Updated January 30 with another story. 😰
Updated January 20 with new VAERS data.
A surge in unexplained deaths of healthy children should be all over the news. We would logically assume that there would be major criminal investigations to see if there’s any connection to a new pharmaceutical product that recently started being administered to children. There is nothing more important than our childrens’s lives, right?
Wrong. No investigation, and mainstream media isn’t reporting it. So we have to.
Keep in mind that whatever I’ve come across is just a tiny drop in the bucket of children’s covid-vax induced tragedies.
Part 1: This heartbreaking documentation of two children who died before their parents even became aware that they’d quietly gotten vaccinated was put together by Amalya, a wonderful woman on my groups.
These parents found out AFTER their children died that they had secretly gotten the covid shots on their own, in order to be able to participate in activities they enjoyed.
FOUND OUT HIS SON GOT THE SHOT, AFTER HIS FUNERAL: Dan Hartman’s hockey-loving son died from Pfizer, yet told very little about what happened. The Ontario dad wants answers about the sudden death of his precious baby Sean. ❤️🩹
Ontario Minor Hockey Assoc. implemented a policy requiring that players 12 and over take the new covid experimental shots. Sean took Pfizer last August in order to continue playing, as hockey was his passion, and there is no minimum age of consent under the Health Care Consent Act. Youth of Sean’s age can get shots without parental knowledge.
“August 25 he took Pfizer, then August 29 to the ER, brown circles around his eyes, rash, vomiting,” Hartman said. “Dr. sent him home with only Advil, ER doctor didn’t do two blood tests he should have. Morning of Sept. 27, Sean was found dead on the floor beside his bed.” ❤️🩹
Trista wanted to go to a concert.
She instructed her friends not to tell her parents she got vaccinated in order to attend.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022, Trista Deane Martin died of “cause unknown.” She was 18.❤️🩹
Her parents found out she got the shot at her funeral.
Link to Amalya’s article:
Part 2: A friend of mine has a sister in the Charleston area of South Carolina. Her sister - let’s call her Gina - is friendly with four families in her area who have each lost a healthy young child to cardiac arrest in approximately the past month.
The children were all between 4 and 12 years old.
Their parents were all pro the covid vaccine. However, Gina is not comfortable asking the parents directly for confirmation that they vaccinated their children.
Two of the children who experienced cardiac arrest had been in the hospital shortly beforehand - one for removal of her tonsils, and one for a dog bite.
We can speculate about what injections they may have received at the hospital, (or what the pre-op requirements were for the tonsillectomy), but we don’t know.
The most recent story was just last week. A four year old girl was playing outside and suddenly dropped down. Her parents rushed her to the hospital, but she died.
Gina wonders whether one of the “hot lots” was sent to her area, as there have also been a spate of sudden young adult cardiac arrest deaths around her.
I wish that I could bring you direct testimony, but this is all I have, as Gina has dealt with personal tragedy recently and isn’t up to going public. (Her own husband was a victim of “covid hospital protocol” and died.)
Gina noted that the parents apparently aren’t making any connections over here. It is she herself, who is aware of the problems with the shots, who saw four healthy young children that she knows personally pass away suddenly recently from cardiac arrest, knows that this is definitely not normal, and cannot help but connect the dots.
Part 3: Mark C. Miller brought us this:
As noted in our latest posts about those “dying suddenly” worldwide, last week’s toll included thirteen adults in Brazil, among them actress/singer Cindy Mendes, star footballer Roberto Dinamite, vocalist Renhatino and legendary surfer Marcio Freire; and, as well, a policeman, a city councillor, a municipal Secretary of Culture, a bus driver, a bus passenger and a 67-year-old man waiting in a train station.
And now comes word—and video—of an 8-year-old boy dying in the street, some four months after his last “vaccination”:
Enzo Gabriel, 8 years old, from Campo de Brito, near Itabaiana/SE, [in Brazil], died on 01/16/23, after doing a short run, suffering a sudden illness and falling. According to testimonies from neighbors, he had taken the last dose approximately 4 months ago.
Part 4: Two year old Elizabeth Rose Ragonese died within 24 hours of receiving both the covid and flu shots.

Part 5: If you think that perhaps the above are unique cases, or you discount them as anecdotal, here is the children’s covid-shot death and serious adverse event count from the CDC’s own warning system, VAERS. (And remember that these unnecessary tragedies represent only a tiny fraction of the death and disability happening to children. The vast majority of vaccine-related incidents go unreported, as a Harvard study proved.)
This search, which I just ran at (a helpful search engine for VAERS) shows 179 deaths of children up to and including 17 years of age soon after covid vaccination.
There are various estimates of what the underreporting factor for the covid shots actually is. None of the experts say it’s less than 30. So let’s multiply 179 by 30 to get the lowest possible number of covid vaccine related child deaths. It is 5,370.
That fits in with the explosion in the sales of child-size caskets which we heard about already last summer:
Here is the case count on VAERS for serious adverse events in children through 17 years of age after covid vaccination:
You can do the math yourself - multiply 5,391 serious adverse events reported by the minimum underreporting factor of 30, to see that at least 161,730 children have suffered serious harm from the covid “vaccines.”
If you want to know in how many cases the harm to the children was permanent, I ran a search for “disabled.”
When multiplying by the minimum underreporting factor, the mind-boggling total of children’s disabilities following covid injection is 17,220.
Anyone still administering these shots is a murderer. Period.
Please share. Hopefully with your help, this will reach some people who really need to know.
I don't understand why so many adults are totally complacent about this crime against our children. Their apathy is so infuriating. It's impacting the way I see old friends and relatives who seem more interested in the daily trivia than in fighting back or in educating themselves and others.
Thank you for your tireless efforts to report the truth.