shots, which could either be the result of spike protein being attacked and brain cells getting caught in the cross-fire (or directly), or prions. What I can’t explain yet is why there is such a high percentage of reports following dose 1, especially if this is neuro-degeneration? These ideas seem to conflict. Ideas and explanations more than welcome.
Here’s a list of WebMD’s prion disease symptoms:
Indeed, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease is associated with visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations.
Demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease are also both associated with hallucinations and psychosis.
I don’t really have a good answer yet to the question: What’s causing people to hallucinate very shortly after being injected with the COVID shots. But one thing is for sure, this is very concerning and I believe that these reports are just the tip of the iceberg.
I would love some feedback on this subject matter. Please, email me or tell me your stories in the comments.
(BW: The citations included in Dr. Rose’s original article, and the extensive comments, can be seen on her link below.)
I know of 3 people who experienced psychiatric symptoms with COVID prior to the rollout of the vaccine. These symptoms included emotional lability, forgetfulness, and one also experienced a chronic impending sense of doom. The symptoms eventually resolved for two of them using repurposed drugs (HCQ, IVM). The other got better too, but not sure of intervention.
The charts show blood transfusions, not some kind of psychosis. I'm confused.