I know of 3 people who experienced psychiatric symptoms with COVID prior to the rollout of the vaccine. These symptoms included emotional lability, forgetfulness, and one also experienced a chronic impending sense of doom. The symptoms eventually resolved for two of them using repurposed drugs (HCQ, IVM). The other got better too, but not sure of intervention.

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The charts show blood transfusions, not some kind of psychosis. I'm confused.

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Ty!! Dr. Rose said that it was an auto-error in the labeling of the graph (because of the previous query she had done.) She is going to fix the label and I will update my article with her correction.

Thanks so much for pointing it out.

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You're welcome. Baruch hu!

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Dr. Rose made the correction to her graph BUT she is not at her regular computer right now. The picture I took of her graph is not the clearest, but I posted it. Hopefully she will be able to send me the original later.

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