I don't understand why so many adults are totally complacent about this crime against our children. Their apathy is so infuriating. It's impacting the way I see old friends and relatives who seem more interested in the daily trivia than in fighting back or in educating themselves and others.

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Thank you for your tireless efforts to report the truth.

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Words fail - not just at witnessing the horror, but also at the equanimity of most people living through this horror in denial.

My only solace: my miraculous wife; learning from ancient Jewish texts about the ongoing war; the comfort of Tehiliym; and the virtual camaraderie many of us have established.

Tehiliym 20:10 "Save, HaShem; may the King answer us on the day we call"; 27:14 "Hope to HaShem - be strong and encourage your heart, and hope to HaShem"; 29:11 "May HaShem give strength to His people, may HaShem bless His people with peace."

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I know a 56 yr old woman who died this past December in her sleep. Cause of death on the death certificate: Systolic Cardiomyopathy Coronary Artery Disease. The drs said she had it her whole life.

Yeah, right. She was very healthy, not over wieght and worked out every day and, also, vaccinated. I also know many people who are vaccinated that have gotten COVID recently. In addition, my 36 yr old cousin was diagnosed with breat cancer 3 mos after being vaccinated. I realize the article is about children dying suddenly but I think at this point we all know someone who has died or become ill after getting the vaccine. I feel as though I am walking on eggshells and don't know who will be next in my circle of family and friends.

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My heart is breaking.... 💔

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When they came for the kids and the babies is when I imagine a lot got a wake up call.

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I don't know if 20 y/o qualifies as a "child", but it really doesn't matter. A good friend of my son was found dead in his bed in the morning of Jan. 6. My son had seen him the night before at about 12 PM and he seemed perfectly healthy. I don't know the parents, and I can't say for sure that he had the shot, but things like this were unheard of only 2 yrs. ago. This is murder!

After I wrote this, I decided it would be valuable to "flesh out" this report with a few details to make it more real and hopefully, a merit for the person. My son's friend was named Naftali Yaish, and my son knew him for almost 2 years. Naftali had the singular merit to have saved the lives of many of the boys in the school where he and my son studied in May of 2021. He lived in the same town as the school's location, so he slept at home, but most of the boys slept in a dormitory. One night, an unknown electrical failure caused the entire structure to catch fire, and probably would have caused the deaths of some of the boys who were sound asleep, but for some reason, Naftali woke up at 4:00 in the morning and decided to walk over to the dormitory. When he saw the fire, he awakened all the boys, and no one was hurt, as far as I know, although there was tremendous property damage. (My son happened to have spent the night at home with us in a different city.)

I'm sure there is much more to say about Naftali, but I hope that this one story will convey the great loss of his passing.

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Omg Baruch Dayan Emes, what a terrible tragedy!!! 😰😭😱

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I just don’t know what to say about this continuing tragedy anymore. I never imagined people would be so passive when it came to their own children. Something really evil must be going on in a society which continues to tolerate this situation.

My daughter gave birth to my first grandchild two weeks ago. The checks and monitoring that goes on is incredible (I would say excessive) far more than when I had my children. 30+ years ago yet I don’t believe we would have tolerated these deaths back then. Everything is upside down!

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I agree with you 100%. I believe that the excessive checks and monitoring in pregnancy are $$ based. And the reason that more doctors aren’t speaking up about the shots likely boils down to the same thing. 😥 Fear of losing their livelihood. Aside from those who are still completely blinded.

Congratulations on your new grandchild!

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NZ government has been sitting on evidence that vaccinated kids are 40x more likely to be hospitalised with covid than their unvaccinated counterparts yet they have done nothing. https://madmackiwi.substack.com/p/massive-excess-covid-hospitalisation

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A little off-point but important. The orthodox family that was barred from seeing a very sick relative on a ventilator as well as barred from moving the patient from Mt. Sinai Hospital due to "COVID rules" is finally being allowed just to see the relative. This may seem like a "happy ending," but the whole "story" should not have happened in the first place: https://vinnews.com/2023/01/19/breaking-mt-sinai-reverses-decision-grants-visitation-rights-to-family-of-impaired-patient/

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I just read the story. Unbelievable! Many hospitals have clearly set a goal of murdering elderly or disabled patients. Hard to believe but there’s no other possible conclusion after reading stories such as this (and knowing similar ones that my friends or I have assisted with.)

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Thank you for bringing the specific case details to people's attention. You are obviously a major figure in the increasing number of truth warriors making this information available to people like me who have been trying on a humble local basis to alert people in the local community to the absolute dangers of mRNA and Adenovirus Vector "vaccines".

I live in Northern Tasmania, Australia and the media here is totally "captured" by the lying narrative.

There are injuries everywhere now from observable evidence and anecdotally, but the States and Federal Governments push the "safe and effective" vaccine narrative relentlessly, even though vax recipient numbers have dropped anyway. The town I live in has a population of only 90,000 with one Public Hospital, but ambulance emergencies have at least quintupled on a daily basis since "vaccine" rollouts.

Anyway thank you immensely for your work.🙏

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But the chart has 18-29 year olds, but author says 18 and under. ?

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Thanks a million for letting me know. I realized that the issue is that VAERS has the ages broken down by categories and 18 was part of the higher age bracket. I ran new searches for under 18 and posted the new pictures and calculations considering the underreporting factor.

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Thank you for pointing that out. I searched for under 19 years old and indeed that is what the header says on the top. I did not even realize that they included a section of 18-29 year olds as well; I don’t know why. So I need to recalculate everything excluding those numbers. Ty!

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The reason so many parents are being complacent is because if they truly admit to themselves and others that this is really happening to the kids, then they will have to own their part in hurting their own children. They just don't want to know/deal with the fact that they put their own children in harms way and played a part in their demise. Their guilt would overwhelm them so they choose not to recognize the facts.

All of this is just devastating for everyone!! Pharma, government and anyone else pushing these poisons on us and our kids should rot in hell. Greedy, power hungry, horrendous people!!

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This is some positive news about kids and nothing to do with out topic, so it's a "positivity break." This (I assume) non-Jewish singer and voice coach just gave a super-glowing analysis of the Miami Boy's Choir video that went viral on tiktok. Nice to see that people can be nice to each other! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW2CRRYsdJA

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Where can someone get your books?

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I have a few copies left of Look Before You Leap. It was distributed for free. If you are local in Brooklyn you can pick it up. Or I can send you a PDF. I must admit though that it has not been updated since August 2021.

I also have a booklet called Wake Up My People which is recent.


Please email me directly to arrange. Thank you so much for your interest!

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