Someone emailed me this comment. I haven’t researched it, but it seems important to share:

“May I suggest adding folinic acid (as folate) to your protocol. We need the proper folic acid to repair, and those of us who have mthfr can't process the folic acid that's used in our enriched food products. (Nor the standard one in the multi vitamins/prenatal.) A good company is kovite, or L.A. naturals.”

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Brucha, you are a blessing. If I may add a few more helpful supplements/ideas:

1) Zeolite powder: zeolite powder (not the liquid or nano form - they are either inadequate and/or synthetic and no long term studies have been done on them so the synthetic ones could be problematic in the future) helps make the body alkaline, it may help with cancer because it enters the cells and turns on the cancer suppressing gene P21, it scavanges throughout the body and binds to many different types of toxins that are positively charged (heavy metals, glyphosate, mold, spike proteins, lipid nanoparticles, graphene oxide, flouride, etc) and removes them from the body and does a whole lot more to help the body. It binds to and removes toxins gently [proper dosing is essential so not to have a herxheimer reaction and for it to work gently - zeolite dosing dot com. If not enough is taken (you don't titrate up with zeolite but rather, take the highest dose you can tolerate right off the bat based on your dosing needs), you might have a herxheimer reaction.

2) Intermittent fasting: Intermittent fasting helps the body to break down damaged cells.

3) Juicing: Chrisbeatscancer.com is an excellent resource with many stories of people who have beaten cancer with juicing fresh vegetables especially carrots.

4) I'm still learning about chlorine dioxide but it might be a helpful supplement, as well. Along, with 1 & 2 above, it's helpful to detox from the shots. Methylene blue, which I'm researching as well, is supposed to be helpful for removal of the rubbery clots and possibly healing from the shots, too. I'd be curious to find out it's affect on cancer cells. There might be some issues with methylene blue increasing serotonin and dopamine in the body. So anyone who might have issues eliminating these neurotransmitters (certain genetics can make it difficult for some) or who is on an SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - ie, Prozac, etc.) should due their research on methylene blue prior to taking it.

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Fascinating ideas, thank you so much!

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You're welcome. I'm so impressed by your perseverance and all that you've put together. I've been putting together a list of supplements to send to those people I know (including those that you published in November, if that's ok with you) who have been inoculated and for shedding. It just seems like most people aren't interested. It's so time consuming to curate all this information and wonder if I should keep at it. It's very draining, too, knowing that it could be for naught since people aren't responding to me when I email them. I keep going back and forth as to whether people who don't respond to me are worth the time. And, then there are those few who do take your suggestion and don't thank you for literally either improving or saving their lives. I'm truly besides myself at this point with all these selfish people. How do you keep at it?

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Thank you! Being on Substack and on groups of likeminded people helps a lot. There, you connect with people who appreciate the information and you know they’ll share it with others. Maybe you should start a substack! Seriously.

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ana mihalcea recommends methylene blue and has some interesting protocols here as well https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/my-interview-with-jane-mclelland

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GREAT resources! Thank you.

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